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Dark Reality Walkthrough

Dark Reality

Dark Reality is a new point and click type room escape game by dummyEVE. In the game Dark Reality you have to get out of a strange room. Solving the puzzles you'll find that the output is in another world. No need to dwell on the search for various items and keys, will focus on the darkness. Good luck and have fun!

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aaargh, I won't be able to finish anything today...

you can only walk out the door when it's dark

Hi Miller :)

I opened the door, went out and found some numbers. Then i went back and found a secret wall panel with stars....

Well that was very quick. In and out in 3 minutes.

Come on Miller - you can do this - it's very short!

Clicked the stars like the numbers and opened cb to the right.

yes, that was really short. thank god...

And out lol.

In and out! That was easier than expected

and surprisingly out! Not sure how I did it, but random clicking does sometimes work

Hi there ;)

In... and out... Very short one... Fun comments and heart noise... But the only things fun in this one...

Yep! In and out. A little different but fun, none the less.

Maybe I am playing another game...I can go out the door when the light is off...I can go R or L...in the dark...and find only 1 hotspot, which is a locked door!
Back with the lights on I have a red arrow in the scene with the locked cabinet...nothing happens with light on or off there!

@nokra... Once you've gone through the door, when lights are off, and have been in both rooms (R&L), you should be able to click under the red arrow. I've clicked here when lights were on, I think... But I came back after having seen the clue on the cupboard (5 / 3 / 4) , lights off. Use this clue with numbers of sides in each picture, and click'em in order...

Try TAB Key, it works...

Don't go to the locked door but to the other direction, there you can see a hint you can use in the panel the red arrow points at.

Wow ! Live with small-tool... I'm honored ;)

Lol, Hi Yannoche.
And you beat me with helping, congrats.

:D Only for this one !!! I owe you thousands help, for hundred games... ;)

Wow, thanks and your welcome.

For the life of me...I can see no hint/clue in the other room, on my black screen!!!!...
but the panel finally opened ...although I clicked there dozens of times before....
Thanks for the spoiler, because I would have been there all day!!!LOLOL

Thank You, @Yannoche and @small-tool!!!

Dark reality Walkthrough...

You are in a strange room... You are facing a (closed) door, and a light switch next to it... For now, you can't do anything else, so... click to switch off the light !
Wow ! Now you can hear strange noises, and your heart beating... You've been propelled in another dimension. Turn right twice, and you can see a 4-digit number written on the wall. Write it down, and turn right twice again, so as to face the door again. The darkness and the weird sound are frightening you, so switch on the light ! (If you are not afraid, turn on the light anyway !)
What to do with this secret code, you've got from darkness ? If only you had a keypad to enter it !!! Turn left once. Wait... what is it, standing on the wall ? Click on it to zoom. What a coincidence : a keyboard ! So, enter the number you got earlier, and click on the "enter" key. You hear the sound of an opening door.
Go right once, and click on the door to open it... Hmmm, it opens directly to ... a wall ! So, turn off the lights and now you can go through.
You enter a small corridor, in wich you can go right or left only. If you turn right, you can see another closed door. So, go back and turn left, n the corridor. Here is a big "cupboard", where numbers are written. Notice them, from top to bottom.


Now, go back to the main room. Click Right once, and now you can notice a big red arrow drawn on the wall. A red arrow ? Who painted it, as you were visitting this charming corridor ? anyways, don't care about this mysterious-darkness-painter, and click on the wall where arrow is pointing at.
Click again on the panel you can see, and it opens, to reveal three shaped buttons. Count the number of angles for each one.
According to the clue you saw on the cupboard, click on the buttons in order.
Another *click* sound ... Let's find someting open now ! Zoom out, and open the cupboard. It only contains a small button... So, click on it... (I'm pretty sure the mysterious arrow-painter wouldn't do it for you...)
Turn left once, and open the door again. Enter the corridor and turn right. Now the door is open. What to do now ? Maybe opening the door and going through is a good idea...
Click on the door to open it, and click again...
You're out ;-)

@Yannoche, Great walkthrough! Kind of "zozy" with the commentary. :)

For clarification, I think the order of the "star puzzle" clicks was 5-3-4 = R-L-M or 3rd-1st-2nd, but I could be wrong.
I wish this game was a bit longer though. I liked it.

thx Bumjelly ;) I try to make them a little bit "fun", especially when the game is (very) short.

You're right for the order of the clicks, I messed up with my "spoiler" :)

What a fantastic interpretive walkthrough for a great little game =)

I think you and I both need new monitors =)
I can't turn the brightness up any more on mine, it's cranked right up, so I stand up to see in dark areas on my screen ;D

Mine is even worse, @rookwings... the dark areas are totally black!
Thanks to all the great helpers here...I get out eventually!

cute little game :) out with no help (other than my monitor not being dark lol)

Nice simple game. The name of the game is perhaps the best hint of all..

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       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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