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Ranche House Escape Walkthrough

Ranche House Escape

Ranche House Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Gamershood. Gather items and solve different puzzles in order to escape the ranche house. Good luck and have fun!

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Here we go again.

Here's the picture puzzle;


Hi Roberto.

hi s-t roberto , going in

Hi bigtank.

First row of the sudoku;


Yellow key by digging to the left of the door.
Orange key by using the nippers on the chimney.


Pink/purple key by using the saw on the little wooden gate (left of the car).

slider was a bit hard, but for the rest the spots and solutions are easy to find. Out.

Where to use the pliers?
Use saw on bottom part of wooden brown fence.

And easy out.

On the chimney roberto.

hey ... I managed to catch a live game today.
Don't you all dare to escape before I cuaght up.

just missing the word for the orange key

Found it. Thanks. and out!

nvm got it and out

Look at the questionmark above the right big door.
And then look what's above the left door.

- Red key in tree right next to the car.
- Green key in the white circle on top of the house (in view without the car)..
- Blue key in the garden to the right of that house (with white circle and no car).
- Orange key, use nippers on crack in chimney (in view with tree on bottom left, click the far right window).
- Yellow key, use the shovel (left of the exit door).
- Pink/purple key by using the saw on the little wooden gate (left of the car).
- Black key, from solving the pink/purple key puzzle.

Well, that was a quick one!

These seem to be getting easier and easier...I like them a little more challenging..

It's always the slider puzzle that breaks me :(

I posted the picture above.

Yeah I finally checked that and still did no see any difference.
Started it again and eventually found the error on the left side.
I just don't see them.
But .... I did get a lot better at the suduko. Give me another year and I'll beat you in these games :)

And made it out.

Better late then never... loading!

Just one teeny tiny complaint... could they change the music for these games already?! LOL

where the heck is the saw?

and out... or perhaps in

nice and easy one!

@Kyle, I think it was behind one of the first key doors

key doors?

sorry, in the windows are where the colored keys are used... the saw is behind one of the puzzles (Maybe blue? can't remember)

Hello everybody!

Thank u all, for tips. I'm out also!

       Anonymous  4/11/11, 5:55 PM  

Is this really the same guy who did the rotuc games? I loved the rotuc games, but this ones are getting easier from game to game. Boring!!!

Managed to do this one without a WT!

don't suppose this is still a live game??? just finished and I am finally able to post again. my previous browser stopped letting me post I felt like the lost stalker :) enjoyed everyones input and sorry I could not help. but maybe now I can help some.
Thanks Megi Loved it

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i got a brown key from the 2nd puzzle not itting any of the key holes.. plz help

and also how to i get the nippers and the shovel???

love love love LOVE these games.....and out..

@tanuj, if you're still here, the brown key comes from solving the pink key puzzle and is actually your exit key

The nippers and the shovel come from solving the red and green key puzzles.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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