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Reisen Episode 3 Walkthrough

Reisen Episode 3

Reisen Episode 3 is another new point and click type room escape game by sneedle. This time, Jitter arrived at Regensburg City. She tries to find a part-time job, but has a bitter experience. Good luck and have fun!

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Oh - anybody else playing?

What a strange little game ...

I'm with you! Pizza has been ordered, glass of wine in hand and a brand new game to play. I love Friday evenings!!

Hi - in Germany it is late in the morning, 10:21 a. m. Nothing with wine or pizza :-(

Got a hook, blood, white ball and stuck with numbers puzzle or colour puuzle.


Same thing here, Katharina. And there is a locked box in a passageway on the left of the left screen.

Hi! Same place as you (maybe shouldn't mix wine with games!)

strange game.

POP! Wine does help!

Yes Pascale, I forgot mentioning. So we need a key for the box, solving the numbers & colour puzzle, and s. th. to reach the hat, e. g. a ladder or similar thing. Or a long stick.

And a cable which should be repaired hänging at / over the house.

Okay spoke too soon - solved the number puzzle but stuck again :(

That's true, Katharina, I didn't notice the cable. I'm totally stuck.

I threw the ball towards the man drinking tea !

... but the man just says that I must repair the cable !

I have got the key (go back to the first scene).

A branch from the cemetery, and contract... looking for a pen, now.

aaaannnnddd OUT!

Can't find the key, Pascale - where is it?

The key is in the lamp post (first scene). I don't know how exactly how the cable got repaired, but I could pick up the key after I saw the clown's show.

@pascale: you need to know how to combine things: use the little yellow star in the right lower corner to do that...

@katharina: the cable was repaired when the ball was thrown at the man in the window, then the key can be seen

Oh, how stupid, got the key after throwing the white ball.

Yes, thx, I just found out myself. Now looking at the clown.

I think that the clown is not that important, but I might be wrong...

clown is important... I think

Thank you Escapism ! I'm going to try this, I didn't know how to combine things in this game.

Hm, played it again, without bothering the clown, and I came out again, so the clown is not importand for getting out, but of course it might be important in a philosophical way... ;-)

@pascale: it took me a while to realise it too...

I'm out, thank you for your help.

I don´t get the number/colour puzzle. any hint?

@Horst: Look at the colours of the letters and at the order of the colours in the other room...

ty escapism, i thought of that, but no "brainflash" here... have i to add the positions ( yellow e = 4)?

No, no adding, just write down the coloured letters in the right order...

OMG so simple.. TY

hey,how to write down in the right order?cant get it
plz somebady help me

Sorry, had to stop playing, now started again, got conract, looking for a pen ....

Lady D: Order is given by the colours, read the word as a number.

Signed contract, but were not hired, got a coin.

And out - with the clown on a ship! To be continued ...

it seems great im on it

and out pretty simple but strange

out, cute game

Boy, I can't do anything. What letters? What wine? What Pizza? LOL

This game is VERY offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Anonymous  4/1/11, 11:27 AM  

What cemetery? What contract? How do you get across the water after entering the number code?

Becfeckmalfan, I totally agree. I don't think EG24 should be hosting games containing racial abuse.

Use blood on stick to sign her name on contract; use coin on café owner in second scene.

I didn't enter any number code. Just used vaulting pole to jump from one end of sewer to another. Then there is ladder leading to cemetery.

I'm with Belfeckmalfan and Tania.
This anti-Semitism and shouldn't be posted here.

How do I move the box covering the green letter?

Also, I don't find the game offensive. Depicting racism isn't the same as being racist.

@Tabby, well said, this game is a commentary on the horrors of racism and racists.

Oh, and it's done in a very gentle, but knowing way.
It's good to know that people still care and are prepared to bring it to the fore in this manner.

To anyone who thinks this game is offensive:

To declare "racism" in horror, and to say this game should not have been posted is missing the point!
Please play the first two parts of this series before you judge.
It is a very sweet tale, based on events that really happened in history, and people need reminding now and then, in case we get too "comfortable" in our protected era.
If this game was I direct racist insult at jews, I would agree; but it isn't.
It is pointing out the plight of a jewish child during the war years - no more, no less, no attack!
Too many people believe that racist laws were implemented to protect the majority from the fact that there ARE other races, who ARE persecuted - even as I write.
Don't scream "racist", just because this game reminds you that some old people still live with memories that hurt from the war.
Let's just show a little compassion and understand, please.

To small-tool, think again, please, this is not anti-semetic

I've just had a thought, for what it's worth:
Hitler would probably have "silenced" the game makers for being so pro-semetic; would you want to do the same?

Rookwings (and others),
It's a difficult subject, but; There are lots of reminders in the real world about how horrifying it is how stupid ideas about races can lead to terrible things (like all the things happened in WW2 and all kind of racist things nowadays).
But - besides the fact that I don't want to be confronted with those issues in a game - in this game there's not really (IMHO) an opinion about it, it just starts with beating up a Jew so you can use her nosebleed later in the game.
Maybe it's subtle, but I'm missing the point where this is an accusation against anti-semetism. All I see is; if you beat up a Jew you can finish the game by using her blood to sign a contract.
And no, I didn't play the first two games, but that shouldn't be important to understand why beating up a Jew is the way to solve this game.
Anyway, if I missed some subtle things, that's still not an argument why this is not offensive, because a lot of non-native English-speakers play this game and they would also miss the point why this is taking a stand against racism/anit-semetism. Again; all you see in this game is; beat up a Jew to finsih it.

@ small-tool:
That bit provokes a reaction against ANY type of bullying.
And you are quite aware as you enter the game that you ARE that jew.
You are meant to feel uncomfortable for her, but if you'd played the first two in the series, you'd be less likely to recoil in horror, you'd be associating with her character.
A game is admittedly a strange medium for this message, but it's sweetly done.
I don't understand why you think it's a bad thing?

There's a saying in england, usually about war heroes:
Lest we forget.

interesting game.... it's good to be reminded of things like this so no one takes anything for granted and remembers to learn from past mistakes..

e l e ven

can somebody be more specific on how to combine things? Ive been clicking the star and both item... no use!

Found out at last.
By the way. The mentality taht thinks that this is anti-semitist, would also consider all those documentaries on concentration camps, the diary of Anne Frank to be so, too. cheers. deniz

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Right, Deniz.
This is NOT anti-semitist (and I AM German, so face the truth ;))

It's just documenting historically how Germans treated the Jews in WW II.
It sounds idiotic, but you MUST portray Germans that way if your storyline is in the 1940s. Otherwise an author would falsify/embellish history.

[+] Nothing to add here.

BTW, this game really is more than a "game", since the author incorporated a very personal message about the Tsunami victims. To me, it was quite thought-provoking. (Thanks for that.)

@small-tool: "All I see is; if you beat up a Jew you can finish the game by using her blood to sign a contract."

Oh come on. That's exactly not it. SHE wants that contract, so SHE thinks of a way to "substitute" the missing ink. It's just showing that Jews do not allow themselves to become disheartened too easily, and that they always find a way out. :)
Brave girl, she is. :)


Nice to have a game with a storyline. In the most Japanese ones, it's already the language barrier that you have to be treated like an illiterate: nothing but symbols and numbers. But this has got a STORYBOARD; it has got DIALOGS, there is actual life in the thing. And as we have seen, it can be quite thought-provoking. Whilst all the other games would be forgotten about in a week.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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