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Escape from the Room with Baumkuchen Walkthrough

Escape from the Room with Baumkuchen

Escape from a Room with Baumkuchen is another Japanese point and click type room escape games by Dghgbakufu. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  4/3/11, 7:06 PM  

This looks good!

Hope it is. Loading now.

not too much here...the game that is

hi everyone!

       Anonymous  4/3/11, 7:13 PM  

Found stick,,note ,,now stuck

       Anonymous  4/3/11, 7:14 PM  

symbols on right side of plate stand

clue under plate cabinet

I'm stuck with the code for the lower drawer. Tried the hint on the side of the cupboard forward and backwards and it didn't work.

hello everybody

Got a rod and used to reach a note.

found a paper under the plate cb

Used the hint in note to open the 4-dig code. Got key.

Got it! I'm out.

key from box

Not sure how to use the dial...

I'll stick around for a few minutes to see if someone needs help.

dial clue has me stuck too

just joining all only hv a stick

Hold on, I'll write a walkthrough (my first one!).

       Anonymous  4/3/11, 7:21 PM  

still stuck on code

seems like i'm stuck with the rest of u guys, at the dials

clockwise or cc to start?

Hi Edgar! loading

ok valeroe, I'll wait for your walkthrough

Hi EnJoy!! Un-stuck me!!! :P

im on the knob myself...i also tried going backwards

Plates should be the key for the dial, just can't see it...

I know I am soooo close.

The clue for the dial is the side of the cabinet. Start CC then keep moving dial until it gets into the right position. SO start left, until you hit the spot, then go right, then left again until you hit 2nd mark. Sorry not sure if that's clear.

AHA!! The white parts around the black dots seen on a side of the cupboard show the way the dial should be moved. It's 8 turns of it :)

It is Prufrock, I think I just missing something or missing a mark.

and out :)

I am with you now on the dial... amazed that I got the 4 digit code by myself (3 glasses of wine)

No surprise, Edgar beating me...or everyone ;0)

@ Edgar LLLL-RRRR? or is it more complicated than that?

Since an image is better than words...

Click here to see a spoiler for the dial code

hope it's clear enough ;)

@Enjoy More complicated than that. I think it starts with LL then R then L then R then L. (You have to hit that mark like 4 times in a row so you have to go R every time before you go back to it.) Sorry I'm not very clear. I didn't write it down because I didn't think it would work then it did.

Edgar has a much better way of explaining it! I'm not that clever...

I'm totally confuse with the dials, where are u suppose to use the dials at

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Those red arrows were wrong.
Here it can be looked a bit better:

Click here to see a spoiler for the dial code

that as a good one, wish it were longer though.

Oh thanks Edgar.. I was thinking it was something like that..


ty Edgar

@ Prufrock .. thanks for the explanation too!

Goodnight Edgar..

Reading a book that I can't put down.. catching up on games will have to wait! Cheers!

I bet everyone also thought... did I count plates in vain?? When am I going to use those?!?!?! LOL :P

Good night back EnJoy! Have some rest :)

WALKTHROUGH (answers below)

1- Turn right, open the middle drawer and take the stick.
2- Turn left twice and click under the cupboard. Take the note using the stick.
3- Check the note: a circle = 8.
4- Turn right and look at the plates on the table. Note the length of each line inside each plate.
5- Turn left and look at the box on top of cupboard. Using the hints from the note and the colored plates, enter code. Get key.
6- Note the amount of plates on each part of the cupboard. Then click on the right side of the cupboard. Note the code.
7- Turn left twice and open the upper drawer with the key. Get a black handle.
8- Put that handle on the keyhole of the lower drawer. Turn it using the hint from the right side of the cupboard. Get another key.
9- Turn right. Open the box by the door with that key. Input code according to the hint given by the number of the plates in the cupboard.
10- Get out! :)


1- To open the box: the circle is divided in 8 parts (the note says circle = 8). For each color, you just have to count how many parts there is: red = 3, yellow = 7, green = 2, blue = 4, so the code is 3427.
2- To open the lower drawer: on the hint, there is a small section of each circle highlighted. For instance, the first four upper circles have the section between N and NW highlighted. This means you have the cover that section with your dial 4 times: forward, backward, forward and backward again. And the same goes for the other circles. So the order is NW, N, NW, N, NE, E, SE, E.
3- Look at the plates in each part of the cupboard. It starts from 1 to 9. This gives the order for the code in the box by the door.

I must be dense! Thanks for all the clues but I still can't get the dial puzzle!

@Suzie.. Edgar's picture above worked for me..

Oh! I got it thanks to Valerie's WT. Thank you!
Only problem was when I clicked on the key in the drawer I was taken out of the game and to some online furniture store! Not going through that again!

ty for the walkthroug valerie it was excellent

Thanks. :D

ok all this time i thought that i was doining something wrong because the door wouldn't open, but when you posted the code i hv the same numbers and still the door won't open...weird...

well cant finish cause the code is not working....i recounted all the plates just to make sure...so it must be a glitch....

Silly question, @michelle. Maybe you are you using the number plates to click on the buttons that number of times? You should only click each button once, as Valérie explained in the WT, in that order.

thx edgar, its not a silly question cause in these games ANYTHING is possible...:d but not im just clicking on the buttons one time...

Dial puzzle clue SUCKED. I normally like these ones :/

typo, meant to say yes i am only clicking the buttons one time each

@michelle, then a glitch must be. Sorry about that.

@GuruOne, it could have been clearer, agree; but at least not unsolvable, eh?

omg how stupid am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe my mistake! instead of pressing the button 1 where it was indicated on the plate shelf, I pressed just pressed the order of the numbers, what a mistake now i am out lol!!!!!!

Welcome out :)

Bedtime for me now, bye all!

I did not like the dial (probably because it didn't move like a safe dial would have) oh well, good game overall but very short.. ouT! but with no baumkuchen to take with me for later :×

I agree with you, Michjean : it was a good and short game, except the dial (it was difficult even with the explanations).

Short and easy, very nice...

But I still don't know why on earth I should ever leave a room with so much Baumkuchen before I've eaten every single bit of it?!? ;-)

hmm, solved without aid while eating baumkuchen ^^

Out with no help, though it was luck I tried alternating L,R with the dial puzzle (and disregarded the position of the last white hint). If they had alternated the sides the white marks were on in the hint I'd give it 5 stars, now just 4.

       Anonymous  4/5/11, 12:52 AM  

I actually though the dial was pretty easy...? And I can definitely assure you I'm no genius. Another sweet game, only too short.

       Anonymous  7/27/17, 1:42 AM  

nice touch to put changing random games on the main site, Escapist - thx ☺

like that I could play this older Hottategoya that I didn't play yet - great as usual, thx ☺

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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