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Chocoland Escape 3 Walkthrough

Chocoland Escape 3

Chocoland Escape 3 is the third part of this point and click type escape game saga, from KolmenaGames. If you can find the final key, then you can escape from this chocolate place...but before you need solve the differents puzzles... can you do this? Enjoy!

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Yes, a life game. Long time ago a was life in a game.

Got an apple from picture game. Blind luck.

Hi all!
apple from apple game by luck and sugar from cake game

Got sugar from the machine thing with 5 cakes to click (hint is on the table).

Got a key, suger and a grater.

Found and used key for a grater

Key under right pillow.

joining you all (even though i would like to stay in chocoland, not escape)

check out cookie pillows on pink couch

Chocolate from fridge.

Combine grater and chocolate to make chocolate crumbs.

got the apple finally!

Found handle in door scene -need a second

my first live game ever! Hope I find someting useful!

welcome tanz16

Where is clue for fridge?

Hello, its my first live-game!!!
How did you open the freezer?

fridge hint please

And what do we have to count?

I'm sure the fridge has to do with the potted plants, but there are only 3 colours.

For the fridge it's the icecream in the window, but you start with a white cloud.

open purple box and get second handle

Oops, yep it's no icecream, it's a plant in the window. Sorry about that.

thx small-tool!

What's the hint for that purple box Tadas?

open orange shelf, got a pot

got 2nd handle - count flowers in ice cream

hint is flowers on the ice cream, start is where purple box

Hint for cupbox is counting the clouds and for fridge the windowcolors.

put pot under fire and ingredients into it

I cant open the fridge...

put pot in bowl on table for keyu

and out!

clouds 1242..

Thanks guys, out too.

Colors on the fridge, please...

And out to, all by myself this time. Other times I needed you're help but this one was not that difficult

ok. open and out

I think the colors for the fridge were white, pink, cyan and yellow.

Thanks for all your hints - out now!

I still can't figure out the purple box.

sorry but i dont understand the purple box, counting the flowers?

Out, thanks for your help. Hope the next time i can give hints too!

Jo.C count the flowers in the icecreams starting in the romm with the purple box

thanks, was it the flowers?

OH! You cound the flowers on each pot! I was adding up each flower on each colour! DUH! Guess I wasn't much help this time!

yes tried that but didnt get that answer, never mind lol out now

thats probably what i was doing tanz16 lol

farbcombi beim kühlschrank finde ich nicht,kann da einer helfen bitte

Es sind den Fensterrahmen.
Weiss, Rosa, Grün und Gelb.

Kind one ;)
I don't understand why (and how), the blue key goes out from the plate while I'm pouring some green ...thing in ;)
As usual, no bug, clear and logical clues... thank you Claudia for posting ;)

What to do with apple and how to get pot off fire?

@Amy Mac : You need to pour grated chocolate, candies, sugar and apple in the cauldron, then click on it to mix. Only after you can get it back.

Solutions for the codes are shown at the end of the Walkthrough.

Click the picture above the ginger cookie man and make them all become apples to get and APPLE.
Take HANDLE #1 from the lowest part of the screen, below the ginger cookie man (barely visible – looks like a brown J).

Turn right (table and chairs).
Nothing to find yet, but pay attention to things in the window from now on.
Turn right again (fireplace).
Nothing here either yet.
Turn right (fridge).
Look carefully at the cookies on the table.
Place your handle on the brown big pot to the right – you need one more.
Solve the fridge colors to open it and get CHOCOLATE.
(hint: find clues in the window)
Turn right (orange safe).
Click the right couch pillow to find a YELLOW KEY.
Turn right (door).
Use the yellow key to open the top drawer and get a GRATER.

Move right.
Now you have enough info to solve the purple 4-digit locker.
Do so, and get HANDLE #2.
Move right and solve the cookie safe.
Move right and place the second handle on the pot to the right to get SWEETS.
Go right and solve the orange 4-dig safe for a POT.

Go left twice and place the pot on the fireplace.
Use the chocolate on the grater to make small pieces of chocolate.
Add the pieces of chocolate to the pot.
Add sugar, then sweets and last the apple (order is important).
Click the top part of the pot to mix the things to a green liquid.
Go left and pour the green liquid into the orange bowl on the table.
Go left and use the blue key in the keyhole on the door to escape.

Apple picture
Several ways to solve this:
A) By luck… just click around for some time.
B) Think about what you’re doing – every click changes the row and column.
C) Click all 8 of them just once each (the pic doesn’t reset, so you need to do this from start).

Fridge colors
Look at the colors of the flower in the window from up to down, left to right, but start with the cloud.
Colors: white, pink, green, yellow

Purple 4-dig locker
Count flowers on the plants, moving clockwise through the rooms, starting in the view with the purple safe.
Flowers are: 4 in this view, 3 in fireplace view, 5 in fridge view, 4 in orange safe view.
Code: 4354

Cookie safe
Make the five cookies on the machine look like the ones on the table in the view to the right of the safe view.
Cookies: brown top, pink, cherry top, green top, pink

Orange 4-dig safe
Count clouds in the windows, moving clockwise, starting from the view right of the door.
Clouds/code: 1242

Woo hoo! Did this one without the walkthrough or any hints!!! I'm proud of myself! LOL :)

Nice game. I just would like to add a thought. Maybe the hint for the colors on the fridge wasn't the icecream on the window but starting with clouds? Well, take a look around at the colors of the window frames. I think those make more sense to me.

Ah, a count the arbitrary objects game....

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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