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Sakumoper - Escape Room 001 Walkthrough

Sakumoper - Escape Room 001

Sakumoper - Escape Room 001 is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Sakumoper. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem.Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


the word 左 on the note means left

Live, yay!
Thanks Shuchun!

Hi Shuchun & Judy

yay! My first time playing in weeks and I get a live one!

Hi Michelle
So I'm already stuck... (surprise)

I have the crazy note with the numbers and the symbol that Shuchun mentioned... found 2 equations (bed and curtain)... but nothing else

same here Judy

there's a box to the left of the desk with a star on it and 4735...

I have a note, some equations, a chair that moves and I am el stucko

looking for "4735" in the note but so far no luck....

can't figure out the code for the green box with a star on it next to the desk and the door

all that space for inventory and all I have is a measly note!

right where ur Judy, stuck with a note with #'s on it

I can tell you what the box code is NOT... it's not the time on the clock and it's not the answer to the curtain equation

and it's not the answer to the bed equation either...

well we're not getting very far, are we?

Well, the answer is obviously related to the note. Should we count numbers? Some of those numbers kinda look like other numbers.

hmmm, shannon... worth trying!

seems like we are all stuck in the same place

Well, I have to run and pick up the kids... hopefully y'all will have a spoiler for me when I get back! Good luck!!

what i don't understand is why we can move the chair and there's nothing under the desk

Judy, do you see the number shapes? THe 7's in the upper left corner look like the shape a 9. The bunch of 6's to the left make the shape of 4.

I opened the box!!!!!

shannon... yes, I was just going to post that the 5s on the right page (upper left corner) make an 8....

BRILLIANT Shannon!! Look only at the left side!



ahhhhhh.... me too!!!!

Too easy after that. :(

Kids can wait a minute!

wow, I'm out!

That was fun!


my code was 3813...

thanks shannon, Prufrock, and Michelle! It was fun!

yw Judy

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