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Travancore Tea Room Escape Walkthrough

Travancore Tea Room Escape

Sakura - Travancore Tea Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Can't find a hint for the safe :(

Have red, yellow and blue ball. Can't fond SD.

nvm. under cb where you use crowbar.

and out

juhwoorps - turn off tje light

Out,nice game

Got it! Out now :)

I turned off lights, but I don´t understand the clue for safe :-/

Can't figure out the puzzle box on shelf or the grid puzzle!

okay i got the grid one.

Andrea, look at the way that swirl goes and look for all the ones that swirl that way on the picture next to door.

Good morning @all - clue for the puzzle box is in CB, usse crowbar.

Don't understand the hint for the grid, too!

I need help with box on shelf and where is yellow key, please.

oh where is crowbar?

thank you Naomilei

Thx for the hint, naomilei, got it now, missing blue ball

Crowbar is under sofa, if I remember right - I had to click for a while to find it

Ah - found blue key (sofa) and train(?) for the mouse, blue ball now.

Kaett thanks for the crowbar.

I think the blue ball was on the top of the big shelf, you need a train/tube looking thing on the rat.

Thx naomilei, found it by myself, now thinking about colors for tv and numbers on door ...

Clue for ball order?

I see the numbers 1234 in the tape on the wall, must be ball order, will try now.

Finally out!

Where is the yellow ball?

If I remember correctly, you have to hit the little shelf with the hammer.

I don't understand the hint for the safe. If the top left button was #1 and the bottom right button was #9, the buttons similar to the pattern are :
3 4 5 6 but that doesn't work.

And I don't find the yellow ball with the hammer.

Thank You Naomilei!

I had 3456 also...I think those would be the white ones. I think the yellow ball was in the cabinet with four square, was it next to the couch?

Sorry, next to the drawers with colored keys.

Thank you, Naomilei, you are right ! Now, I'm looking for the yellow ball.

i think, that was the easiest sakura ever... but i like them...

@Pascale: turn the light off, then look at the hint for the safe... the part below looks like an arrow... use there the hammer...

how to get the red ball?

got it! now thinking about the ball's sequence

Thank you Sabine... Even with your help, I had trouble to find this damn yellow ball. Now I have got it.

and out!

I get SP4O5I3L0ER but not working.

it did work OOPS

Please tell me how to press the buttons on the safe beacuse I really don't get it. I understand what you said above but I don't succeed.
Thank you!!!

I think it was like this


Only click the X's.

If I remembered wrong then try to click the O's only.

Thank you small-tool, The X was fine.

i can't open the box with the yellow key because i can't find the hint for it. can anyone tell me where the hint is?

nevermind. I just found the crowbar.

       Anonymous  5/1/11, 12:06 AM  

Yellow key, puzzle box. Where is the clue for it, please? It has me absolutely stumped!

Where is the crowbar??

In case you cannot read wall for ball order....

SPBORLIGEYR. Noticed it was not commented on.

playing much later - but that was soo easy

Now that's one looooong mousie.Funny.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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