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Firebug Room Escape Walkthrough

Firebug Room Escape

Firebug Room Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by IchWillSpielen. Try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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first in?

Screwdriver under cabinet next to the door.

hello a sd under cd next door

Knife behind left door of big brown with blue cupboard.

red key behind bed but cant reach it

Match under left side of couch.

and a knife to cd right second view

Red key behind bed...

I could just take that key!?
And thanks for finding it.

found match under couch i think and string in closet. magic match lit 2 of 3 candles. used awl to make hole in 3rd, but cannot light it with match.

then empty matchbook from left bedstand

String behind big blue pillow on the couch.

thanks s-t, don't know why i couldn't pick up key first time

used matchbook to light match

Use screwdriver and then string to fix third candle.

did anybody find a wick for the 3rd candle?

3 candles lit gives code.

used code from candles on closet door and got gascan

thnx @s-t... just what I needed :)

Code goes in big cupboard for gasoline.

Use knife twice in that with code opened cupboard/closet.

I wonder if the match will burn itself out...

you can use string on candle

Well, easy out after that.

Gasoline, but what for ?

Gasoline is for the bottles/vases on the cabinet next to the door.

after putting gas in all 3 vases, and lighting one vase got one number, but now my match is gone

use the pieces of wood to light the other vases.

got 2 burning wood chips, but can't seem to light the 2 remaining vases.

Hi all, loading up. Internet has been out of wack all week, so hopefully it loads while its still live.

where are the woods

@Mona - same here... been trying and trying (is there a trick?)

Well nevermind, looks like s-t is already out

see my post at 2:17 pm.

Well, I just played again.
If you use the match first the wood chips won't work anymore. THat's just stupid.
So first use the wood chips and then the match.

you are realy fast guys especially yoy small tool

Thank you, Small-Tool.
I have used the gasoline on the 3 vases, but I could use the match only on the first vase !

yep refreshed too, make sure you have burning wood chips and lit match and gas because if you leave view after putting in gas, vases wont light.

@s-t .. I tried that, but the game wouldn't let me put the gas into the other two vases unless I used the match in the smallest one (left to right) should I try right to left?

I'm about ready to just say what is the code?

       Anonymous  3/24/11, 2:35 PM  

I can't use match on third candle. String is in the candle, two other candles are burning, but something is missing!?!

thank you i try it before but nothing

random, use red key from behind bed on left nightstand to get matchbox from drawer.

That won't help, because the code only works after you've seen it.

The gasoline goes in every vase. You have to try a bit at the bottom. If it works you see little stars.

Btw. playing for the third time and found another bug. I could lit the match without the matchbox by just using it on the place in the inventory.

       Anonymous  3/24/11, 2:40 PM  

Mona, thanks! I missed the key.

OMG!! After restarting yet again... ouT!

Thank you sooooooo much.. did vases right to left using the chips first... ugh.

Yep, the only way to avoid the bug is to cut the wood chips first, light them on the candles and then go to the vases.
Make sure they all have gasoline and never leave that scene before you have all three burning or you encounter the bug. And use the wood chips first on the right and middle vase and the match last on the left vase.

Oops. My post from 2:37 PM was wrong.
I meant; use the gasoline on 'the top' of the vases, not the bottom.

Btw you can leave the scene after putting in gasoline without the bug, BUT NOT after lighting a vase.

did they put a bug in game cause its the firebug room

Oh.My.God will someone PLEASE post where they found these elusive wood chips?????

see my post at 2:17 pm.

@Abigail - look on the left side after you open tall cabinet for gas

Lol Crush.
That's probably the reason.

Now PLEASE tell me how in the world I missed that :( Thank S-T :)

sorry @s-t... my monitor sometimes make the time/date post so light you can barely see it (light script on light page thing)

i had match lit wood chips lit fill vases lit 5 vase with wud chip and could use other wud chip on either vases. so used match to get "a" and final wud chip didnt work f-kn bug. someone post damn code to see if it works w/o lighting 3rd vase

You missed it in the rush of the game and in the excitement of finding gasoline.

You're way too polite, no need for all those apoligies :)

The code only works after you've seen it. So sorry it won't help.
You have to use the wood chips on the right and middle vase, NOT on the left one.

LOL! Me thinks small-tool is a very smart person ;)

Hi all still live one?

ok thnx s-t

Can someone help with this code?
i got from the Vase 5 S a but is not working!

use 5aS capitalize"s"

Type it exactly as is.... 5 a S
Make sure you use a little 'a' and a capital 'S'

Screwdriver under cabinet next to the door.
Knife in brown with blue cupboard.
Match under left side of couch.
String behind big blue pillow on the couch.
Red key behind bed.
Use key in left nightstand to get matchbox.
Use match on matchbox.
Use screwdriver on right candle (candles above bed) and then the string in it.
Use burning match on candles above bed. Gives code 676
Code goes in brown white cupboard. Take gasoline and use the knife on the left side to cut off 'two' wood chips.
Lit the woodchips on the candles.
Use the gasoline on all 3 vases (on cabinet next to the door) (make sure you did all 3 of them).
Don't leave the vases view without get them all lit.
Use a burning wood chip on the right vase.
Use a burning wood chip on the middle vase.
And at last do the burning match on the left vase.
Then you see the code 5aS.
Use that on the right nightstand and you get the key for the door.

@ Crush thank you,i tryed lot of but not this

Great little game!

       Anonymous  3/24/11, 4:21 PM  

No need to restart if you do steps out of order. You can light wood chips from candles and proceed.

You can just go back to the cupboard where you got the wood chips and cut off some more! They just appear already lit in your inventory!

Never could see the key....game too dark...couldn't continue.

To small-tool:
Thanks for the walk-through, although I didn't need it in the end, thankfully. =) I did get stuck over the location of the wood chips, and your comment at 2.17 didn't make enough sense, which is very rare for you. There are four cupboard cabinets, and as I got into the cupboard with blue doors without using the knife [you seemed to be saying how to unlock it, with no reference to chips], I was hacking at all the others for ages, until michjean came to my rescue - thank you, michjean =)
Your walkthrough [@small-tool] clears that up, but in case anyone is still confused:
You use the knife twice once you are INSIDE the cupboard with blue doors.

The bug may be fixed now, as I wandered all over the place after filling the vases, and lit all three with no problem.

I felt strangely uncomfortable with the theme for this game, as my son was an accidental firestarter as a youngster, so it hit a dodgy nerve =P

Ah, my confusion is probably a language thing. Those "nightstands" are bedside cabinets in england =D

Sorry about the confusion Rookwings.
For me it's a language problem as well.
Neither American nor English is my first language.
So sometimes I mess up with describing things.
I thought I got away with it this time by using the phrase 'with code opened cupboard/closet', thinking there's only one cupboard/closet you open with a code. Never realised the nightstands (bedside cabinets) could be cupboards/closets as well.
Btw. I'm always having problems with those kind of furniture. I never know if I have to call it a closet, cupboard or cabinet and on the latest 123bee game Joeii even mentioned I had to use the word almirah instead of cupboard (never heard of that word, but I keep on learning).
Anyway, I always tried to write proper Brittish, but playing here on EG24 (with commenting) for about a year did mess up my use of language and I'm using more and more American terms and words instead of Brittish, and that's a pity because I love the colourful (not colorful), Shakespearing, Pythonesk, tongue in cheek Brittish language.

It was me having a dozy day, small-tool. I can normally work out what people mean when they don't quite use the "right" words or make typos, and, as I said before, I've never had a problem with anything you've said, as far as I can remember, so please don't take it to heart!
I was just explaining in case anyone else has a dozy day, too =P
By the way, I'm beginning to learn american too, haha. A lot of english peole don't even know there's a disruptive difference!
Having taught english [non-professionally], I sometimes flounder =)

There we go - PEOLE
I meant people, haha

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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