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Explore the Sunken Ship Walkthrough

Explore the Sunken Ship

Explore the Sunken Ship is another point and click type room escape game by Gensou. In this game, you have to search for items and solve puzzles to finished it. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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live... ? :O

got a broom

hot spot down part of ladder, but nothing to do there.

need a SD..

got it .. xD

handle and crowbar... stuck.

Used handle..

4 digit code box..
Need 2 codes now.
Oh and used rod from broom to make a lever.

Stuck! Help!

Ha used broom and got code :)

Got a giant pearl now.

Nini, stuck same place as u. There is also a circular door(?) over the steering wheel.

Where to use broom?

Use broom on scene to the right of door. (where u used SD)

Now what to do with pearl?

I can see a W on window (the one that doesn't have the fish), but that doesn't help me at all! :(

I only found a broom, a W on the window, a panel but need screwdriver and can zoom in down on ladder. Only can go to 4 rooms and that's it. HELP

testsite. while looking at ladder turn left. Then click right side of left seat to zoom in. Then use ur broom to get SD. :)

Thnx Nini... had been clicking there before but didn't click the right pixel I guess.... know it worked!

Np ;D. Now hurry up .. I need desperate help!

Trying to catch up Nini...

Ok, got 4 digit code box, used stick from broom as lever for it. Left with that, sd, crowbar and brush of broom. Looking where to use broom brush

testsite look at my comment (5:36)

Thnx again ... have pearl now!

Great.! Well.. I'm thinking green key for harpoon is inside 4-dig code box...but.. how to open it:?

Yes, we still have the W clue. Clicked everywhere with everything but nada.

I'm completely stuck on this one

Maybe something with octopus or fish?

Thinking that the W maybe something like a direction? Or does it just mean West? Totally lost on this.

We will need the harpoon for the octopus I'm sure. And indeed the fish... what to do with that.

If you look at the octopus it changes it path... counted the times it stretches it's legs but... didn't work. Or maybe the W is for wait.... going to look at the blowfish again.

testsite.. had already done all of that.. lol nada :)

What about the scene right of the steering wheel.... must be something we can do there???

Yeah.. thought bout that as well.. but used every item in every damn pixel and nada.

where to use the SD please?

Ok, we are officialy stuck. Wish we could find the right pixel LOL

Hi everyone, i am stuck with panel code, i got the code with the broom but it wont work on panel, what am i doing wrong?

nokra both scenes next to door :)
below seats

Jessica up and down up and down :)

Thank you so much Nini :)

TY @Nini!! ...wow very tricky hotspots!

Hi. Opened but not caught up yet. I've read you people got a pearl from using the broom? Where or how exactly?

Edgar.. no! lol! These jap games haven't got that crazy yet.

LOL Nini, now I see I read you wrong. Well, I don't have a code yet. Will go on mad-clicking...

found # don;t know what do with it,

Hola nobody out yet??

Where is the steering wheel or code box?

Hola Edgar I was in Cbox! Good to see you.

where u use SD, to open to get crowbar there is #

cheryl use crowbar on door

Hola back, Leroy!
Extremely pixelly this little game I must say. Still no code, and have swept everywhere...

@Edgar note navigation is a bit difficult cos you can reverse!!

Argh! Really @Thimoty? No #'s there for me! Hmm...

@Edgar I mean you dont know which direction you are in the corridor?? Or is it just me??

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LOL, Leroy. I think it's our compass the problem... Well, you can manage navigation if you set ladder and door as marking references...

Where is the code?? Anyone please!

i got 469 81

...where is that?

@Edgar, Use the head of the broom (after taking it apart) on the place you found the crowbar


1035 then SD

oh Edgar sorry! Thought u'd found it already..
Use ur dismantled broom right side of door (scene) where u used SD

looking at the door go in to the right door where u got the crowbar

Thx Guru but how????

Thanks Nini.

Let's see. I go to the room right to the door; I zoom under the right seat where crowbar was got. I think you all say the numbers are there where I only can see an empty panel... and if I got you right, I should use the broom there. Where am I wrong?

Finally. Thanks @testsite.

Good hacking @guru!! A few games deserve it...

OK.. Out!
But how'd u get that Guru?

@Edgar did you take the broom apart?

I did testsite. I don't have a place to enter a 4-dig code though. Any help on that again?

Thnx Guru... but how indeed?!

Edgar Guru's spoiler lol

Hmmmm, there's a step missing, me need to check further.... Patience

POP, Got box now. Stick under the trapdoor did the trick.

Guru.. u the creator? :O
How'd u know "there's a step missing"?

You have to go in the space below a seat (that appears after using crank on the left scene of steering wheel.
there you can stick of broom as a lever and put it up down up down. Put the 5 digits you found under chair in wallpanel and open the floorpanel... there is the 4 digit box

LOL Edgar! just found somebody has been in my backyard and I took issue but not a fight!! Too tired for this game as am watching over property management to do a job that needed doing more than a year ago!! Guess my problem so I shouldnt burden you mob! LOL
Hey we all live our lives as we think fit?

LOL Nini, Guru means he's trying to reverse the code, but he's missing a clue or something... ;)

I'm glad it's a step that's missing and we aren't completely lousy escapers LOL

^_^ (heheeh) sry bout that :P

S.n.g.g.er Is Nini on the grog??

Hola Edgar You ever been to Cbox? Top left of blue at very top of this page!

Maybe.. ;D

Aww... Aww.. Gotta go! :( *crying* Checking tomorrow to see the explanation to the code
Bai bai!

Haven't been there in a while Leroy.
Will join you soon, lol. Waiting for GuruOne and some idea of how the code was supposed to be got. Honestly, I can't see it.

and I'm out! :D

There's a room with a bunch of crates and some bottles, but I'll be damned if I can find the hotspot!!!... Still cracking...

oh ho ho!


After killing the squid, I clicked madly around the background of the ships wheel and ended up facing the back of the wheel, used the bottom of the broom, and discovered a new key hole!


how'd you get to the room with the crates and bottles?

It's in the empty area to the right of the wheel... Manhole type thing

Damn, lotta hidden hotpots here :/


Where excactly? I'm clicking like a drunk monkey and my dog keeps giving me a funny looks @_@

so stuck wth


Gold key found at base of ladder after clicking back of wheel :D

So there are two endings (from what I've found): Pearl Ending and Bottle ending...

maybe a third?

Nah, that's all, thank F

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