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Nature Puzzle Escape Walkthrough

Nature Puzzle Escape

Nature Puzzle Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Gamershood. Gather items and solve different puzzles in order to escape the little room. Good luck and have fun!

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Thx Megi !! Hugs !

Let´s go...

slider is really anoing this time (again).

See if I can help.

number puzzle is broken:
2 3 1 4
4 1 3 2
1 2 4 3
3 4 2 1

This should work but no prize

yellow blue and purple keys

plus green and red

Just in time for a new game! Yay!

@Mike, sometimes there is more then one way to solve the ken ken puzzle, I noticed that on the last game

same on number puzzle, no go

Mike, have the same solution, and indeed. Nothing.... Think i quit. Slider won't work for me either (but i could have made a mistake over there).

Hmmmm, loading is taking a loooooonnnngggggg time

4 keys and axe from picture puzzle which took me a lot of time.

that slider was hard!

My mistake was a tile to the left (green leaves on tree)

solved color code, need word clue.

game won't load for me

number puzzle not working for me either

word clue, search for questionmark. Name of the bird.

cant get checkerboard to work either

Found two solutions for numbers bot no avail.

good luck trying everyone i'm not going to bother

where is green key for sudoku?

pop on cliff

Can´t get the checkerboard, i tried B and W, Grey and black etc....doesn´t work.

Finally got it :


well, I guess there is no point in continuing if we can't ever solve the number puzzle

Finally in!

green key is in scene 2 left of boat, in about the middle

Need carrot for rabbit, then use carrot clue behind orange key presumably, but sudoku is broken.

You are right Enjoy, and where to use axe ?
The thought to use it on the tree trunc but it doesn´t work :(

axe is used between bear dens for veryhard checkerboard clue.

And there is a zoomed view in the screen right of boat of you click the big lake to the left and you see 5 blue fish, what for ?

Ahh mrtelcom, i used axe already there, i forgot just lol.

Replayed the sudoku, there is definitely a bug.

       Anonymous  4/20/11, 10:58 AM  

And right when I start getting confident in my sudoku skills.... :)

@Zazie, did you get the ken-ken puzzle?

I'm with everyone else, can't get it, must be a bug

I have :


It doesn´t work.

stuck with ken-ken puzzle

off to play some other games

I have the same numbers solution...No go here either...

       Anonymous  4/20/11, 11:01 AM  

Number is a mistake I think as a suduko but...

I will quit too !
Very annoying really :(

I guess the ken-ken should give us something to get a carrot for the rabbit, but....

I can't find the green key.
I also can't get the orange key from the rabbit.

Many views, some of them seems unuseful.

       Anonymous  4/20/11, 11:06 AM  

Got carrot from number puzzle


How ?

YAY!! Thank you 3084b21e-6b78-11e0-8c1a-000bcdcb2996. Finally out!!

there is a wrong number but it works


what is the word, I thought it was talon but there is no n

       Anonymous  4/20/11, 11:10 AM  

Post 11:01 there's a double 3 in a column that shouldn't work for a sudoko puzzle but FINALLY GOT THE CARROT! :)

@ Danielle I thought it was talon too. Try entering the type of bird.

duh, ignore that I tried eagle already and it didnt work but it worked this time!

Bahhh what a shame !!!

A false ken-ken....
Thx Danielle !

Hey guys, where is that green key? Jo-Ann said "in scene 2 left of boat, in about the middle" but I can't find anything there. :(

And out !

Lucky me....

       Anonymous  4/20/11, 11:12 AM  

Word is 'Eagle' if I remember correctly

Those numbers aren't working for me either!

Ok found it on my own. It was two screens left of the one with the boat. In the middle of the screen.

The sudoku is indeed wrong, that's a bug.

Got the carrot... I'm out. Finally!

I changed my numbers but it's still not working?!

nvm...after 4 tries it finally worked!

That WBG its not working for me, help please

cant find the red key, looked all over where is it hiding

Ok ... I have done everything, but for the life of me I can't find the yellow key ... where oh where is the yellow key?

@sherry12 - make sure you have white squares and not the pale yellow ones. Otherwise, what you have should work

@toocute I tried again, Im using the white, still nothing. what are you supposed to get from it, I dont get anything

i meant TooCule sorry, maybe its a bug

What is the 4 digit # for the orange key?

hi sherry, i have had the same prob. after i saw the squares it has work. sorry for my englisch, i'm from germany

@mike... count the carrots that the 4 bunnies each have...

have you seen the yellow key ?

I can't find the yellow key either,I'm driving crazy!!


sorry, I meant were the squares are, Im clicking like crazy and still cant find it

sherry12, look for the one dark square - then use the pickaxe on it to get the clue.

Those 3x3 colours are ridiculous! Bears no relation to the clue.

It's near the bears - can't remember the exact view.

They fixed the numbers, too, or at least the right ones worked fore me.

Yellow key is on the "north" shore of lower left lake among mountain tops....

Where is end

Out Very Easy

Number puzzle (kenken/sudoku) works now.
I think the clue for the checkerboard is not a fair one -- either none or any of the squares could be gray.

Hints on where to find things
1st view (boat in water):
- Puzzle locks and exit
- Fox holding purple key
- Colored fish clue

Left (3 white peaks)
- Word clue (look for animal with "?")
- Bear caves where you use axe
- Bunnies with carrots for orange number clue

Left again (2 lakes/2 peaks)
- Red key (with wolverine)
- Bunny holding orange key
- Green key (by log)

Left again (or right from 1st view)
- Yellow key (with 2 wolverines)
- Blue key (by center lake)

@kathy k thank you found it

For the "checkerboard colors", this might help:
I always think in terms of Light, Medium and Dark shades, not an actual color. Usually works for me in this style of game...

i still can't get the 3x3 checkerboard... can't tell if the colors should be white or grey :/

@bumjelly thanks! got it :)

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As far as the "rotating pictures" puzzles in this style of game, I agree they are sometimes tough. For what it's worth, this is what helps me:

What I do, being an old fart and having somewhat crappy eyesight, is zoom to 300% or 400% so I can see them. Otherwise it's just too much eyestrain to try and resolve such tiny squares.
Even then, there is always those 1 or 2 squares that you would swear are right and yet aren't.

I had to give up. I tried every conceivable option for that darn slider puzzle, even watched the walk through, still couldn't get it. Off to try another game :)

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Had a little time to kill while waiting for friends to arrive, so I made a "clickthrough" for the rotating picture puzzle.
Just in case those addicts who gave up on it come back for another helping of "rotator-itis." Have fun...

Clicks for ea. square starting at top left corner, going left to right...




Thanks to all for your help, thanks for the WT PuzzledinCA, it was a great help

I had to walk away from this game for a minute. I understand Gamershood wants to offer challenging games but the sliders on these games have gotten increasingly impossible to solve..That's a real downer considering these are usually pretty neat games.

Whew!! Finally got the slider with no hints. And out...

Picture puzzle


tried the slider for about 15 minutes..(it always looks right).but never is...ive packed it in i'm not wasting any more time on these RIDICULOUS sliders..they spoil these games.


Note fish colors in water.
Get blue key.
Get green, yellow and red keys.
Use red key, solve slider puzzle and get axe.
Use green key, solve number puzzle and get carrot.
Use blue key, use color hint from fishes and get meat.
Give meat to dog and get pink key.
Use axe on scene with 2 bears with rock in between and get colored boxes hint.
Use pink key, solve box puzzle using hint and get black key.
Give carrot to bunny and get orange key.
Use orange key, solve number puzzle (number of carrots near 4 bunnies) and get red triangle.
Use yellow key, solve word puzzle (name of bird EAGLE) and get red triangle.
Use both red triangles and black key on boat and out.

       Anonymous  4/21/11, 5:51 AM  

As bumjelly said.... if you zoom to 400% on the slider puzzles they are very easy to solve.

I have done that many times...zoom the picture ....sometimes it works, sometimes it does not!!!!! This time it did not!!!!tried it 3 times and worked on it for longer than I want to admit! LOLOL

Thank you @bumjelly and @shaheen for the # of clicks guide!!!

I used your guide...it looks perfect...just like the other 3 times I did it myself!!!!!!!


Other than that , I really like these games...LOLOLOLOLOLOL

I have to give 1 star due to unreadable shaded box clue. Even after looking at the answer it still isn't readable to me. Just blow up screen for slider puzzle, that one isn't bad that way. These normally get 5 stars from me.

out with no help. Somehow looks like I missed the bugs. yay!

the graphics in this one were terrible, though. I hated the pixellated animals.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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