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123Bee - Stationery Shop Escape Walkthrough

123Bee - Stationery Shop Escape

123Bee - Stationery Shop Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123bee. A boy goes to a stationary shop to buy books. It was almost late in the night. The shop keeper locks the door as he was unaware of the presence if the boy. Now the boy cried for help but there was no one to help him. Now let's help him to escape from the shop. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
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many, many views...use cutter on diary

and also onj A4 bundle

a key on right floor

Yeah! Another break from snow and ice!!

use pencil on blank pages - gives 3 digit code

4 digit code from diary on 3rd glass on left

Lets try!!

use brushes (from drawer) on colors. I have red, yellow and blue (probably 3 more to find)

where is diary? please....

Stuck with 3 colors. Don't know what to do with them.

Cannot read 3 digits - need magnifying glass....LOL!

Where are drawers?

3 digit code is 123...

Drawers - click on counter (right side about middle) bit of a pixel hunt.

under left shelf (of right side)

for diary, click the table on the right of screen.

stuck with cutter, 3 unused brushes and 3 colored brushes...

Uh Oh! Bug!! My new sheet of paper disappeared... and the A4 book cannot be cut into again.

Sigh!!!! Looks like I have to restart...

Thanks. Anyone knows, what is the colored thing in front of us?

@michjean: there were 3 sheets and I think they disappear after opening the shelf with 3 digit code...

i consider why we can change this colored things in the shelf... i can't make one color for each shelf, bc there are less colors

@Urban: nope and I don't know what to do with that. you can change the colors...

in the cenetr wall make one square only with one color, that will give you one blank paper...

but blue are too much... isn't there a hint for it?

Hint - get the 3 sheets of paper first!!!

LOL @Miller - just figured that out. Can't read the 3 digit code so I wasn't that far.... (eyesight must be going)... :D

Have used all 6 brushes.
All I have left is the cutter, and paper with 6 colours on...

The wall in front gives a new paper after you changed the colours. I made my upper left one grey

@pamarina87 how did you solve the final code?

thanks, got paper now. trying to figure out the code now.

3 digit hint please.... better yet, spoiler!?!

i think it was VOG or some other combination...

and out! thanks for the hints!

pamarina87 3/7/11 5:30 AM
3 digit code is 123...

       Anonymous  3/7/11, 5:45 AM  

use brushes on colours..
what colours....where?? please

thanks! out now

123 doesn't work for me?????

@mara: colors are in shelfs on left side. you can open the very left with a key from right floor.

@mara, on the left wall there are cabinets with colors, you have to open them....

@BIG J: maybe you have to see the code first. do you have the 3 pages and used the pencil on each page?

@Miller - thnx (@paramina 87 also) Must remember to read comments made before mine (Need more coffee, I think)

miller..got the 3 pages but no pencil.???

       Anonymous  3/7/11, 5:49 AM  


pencil in the back shelf on right side.

@pamarina87 TXS =) I tought I'd try all possible combinations, but must have missed that one LOL
@mara When you open the 3 cabinets on the left side of room, you get three paint-buckets, than you have to find the bruches

ahhh..thank's miller

still cant see no pencil...only the coloured felt pen things....bug or what????


Hi. I have 3 colours and used 3 brushes. How and where do I get the other 3 colours?

have the 4 digit code

got it...silly me

We can move the books (are they books?) on the book shelf

@Henk: no other colors needed. you have to chnge the colors of upper left square in the back of room to white/grey and get anonther paper

@Henk: if you already did that and used the brushes on the paper use the other brushes on the paper as well.

       Anonymous  3/7/11, 5:55 AM  

found brushes...thanks Villemo

ouT! Finally. It is always so simple after finished, no?

yay done it, had trouble getting paint on brushes otherwise a very good game

Was there a clue why the upper left had to be all grey?

@s-t - I believe it was the only color with the exact number of slats needed. (At least, that was how I saw it).

i dont get this..ive got paper with v=purple...o=orange...g=green..when i put the letters in box at gate nothing happens?..why are they coloured?

@Miller: do jou mean grey/white/grey etc.?

Not getting the color.

@Henk: sorry, I just made it complicated. switch the upper left square to all grey. on my monitor is was just hard to see if they are grey or white.

Done! easy.
Colors are in glass shelves. R, B, Y.

And out! Thank you all.

Well, I tried light grey everywhere but it only works on the top left. Why?

Cannot find brushes, cannot understand the logic of upper left corner of slats.

I think its to difficult for me.

did everything, just not getting any paper after changing the colors to grey

@NOT: brushes are in a drawer on right side. click corner in the blue area on right side.

@Shaheen: http://picupload.org/i/e5def837d957.JPG

ok, shall give it another try.

       Anonymous  3/7/11, 6:23 AM  

I only had a sheet from the color gray .. where are the other two sheets?

       Anonymous  3/7/11, 6:24 AM  

i got ...lol

@mara: the other 3 sheets are from the middle right shelf. click the A4 package and use the cutter.

you need to take more than 1 sheet from the paper ream

woa thanx @Miller, really helpful


Get key on the floor.
Use it on the first shelf on the left.
Take the 5th bottle from the 5th row with R on it.
Note u need a 3-digit and 4-digit code for the 2nd and 3rd shelves.
Take cutter from the rack on the right side behind the shelves.
Open the 3rd shelf and get a pencil from lower right side.
Open the 2nd shelf and use the cutter on the A4 bundle to get 3 papers.
Use the pencil on the papers 1 by 1 to get 3 numbers.
Use these numbers to open the 2nd shelf on the left to open it and take the last bottle with Y on the 2nd row.
Take diary from below right close to you.
Take brushes from 2nd drawer next.
Use cutter on its cover to get a 4-digit code.
Use this code on the 3rd shelf on the left to open it and get the 4th bottle with B on it on the 4th row.
Use the cutter on the bottles.
Use 4 brush on yellow bottle.
Use 5 brush on blue bottle.
Use 2 brush on red bottle.
Change all the colors on the first slider on the wall behind to light grey/white to get another paper.
Use the 3 color brushes on it and then the other 3 brushes to get mix the colors and get color code VOG.
Use the code on the locker to get 2 keys and use them shutter and out.

       Anonymous  3/7/11, 6:32 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

and the video:


@Miller: I tried. Nope. Thinking, its some kind of bugs. So why I cannot play.

Too buggy. No pencil after 3 restarts. Disappointing.

Someone please teach the kid how to use a telephone or set off the fire alarm in case he gets locked in. :-)

Its pencil "8B"

i have no problems, tried it several times, strange.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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