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Final Quest Exodus - The Paths of Destiny Walkthrough

Final Quest Exodus - The Paths of Destiny

Final Quest Exodus: The Paths of Destiny is another brain teaser and challenging online riddle game developed by from author of Last Enigma riddle game. "Player must find the answer to each level to go on to the next level. For each level the way to solve the problem is varies. Sometime it may involves outside source eg. Search Engine or downloading files. Password will be in non-caps lock , non-space bar and non-special symbol. Don't fear to use your I.Q. , Knowledge, Imagination, resourcefulness and be observant!!" Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by faltunam]

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stuck in lvl 5.
4514 not working

@Roberto, read the source, it tells you what to do.

make the numbers letters.

got it!
lvl 7 now.

yeah, a new one!!!
Hello to you all, trying to catch up!

hi chipsi. waiting for you on lvl 8.

Is the alphabet on level 11 Thai?

is level 9 a trick question or a large calculation

It's a trick question.

hint for lvl 8?

@small-tool, it's Thai, but not letters.

Thanks Charlie,
I just found out, but having problems with the 3rd symbol on the first line. Can't figure out the number.

Look at your keyboard.

I can't even do #2. I can view the source and it says the answer is river, but river doesn't work....

river works. click above imager after submite your answer.

POP...just changed the url...

Thanks for the hint.

I don´t get lvl 9. Any hint please?

I`m no good at this.
Stuck again in lvl 10.

42 years are too much for mimi.

Yes i know, but what to enter as solution? english is not my native language...

POP got it!!

now stuck with you on 10 roberto

For level 10.
Download the picture and look in properties.

thanks st. That was difficult.

what means "look in properties"

@Horst, Rechtsklick auf Bild, dann Eigenschaften, Dateiinfo

I looked in the source, opened the image from there, but no further idea...

Horts K.
If you have downloaded the picture then you can right-click it for a menu and there choose properties and go to the second tab.
In German properties is probably Eigenschaft or Merkmal.

Cant translate those thai numbers.

but i don´t have options (Eigenschaften) after a right click

thx small-tool. now i have to find a way to download the image...

Yeah... that worked! Thanks!!

stuck on lvl 10. I downloaded the picture an looked at properties but there isn´t anything that looks like the password or a hint for the password. What do I miss?

OMG I think, I´ll give up on these thai-numbers.

Chipsi, under details there is a comment! in the forest, you find the - - - - - .

I think I have the right numbers and I did the math (added them all together, although I don't know why there's a + on the third and the fifth row) and now what?

@Horst: there is no comment for me under details, there´s just everything empty:(

Chipsi nach dem Download öffne das Bild mit dem Windows-Fotoanzeiger, rechtsklick und dann Eigenschaften.

Unter dem Reiter "Details" findet du den Kommentar.

Horst, das hab ich gemacht, aber bei mir steht da nichts, nur unter Bild, die Abmessungen und Pixel und der Rest ist einfach leer, nix bei titel, Thema, Bewertung, Markierungen und Kommentare.

Chipsi, hast du denn nach Öffnen der Eigenschaften die 4 Reiter: Allgemein, Sicherheit, Details, Vorgängerversionen ?

For level 11,

It's 7 (long) numbers to add up.

Did that Edgar and then?

Then A=1, b=2...

Well, I'm at work now. Stuck in #13 with Jason and sucking as usual at rebus...

Have to leave now. bye all and good luck!!

Nein, hab nur drei: Allgemein, Sicherheit und Details, mir ist schon klar, wo´s stehen sollte nur leider bei mir nicht

chipsi, hast du das bild heruntergeladen?

i got a result on lvl 11, but i suppose its wrong, since i get no word from it...can someone tell the number?

Ja, habs mittlerweile zum 10ten mal runtergeladen, hab sogar aus lauter Verzweiflung den Browser gewechselt. Bis jetzt noch kein Erfolg, liegts an meinem PC?

The problem with A=1 etc on level 11 for me is I don't know when to pick a letter.
For example 11 could be A, A or just a K?

Number for lvl #11 should be 5132118715

This comment has been removed by the author.

@small-tool: thank you very much.

got it

Yep, that's what I have too Edgar.

@chipsi, I'm confused, if you have it downloaded you don't need to change the browser. Do you really have the picture on your desktop?

OK, s-t. Posted that for Špela to compare.

tnx Edgar
i had the last two numbers wrong...but i still dont get any word...i guess i have the same problem as s-t...

@charlie, yes I really have it on my desktop, but don´t get the information. Don´t know why. May be it is a security problem?

Do I just have to try randomly picking one or two-digit numbers? and is it an anagram aftter that?

ok finnaly got it...s-t, you dont have to anagram the letters...just try to compose a word that makes sense...

No anagram... Randomly? That could be a way, yes...

Big hint for you:
...118... = ...AR...

Thank you very much, that did it.
On 12 now.

Any hints on 12? the source code tells me nothing, since they are all the same to me...=)

There's a font (lettertype) in the source.

Well, for 12. Other than stuff like pic name and level title, there's nothing useful that can be got from the source... you know, things you can actually get without going there.

...and that's all the clues you need.

I haven't got (can't find) the second font.
Translated the first sentence, but can't do the the second (I mean line 3 and 4 on the picture).

@s-t, try this:

Got an egg on 13 when searching for the movie that the left poster refers to. Now trying to find the real answer.

Lines 3 and 4 is the very same font...

Thanks guys, was looking for another font, never thought of numbers.

I played it a few month ago and I remember how I solved 13. I got two eggs and put the words together for the final answer (Lucky for me I wrote that down).
I know my first word began with an f and it's still working. But my second word, beginning with a p, is not working anymore.

@Charlie, I got the first one. Is the second one about the same "kind" of an answer? If so, does it have to be with the color or the element itself?

@charlie, the "f"-word is the one I found. It's a phobia.

POP...misspelled one letter.

For 12 do I have to add and use the result as letters
Or do I have to make the new number letters and combine it with the previous word?

Look at wiki. It's another word for the same thing. Change the first e into an a.

@s-t, make a new number, then at the end a new word.

Thank you @Charlie!! A typo, eh?

Thanks @Charlie! I'm not very fond of spelling mistakes in the passwords. Got the other word now.

Level 14 now :)

i guess my calculator is broken...i got the number 6726848221 and cant get any words from it...

Well I guess I'm doing everything wrong.
The first was 5132118715
and the new number is 1594729506.
If I add those two I get
And I can't make a word out of that.
(Btw. will delete this).

No need to delete s-t. You're right... you're doing it wrong.

First number is wrong.

@st, your second number is correct but the first isnt.

@spela, not the correct number... don't use the previous number, but go to another lvl with almost the same title.

I'm stuck on 14...made a word out of the 2 pictures, but only got an egg which tells me to associate it with the number...no idea what that means.

I cant even make a word of the two pics in 14. Is it a market place?


tnx Ellie, i get it now...but im giving up since i didnt write down the previous answers and im not in the mood to do it again to find the right lvl...
good luck!

One pic shows a wall and the other a market. I left out a few letters and got a big supermarket chain.

Got the egg now Charlie, now trying to find the real answer. Googled wall + market and first result gave it to me.

Thanks @Charlie! Got the egg too now.

Got it!

The picture are just the hint for what we are looking for: a big supermarket chain. Doing the basics with the numbers and a wiki page gave me the right one.

ok here i go again will try to catch you guys up, hi s-t, ellie where is mkganda

All I can think of is a motto... obviously wrong, hm...

Hi @bigtank!! Welcome here :D
@charlie, still didn't find the answer... googling the number and the chain.

Oops, I was wrong, it's the same chain, just another name for it in another country.

Well, this is my last attempt and then I'm giving up too.
I now have 22112911420 and can't get a word from it, so it's probably wrong.

Level 15 now! LOL, needed a little anagram for 14 :P

s-t, number is finally correct. Now pick up your (not-anagrammed) word from it.

Don't solve the math! Just make 2 numbers out of the first term and then use all. 4 letters.

ooh...a new riddle! Just starting...

Hi everyone! :D

@st, go to the other lvl with almost the same title.
Use the pw there to make another number.
Do the addition and then get a word.

Hi @mk!!!

Have to go now, but will take a look at the hints for the next levels later ;)

Good Luck!

My turn to leave as well. @mk... HI!!!!!

Thanks @charlie! I didnt think of using ONLY what I got from the numbers. On 15!

Sorry @st, didnt see your number was correct. Good thing Edgar told!

Thanks Edgar, but like I said in my previous post I can't make a word of it, so I'm obviously too stupid for this and give up.
Good luck all and have fun.

Lol, 15 was easy... its true... just read!

@st, don't give up now! The word has 7 letters. 22=V

@st, and no anagram needed!

Moving right along...hope to catch up soon. :)

anyone give me a clue for number 9 i can make no sense of it and if s-t is giving up already this must be a tough riddle

@bigtank, that creature didnt live that long, so not many at all... write the answer with letters, not a number.

nvm i got the anser just did not notice the screen had changed

I'm fearing I will need to find a .rar file on 16, but can't. I know I never managed to do that in enigma either.

where do i download the image of 10 to, i hope this is not going to be technical i don't do technical

@bigtank, not technical for 10. Just save it on your desktop or somewhere. Then rightclick and view properties.

no thats not working i can not right click on it

@bigtank, if you right click the image in the lvl, can you "save it as..." ? Then, you should be able to right click it from your desktop too to view properties.
I don't know if it helps if I give you the image here.
You still need to save it. I could write you an email.

these numbers on 11 are irritating. 3 long numbers would suffice, don't you think? Anyway, 3rd one not on any lists I've found. :s

@mk, actually I cheated on that lvl and read the comment from Edgar at 3/15/11 9:55 AM...

3rd and 7th in 1st set of numbers.

ok got thanks onto 11

Getting tired of lvl 16. Can't find the font/alphabet for the pic. Hence... can't combine it with the clue below and cant get a .rar file.
I tried the pic name but it didn't help me.

Thanks @Ellie! I'll check it out. :)

Hi @bigtank! :)

Need to go to the store now. Please solve lvl 16 and leave some great hints! :D

got it. Thanks for that post @Edgar and thanks @Ellie for pointing me there. 12...


Just starting and stuck on lvl 6.
Just don't know how to 'walk' the grid.
A hint please?

gotta go for a few. BB :)

@ZA Look at your keyboard :) (numbers)


What do you mean. Can you be more specific?

Back for a minute but will need to eat.

@ZA, use your numbpad. Imagine you start in the middle = number 5. Which way would a number 6 be? Number 2? etc.

OMG I have seen the light ;-)
It is SO easy .. only if you see it ....
thanks Mkganda

And dont forget to read the "x=y-hint" in the source.

Lvl 6

The first number gives you the direction on the numpad (look at arrow); the second one is the amount of steps you have to take ....

ok onto 13 is it the name of the film with the level number in it

Thanks Ellie for you explanation ...

@bigtank, look for a fear (phobia). Two different answers, but the second is spelled wrong. Look at Charlies comment from 3/15/11 10:40 AM.

Yw @ZA! I saw you got it before my post :)

Really gonna have some food now lol.

fear of what , got fear of friday 13 ?

Okay, I'm back. Well, kind of lol...

cmon mk i need your help, i think there is only us here ,

stuck on 13 - i have the 2 words as i got the 2 eggs. now how am i supposed to put them together?

Okay, bigtank, back for real now. Working on 12.

oooh leni how did you get the eggs

Still eating here but checking on you lol.

@bigtank, you have the right kind of fear, but you need to google for other words for it. There are two words that will each give you one egg.

@Leni, just use the two words together as password.

@bigtank did you find out the name of the movie? if yes, do a wiki-search. when i tell you that i thank the inventor of copy&paste for the eggs, you should know which words they are ;) don't forget what was said earlier, there's a typo in the 2nd word!

i tried ellie, but didn't work! is the combined password with typo, too?

ok so i have to put in the f-word and the p-word as one long password without any space including the typo for the p-word?? doesn't work for me. what did i get wrong?

oooooomg i'm so dumb... got it!

@leni, when you enter the words you have, you see other words above the pic right? The "egg-words". You need to combine THOSE. Pw is s*****b*****.

got the egg for the f word but can not get the p word to work even when i change the a

Lol @Leni! Congrats! Please, help on 16!!!

@bigtank, its the 7th letter in the word that should be an A. Try again. I'm looking at the word the way it's spelled in the wiki page.

ty ellie that got it , i was changing the first a ?

okay 14...hint on the typo is priceless. For a word like that, kind of a big mistake in the game.

lol Ellie, thx! sometimes it just helps to get up and leave your laptop for a few minutes. but I'm afraid that doesn't work on 16 - i come up blank here

What am I missing on 14? Got the chain and saw the hint about using first bit of equation as 2 #s, letter conversion, and anagram, but ab, aa? Don't know what I need. :s

ok why can i see nothing on 14 help

lol...wiki and got it. nvm :)



Does this mean I caught up?

for 16, any idea what is meant by 15th key?

u did mk, congrats :)

bigtank, a wall plus a market... which big supermarket chain comes to your mind when you put the words together?

nvm got 14 onto 15

ok i googled the name of the picture and 15th key and have kind of an idea now... but not leading me anywhere

@leni, I googled it and got that eunochian key is the 15th key, but I can't make any use of that. I don't know the "picture" part of all this. So very stuck!

push on 15 just jibberish to me

@bigtank, phonetic language.

i guess we're talking some kind of black magic/diabolic death thing on 16, lol

@leni, maybe so, but the text below the pic tells us to use the pic + 15th key (whatever those two could be) then "dot rar" = a .rar file I think. Still didn't find it though.

the picture is zaiphon which is "magic" in 07-Ghost, right? Could we be talking about a magic trick?

The "fifteenth key" is also included in a magical library?

reading the clues for 16 over at nordinho, but not getting them lol. but ellie, you were right - we need to find sth to download

lol..should really learn to refresh first before posting. At least we're all on the same page.

I'm so glad you're there to solve this one because I cant!! Tried so many things now but no success.

at nordinho they say they've converted the letters on the pic, then found what's disappeared/left out.

Well, its just for us to convert the letters then... I tried to find a good alphabet/font, but no success :(

have no idea how to find the alphabet of the picture

Hi all! I'm back in the game. Will start to look at that fearful 16 now...

this is an alphabet from the series.

http://media.photobucket.com/group/image/zaiphon/QPQWQT8Y6A/zaiphon.png this should be the alphabet translation but the picture doesn't open for me... maybe it works for somebody else?

Great @mk!! Ehm... from what series?? The pic name?? Will come back soon, need to leave for a short while.

One of us may need to join this group to get it. Working on that now. Tipped off by a clue on Nord about joining it.

Great @Leni!! It opens for me, but still need to leave for a min.

Nevermind. The rar we get from the clue is the alphabet, but I may join and get it that way anyway lol. Easier?

there you go!!! http://fate322.forumotion.com/t11-zaiphon-translation

i don't get any words from this...

Leni's pic didn't open for me, but got this one other:

Click here to see Zaiphon alphabet

...which is actually from the same site, thanks leni!

by "what's left out", could it be that they mean a-e-i-o-u? don't know the generic term for those letters in english

for what's left out, i get acghilmt but won't anagram

I've got all consonants too.

actually, I've got vowels. hmm...

@Leni, almost the same here, but could find the G in the pic, but no E instead... Still, not anagramming anything with sense :(

there is a g in the second word. I thought it was an s too, but g is smaller and very similar.

have a word now, but doesn't work as solution

I have acefjhm, but nothing.

I got acehjlm left out, but no anagram. Changing them to numbers doesn't help me to make new letters either.

yes i found that out. but nevertheless, even without the G no password even though the word anagrams

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