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The Adventures of Red Walkthrough

The Adventures of Red

The Adventures of Red - The Quest for the Chocolate Muffin is another point and click type adventure game by Rob_Almighty. Help Red find his way through the castle and the challenges it presents in search of a chocolate muffin. Good luck and have fun!

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Yay!, another live :)

oooh this looks sweet stuck on the shields though

nvm got the shields now stuck again lol

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:02 AM  

Ok, so I'm stuck in the Shield Room. Got the map,
but the little guy won't go up the ladder.

Will try and catch up.

Romanes Eunt Domus room? Monty python reference.....?

I don't get the scroll puzzle (after the shield color puzzle)

This comment has been removed by the author.

ok, so it is some sort of matching thing...

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:09 AM  

If you have a key of the right colour, just click on the padlock.

Any ideas for 'Mix' romanes eunt domus...

MIX ain't a word...

@seawall, there is a pattern, I think the top left and bottom right were blue, other two dark green

also stuck in the mix room

Thanks, Jo Ann; finally figured it out. In the room with the Romanes word.

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:13 AM  

@Seawall. Use the colours that haven't been used yet. If that makes sense

well, it's not 1979, the year of the movie, for the MIX room.

Stuck on romanes eunt domus

Thanks, SO Cal!!

Roman numerals, yall :)

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:18 AM  

Doh.....thank you So Cal

Thanks Millie, and that got a key, but not the green one!

I am missing one on spot the diffrences... hmmm

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:19 AM  

What do you do in the room with 5 is the magic number. The room with the yellow and blue padlock.

@S-T it is a spot the difference between the shields

can only find 4

Yep, seawall, gotta trek back to blue lock now :)

Same, Jo-Ann... I have


got five, now using a hammer to break vases

@Millie check both crowns ;)

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:24 AM  

Left crown, left spike

I hope I'm not hopelessly lost; just broke some vases.

Which was 5th, JoAnn?

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:25 AM  

Thanks guys.
Didn't know what to there.
Found them all 5 now.

have lots of keys now, wandering around to find rooms to open

cool! found a map update in bell room

@Millie, left crown, left spike

There is a diamond in one of the windows in the vases room; can't seem to go anywhere new now.

pop, found the jewels room; yellow key from there. Clicked the right order by accident.

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:29 AM  

Got a yellow key from doing the 4 gems in the right order.

@Seawall, in the broken vases there were a bunch of keys

Thanks, Jo Ann; found two I think in there; just played the bells in order for a key that I think gave a map update.

strange key matching room... anyone there yet? I'm confused

JoAnn- you hover over the lock and the pattern on the right side of screen is that lock. Then the patterns on the left side of screen are the key patterns. drag right ones to right lock and get stuff :)

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:36 AM  

And I give up on posting again.
Still can't post with my Blogger Account and Live-Journal is pure hell for me.
It keeps on failing and for every post I have to log in again.
Good luck and have fun.

@Millie, I thought I had tried that but couldn't get it...will have to go back and look again, if I can find it

I went on to a color pattern puzzle with a little skull head...

I'm enjoying this game!

The maze in next room is like this:

you see pattern SPOILERrbygSPOILER

find a way to orient arrows to make skull pass from left bottom corner to center following patterns. Press red button to try it out.

I like it too, Jo-Ann... it is challenging but fun.

Oh man the turning wheels thing is killing me.

Small Tool; I couldn't get into the blogger all morning; it just started working all of a sudden.

@Millie, me too, hate turning wheel puzzles!

I got the second turning wheel done, but nothing happened? do the two need to look identical?

Hi! I'm back to the bells room; following the map there should be a green key here, which I need (I only found the key for the chest in the last bell)... I think I must try the right sequence to get it but I'm stuck. According to how the bells sound and to the shapes of the waves on the tv the bells are like this on the wall: ("1" being the one with the lowest sound, "5" with the highest): 3-2-1-5-4
I try to follow the notes on the the scroll above, so playing the bells like this (following how they are on the wall from left to right):
3-2-1-5-4-3 but nothing happens... What am I doing wrong?

nope, got them both looking the same...

I guess they need to follow the wood arrow lines? ACCKKK!

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:44 AM  

I saw you did Seawall.
But sadly not for me.
Also some other people use the trick by first signing in on their blog or account and then going to EG24, but that's not working me either.

And this took me 5 tries to post.

@franza, one isn't the lowest and 5 isn't the highest

I think it was 3 was lowest, then 2, 1, 5 and 4

@S-T awwww! could you post in chat box instead? I promise to look there and discuss the game with you!

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:47 AM  

It's 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3

got one wheel turning, trying to get second turning

finally! two new keys

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:51 AM  

Thanks Jo-Ann,
But I decided to struggle on with postig here.

Btw, it seems you guys are doing a different path than I am.
I did the skull thing, the tower of hanoi thing and the keys puzzle.

Thank you all! Now I can go on... BW I too had problems in logging in all the morning... it seems they didn't accept my google account

Thanks for the bells order; I was using the same sequence as franza.

LOL got a shiny knight's hat now!

yay! another map update!

Glad you decided to stay small-tool.
Has anyone worked the puzzle with the A5, etc clues? I'm using the alphabet going across, and the numbers down, and nothing is happening.

aargh... struggling with the 9 torches now... I can't get all lit!

@S-T there are so many pathways to follow, in the end you have to do them all

I have blue and red key and trying to find those doors

good evening eg24 world =) i'm lagging behind as usual... and i can't change the jewels... want to bring them in right order... they only shine for a short time if i click them, but nothing more... hmmm

oh no! one of the turn them all on puzzles! Acckk!

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 11:59 AM  

You're probably in the same room as I am.
It's a Simon Says thing.
You have to push the button and then repeat the pattern. Do this three times to make all three torches lit and you get a green key.

@Seawall, did you find all the letters/numbers? I'm missing c and d

Jo-Ann, I'm horrible at the turn them all on puzzles, but this one worked out fairly quickly; just keep clicking! I need you to get here with me on this alpha numeric puzzle, if you haven't already been here! :)

I only see four clues, Jo-Ann.

I don't see a C or a D either..

small-tool, thanks for help, but if i would find a button, i'd push it ;o) maybe it's another room... the ruby, emerald, diamond and... wait... amber jewel thingy riddle... there is written, i.e."if emerald is one too soon... "

Got it; look at the arrows; you count from the bottom.

Sabine, wish I could help, but I got it purely by accident.

@Seawall, got the A5 one

use the bottom corner as A and 1 and letters go across the bottom

Jo-Ann, I'm with you, I can't get all the lights lit. I love this game, but I really hate this kind of puzzle, especially when on a 3x3 grid!

@Seawall, maybe i can solve it, but the jewels won't change... thats my problem...

Stuck at the puzzle where you drag the ring onto the circles above it. Stumped.

Find the right way CUTE!

POP! I can't believe it: I did it! But I don't know how...

@franza, I got it finally, just keep trying!

@Seawall, I'm there now too


you dont have to move the jewels, just click them in right order according to "poem" - emerald is green, etc

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:07 PM  

Ah that one Sabine.
You have to read the text carefully to do it.
But anyway it is RGBY.

I don't get the ring and buttons puzzle...

oh... thanks @uzi :) i tried this before... then i know now, my solution is wrong ;o) uuuaahuuu... and i was so sure...

Yeah, whats with the "cheeses" on the sticks? was able to move 2 of them and now stuck

Stuck on the last puzzle, never was good at rubik's cube :(
But game is great! Love that the YELLOW guy's name is RED, lol.

what is the ranking at the diamonds?

@Seawall, got it! Put the ring in the fire!

Fiver, what's the solution for the knights facing each other?

if emerals first is one too soon, then it must be second, and diamond last is one too late it must be third... amber seals your fate must be last then and ruby first... am i so wrong?

oh the knights who say ni! LOL

Love the monty python references!

Thanks, @Jo-Ann; I'd still be sitting there without your help.

lol... i was right... but... now i left the room and went in again and i worked... yeah \o/

Really enjoyed that one

Oh boy, I can never figure out the passing horse puzzle... must google the answer

I've been stuck on the knights puzzle for about half an hour...

For the ring : "one ring to light the way" --> put the ring on fire (right side) to get the order ;)

I must have went another path, @Jo-Ann, I'm in a room with words scrambled on the wall; unscrambled they are spoiler


valerie, do you mean the six nights that need to get to the opposite side? That was a hard one for me. I just kept re-doing it until I got it. I can't remember exactly what order, sorry :(

I am so close on the knights puzzle! Grrrr!

Thanks anyway. ^^

There's a video walkthrough when you press on "walkthrough".

@Seawall, I did that one already, press the items in that order

See what you guys meant about the knights; I hate those puzzles, never get them!

I want to google the solution but don't know what it is called

trying to find it on the walkthrough

Holy cow! I finally got it! Yay!

Finally got the last puzzle-don't ask me how though.
Haha, funny and kind of sad ending.

For the knights here are the first moves: (x is the free spot)
Follow this pattern for the other moves, taking care never to move 2 knights of the same "team" one directly beside the other...

I'm stuck in the room with the coloured squares you have to rotate, I can't understand what is the expected result...

now into a room with a bunch of shields...

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:29 PM  

Finally I am in the same room as you guys (via a different path). Just did the knights puzzle.
And now with all the shields.

Noo... I'm out, but I still had to puzzle to solve, hoe is it possible? Great game, anyway, I'll be around if anyone need any help

Ok here is the soluce for the knights puzzle. Consider the knights are numbered left to right from 1 to 6.

Move 4.
Move 3 over 4.
Move 2.
Move 4 over 2.
Move 5 over 3.
Move 6.
Move 3 over 6.
Move 2 over 5.
Move 1 over 4.
Move 4.
Move 5.
Move 6.
Move 2.
Move 1 over 6.
Move 6.

Finally, got the knights; feel like I won the lottery. LOL

Joining you guys in the shields room.

Finished, that was a great game. I got the blueberry muffin. :-( Found all the hats and gems.

I don't get the shields room... anyone? I thought I had to find a match, but I can't seem to find it

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:31 PM  

Ah, the shields was easy, only one pair.

Thought the shields are a matching game; but not working for me.

POP Finally!

Don't get it, @small-tool - what about the one pair?

Can anyone help wih the "yore, monk, shield" room?

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:35 PM  

I could use some help on 'find the key'
Where you have to put in 3 strange symbols.

Wow - was finally able to post today!

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:36 PM  

There are only two shields exactly the same, click those two.

that is where I am s-t!

Need a little help on the shields; probably something really simple I'm overlooking...

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:37 PM  

Ah, never mind, just make the word 'key'
The letters to pick are above.

i'm totally amazed of this game... it's great... ok... i'm going nuts with the second wheel and i will never follow you... you are all far ahead... so it isn't really live for me... but i play it together with you all, thats more then i got last time :) i enjoy it... many thanks for this game and thanks for posting it @megi

almost solved the four color puzzle but I have to run

have fun everyone!

Thanks,@small-tool; I'm still lookin'

I can't make the word KEY! uggh!

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:43 PM  

Sorry, no, making the word 'key' didn't work.
Still need help there.

And out with a blueberry muffin. :)

The shields are confusing

s-t : I figured it out...you have to figure out which word on the right corresponds with the word on the left (top word on right is shield) so take the charactyer in shield that is the "e" and work from there

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:46 PM  

And it did work after all.
But the first and the last word changed place (just count the letters to see that).
So make the word key.

Finally found the matching shields; took forever on such a simple puzzle!

What's with the skull you can move around in the nine squares?

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:49 PM  

The next color puzzle was easy, just make the pattern you see on the left.

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:50 PM  

'key' blocks will look like a Y H and backwards N

POP; got it; had to turn them all white.

got cupcake!

hmmm rubiks is strange. I mean i got it once but nothing happened

Working with the cross shaped colors with arrows that move the colors; this thing looks wicked.

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 12:59 PM  

Finally out, but didn't see a rubiks cube.
Or was it the cross with 4 colors, that one wasn't that hard, just a lot of work and then you get the final key.

Im with seawall :)

Well, looks like I'm gonna be left one key short of finishing; this puzzle is killin' me, and it doesn't even have a reset button. It is a really great game, though, and I enjoyed playing with everyone.

And tried it one more time, and presto, easier than I though; thanks everyone for all the help!

"one ring to light the way". i have the numbers but nothing happens when i press the circles in that order. am i doing something wrong or missing something?

@Angie; you might need to reset it first.

i've reset many times. even went to the next room and came back. you press in the order from 1-6 of the glowing ring. is there anything else i'm suppose to do or am i doing it wrong? i even tried 6-1.

wooohoooo... i think i'm doing the last puzzle now... just lurking, how many are out now... i'm sure i'm alone now... feel a bit lonely in this big castle... but i have fun... even though i've seen the last puzzle... i know, after this i don't have any hair on my head... anyhow... i love this game

Whats wrong with Blueberry?
btw, out.
Very nice game :)

think i^m too tired now... got all colors right except the grey one... i have to change it with one beneath or beside or above... blackout...

"one ring to light the way", please help. i don't understand why if i click on the circles per the ring order, it doesn't work. i only have this one and the room this key goes to then i'm out.

       Anonymous  5/24/11, 2:08 PM  

Angie, are you sure you read the right numbers.
If the notes I made are correct (and if it's not different every game) it should be this button order;


and then you should get a key.

Angie, button on the left is number 1, the most right one is number 6. So you start by clicking the most right button.

small-tool, those are the numbers i have. i don't know what i'm doing wrong or missing something. so frustrating. is there any other buttons i have to push? and the numbers are from left to right? the key is under buttons by left door?

yvon, that doesn't correspond to the numbers the ring is showing. ugh, am i this dumb.

ARGH!! I'm so tired of this Rubik's Cube!!! Is there an easy solution??

i lit the ring with the torch. gave me these numbers: 615423. i clicked the circles in that order and nothing happened. i pressed the arrow key to clear. if you number the buttons from left to right 1-6, please just tell me which ones to press so i can get out of here.

The mix room is easy, M IX are roman numerals that read 1004

Nevermind. The Rubik's Cube thing isn't solved by doing each group of 4 squares as:

Red Green
Blue Yellow

It's all 4 reds as a group, all 4 greens as a group, etc.

And, also how do you get past the room with the yellow things on a stick?

@bob, MIX room is 1009.

@Angie, my bad..

Only one person would dare give me the blueberry... Lonestar!!!!! :-) Cute end!

@bob: Small,Medium,Large,XLarge...start out by putting the S on the 2nd pole, M on the 3rd, put S on 3rd, put L on 2nd, S on 1st, M on 2nd, S on 2nd and XL on 3rd...then follow this backwards starting with the S on XL.

Let me know if that worked, I'm doing it in my head.

please, i'm still stuck on "one ring to light the way" it is not working for me. thanks to all that's tried to help. but just give me the order i need to push the circles.

omg... whats wrong with me? wanted to go to sleep, but couldn't... so i went back to the game... AND SOLVED THE LAST RIDDLE... yeah... i'm out now... but the little red was sad... i only found 17 from 20 gems... maybe with 20 he would get the chocolate muffin... now he has to go to bed with an empty tummy... i'm guilty poor little red... good night to you and all gamers

Found all hats but only 15 diamonds.
What can we change hats for?

@bob, after you get the XL on the 3rd you should have the S,M,L on the 2nd pole. now: put S on 3rd, M on 1st, S on 1st, L on 3rd, S on 2nd, M on 3rd and S on 3rd.

I did this because I confused myself doing backwards because the poles were not correct.

I got a map that said now you have colors on doors or something like that, but I can see nothing new.

After get a blueberry muffin, I entered the game again by clicking continue. Found 2 more diamonds, but don´t know how to finish the game again. When I reach the last room (muffin room), can´t do anything.

on "the one ring to light the way", i had to look at the walkthrough because my brain wasn't on the right track. i can't believe i didn't get it. ugh.

Fun game but not too sure about the fact that you can't reach max in finding all the gems since the last one is hidden in the last room and, even if you try to get it, you can't 'cause it's the ending.

the MIX room, MIX is not asking you to mix anything their actually roman numerals M= 1000 I= 1 X=10 since the I is before the X it makes it a nine so its 2009 :D

I am however stuck on the WORDS MODDINA DELISH DANCEL room idk wat that means lol if u kno hit me up to my email... ripsticker.sk8r.oscar@gmail.com no spammin plz

The rubiks cube light torches level is super easy just click all the corners then the middle and its done :D super cheat lol

@oscar : think anagrams describing the objects you have to click on (sorry, if you already found out)

I'm stuck on the ROMANES EUNT DUMUS Part. What do I do :/

@ashley, MIX is your clue... roman numberals. Change the dials to the correct number.


just 19 diamonds

i am stuck on the rubrick cube where the sequnence is


its hard

i dnt get the room after the shields one it has the two blue locks. i dnt understand it one bit

a bunch of white squares!!! what is this????

passes as part of the bells

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 12:37 PM  

Stuck in the Room of Gems- Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Amber... I can't seem to figure out which one is which. SOS please!

stuck in roman eunt domus room. pleas tell me thos numbers..

yea i get it with google.. XD

if your stuck and cant find a.. either blue or green key, make sure u did the bell patern. u get a silver and the other key there.and #s are right in front of you u just dont know it, its kinda like XVI, VI, or III. ull figure it out, google it. im stuck on the A5, B2, E3, F3 room..


Color wall has me stimied. Any help would be appreciated

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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