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Adventure Pirates 3 Walkthrough

Adventure Pirates 3

Adventure Pirates 3 is a new point and click type escape the room game sponsored by 1001arcade and JuegosdeEscape.Net. You are a pirate trapped in a room and you need to find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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loading :)

remember to click the tiny picture of the pirate scene to load the game.

torch, match, oar, and sword so far

Hello kkf :)
match, oar and green 6 corner shape from chest.Where did you get torch and sword ?

Hi kkf!
and triangle from floor

Match and oar; can't way to take the torch.

Multi-tool sword. That's what I like to see!

2 shapes found. Opened one chest counting flowers for the fuel

Hit a barrel with the oar, find the sword.

Shape from chest!?
I have fuel from the chest.

sword was behind a barrel. Got torch using sword.

Hi all!

I used 04X7 on chest.

orange, green, and pink shapes so far.

Used lit torch on mousehole

I got a circle from using the flowers, or teeth they looked like.

thanks, Zazie. What was the 7 from?

@Seawall where/how?

7 was from the mice.

How do you use the flowers and where?

Im Baaack!!

Wasn´t there written : 00 X 7 = 00 ??

How do you lite the torch ?

I think you count the teeth on the flowers, but what's the order?

Beginning in the starting screen, count the teeth on the necklaces - then use that where you need five digits.

Nope Zazie it was 00x4=00 and you use the amount of mice for that.

Can't light my torch either.

Thanks Seawall, but why in that order? Was there a hint for that?

Need fuel from chest x8 to light torch. Count spiders.

I put the fuel on the torch and then added the match

12 spiders have 8 feet; the mouse have four feet.

I didn't see a hit; I just started at the beginning screen as a guess.

Where do we use the torch?
And what's with the coat rack?

out with help.

I didn't like having to bruteforce the code order for the large number chest and guessing which object to count for the other chests.

S-T, you must light the torch and use it in the mice hole.

never used the coat rack

Use the lit torch on the mouse hole that was hidden behind a barrel (I think it was a barrel)

ouT! (originally went left instead of right when I was counting flower teeth - duh!)

The only thing I got from coat rack was the match but it stayed as a hot spot.

Out, thanks for the hints! I'll try to answer any questions if anyone has any.

@Seawall thanks for the code explanation. I was stubborn and tried different counts lol

starting a walkthrough

Thx for the fuel hint !!

Ah thanks, for the moushole Antonia and Kitkatfox.
Out too now.
Seawall explained how what chest had what code is.
But still searching for the clue for the teeth order.

S-t - I never saw a code for the teeth order. If you find it, please share.

@s-t - I didn't see a hint for direction, but the flowers (and there were too many) & flower teeth were the only things left to count that were in all scenes. Seemed logical to try them first before I started over thinking (I'm trying to cut back LOL)

Out too after restarting (FF crashed) The oar is used on the barrel to reveal the right mousehole.

Just stopped looking Seawall, can't find anything.
There are 5 bottles on the shelf but their colors doesn't have anything to do with the flowers.
Btw. made a picture for level 1 for that hidden monkeys game.

Thanks, s-t, I finally found the last monkey on the first level, (should have posted that so you didn't go to the trouble of making the photo), but I gave up on the second level with 7 monkeys left!

Note you need shapes for the wall
Go left
Get the oar
Go left
Use the oar to turn over the barrel
Go left 2 times
Use the oar on this barrel – get the sword
Use the sword to free the torch attached to the wall
Get the match from over the second peg from the right on the coat rack
Go right
Enter the code into the 08 chest
Get the fuel
Turn right
Click the fuel in your inventory and then the torch
Now click the match and the fuel/torch combo
Use the lit torch on the mouse hole for the square
Go right
Use the sword on the board on the floor for the triangle
Solve the 04 chest for the pentagon
Go left
Solve the large chest for the circle
Go left and use the sword on the small barrel for the diamond
Turn to the door and place the shapes (place them in the order that the hand appears when you scroll your mouse over them)
Get the key
Use the key on the door to escape!


Thanks to Zazie and Seawall for help with the chests and the explanations!

08 chest
Spiders have 8 legs. Count spiders and add spiders in each room. SPOILER12x08=96SPOILER

04 chest
Mice have 4 legs. Count/add mice in each room. SPOILER07x04=28SPOILER

Large chest
You used the spiders and mice so the only other odd thing is the flowers/teeth leis. Start at the front door and go clockwise. In each scene, count the teeth. SPOILER43243SPOILER

end of spoilers

Very nice walkthroug kitkatfox.

Well done, kitkatfox!

Thanks KF

Random counting... Why do that to the mouse hole? Why are all the mice dead? Not one of the better games....

@kkf: thanx for the wt (now it WAS you!!) ;-), I needed it with the teeth. That was the part I didn't like... Why start at the door? Why the teeth, not the flowers? Or the bottles? Why clockwise, not counter-clockwise? The mice/spiders had the hint with x4 and x8, but the teeth...

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