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Dimbula Tea Room Escape Walkthrough

Dimbula Tea Room Escape

Dimbula Tea Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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well i am in but not very good at these

I'm in too.
Hi there bigtank.

Cloth left under couch.
Blue key under right part of cushion of the couch.

hi s-t got blue red and yellow ball and stuck

Screwdriver under cabinet next to keys cabinet.
Stick from using blue key.

came to have a look at the comments for cipher crack the code, got to level ten and stuck

For the green ball, use the screwdriver and then the picture hint to open the little wall safe.

For the color order switch the light off.
And after that it's easy.
Out already.

It's the first time that I can't open the box in the cupboard !

Pascale you have to see the picture first.

haha... i liked it with the fake hint for the yellow key box this time... :D

Thank you Small-Tool. Yes, there is a picture above the cupboard, but it is different from the tiles on the box : for instance, I can see only one red dot on the wall, though there are 4 of them on the box. I tried to use the tissue, but it didn't do anything.

Blue key under right cushion of the couch.
Stick from using blue key.
Blue ball from using stick on rat.

Screwdriver under cabinet next to keys cabinet.
Green ball from using screwdriver on wall safe and then the hint from the picture (click only the ones with a little black square).

Red key left behind keys cabinet.
Nippers from using the red key.
Red ball from using the nippers next to the couch.

Cloth left under the couch.
Use cloth on the right side of cabinet next to the keys cabinet to see the picture.
Yellow key from doing the picture on the puzzle box.
Hammer from using the yellow key.
Yellow ball from using the hammer on the scrambeld picture.

Eraser behind tv cupboard.
Use eraser in book, to see the first clue.
Switch light off and see the color order (from top to bottom).
Put balls in tv and see the second clue.
Combine those two clues for the end code. (white box gets a color if there's a color in the book on that place, if it already has a color it becomes white).

Hi everybody! (even though it seems you're all done)

My puzzle box has nothing to do with pic at the wall?
In pic I see only 1 red dot, and in the puzzle there are a lot.

Yesss tea time!! ( missed a live game) well..got a little break...before works start again...

@roberto - same here. I turned off the lights, but there's no hint about the puzzle box. There are more red parts than the pic on the wall.....

Hi alkmar! don´t understand puzzle box. help?

I used the stick on the mouse, and now I have two mice!

I think it's a ghost mouse!! lol!

Hi ZOe. Let´s wait for someone help us.
Tried a lot of thing, no moreideas.

I actually made a pic of a dog's head, but it doesn't open....

Hello Zoe, Roberto. You have to clean the sport to the right of the brown dresser beside keys dresser for the picture.

Hi friwi!! Thank you so much!!!

I had the picture correct, but I just had to wipe that spot first before box would open!

lol. Same here. I made the pic of dog´s head and didn´t open. But we have to see the clue to open it.
Thanks friwi.

Use the mallet on the "fake" puzzle box picture on the wall for yellow ball.

number, please? so difficult for me, never understand!

Now I need hint for safe on wall...

and out!! I liked this one ;-)

oh..sorry..I didnt refresh..but @roberto, I see you got great help here!!!

Stuck on safe as well.
2,3,4,7,8 doesn´t work.

I tried your numbers, roberto, and they worked for me! Where did you get them??

hmmm! suddenly worked!

2,3,4,7,8 are the positions there´s a black square.
I`m out!
Thanks for the help.
@Zoe. Did you solve number code?


Congrats roberto!!! I'm working on the number...I had 9858, but that's not it...

zoe 9258

Oh..had the blue no. wrong...I'm out!

Helen - thanks! Thanks, too roberto! I love Sakura!!!!

I don't get the color order for the balls....top to bottom?....does not compute for me...lol
guess brute force is the way ...lol

How does one go about rating a game?

I see it now.....think overlay, top to bottom.....lol

@aitch...there is a star rating at top of page....

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love love love these games.......

For all the ones out there that had the same problem as nokra and I had with the hint in the walktrough for the colors ('top to bottom' and 'overlay')- even if there aren't any:

There are several layers of colors. The first one is:






they are overlapping each other. Took me a while to realise that...

I'm glad these links still work.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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