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Escape from the Lavish Room Walkthrough

Escape from the Lavish Room

123Bee Lavish Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. A get-together party is held in this lavish room. Amidst the entertainment a young lad, stayed back in the room as he is not well. All of them planned to leave for watching a movie in a theater by locking the room. So sad, this poor boy didn’t accompany them and he is alone. So let’s help him to escape from this room. Good luck and have fun!

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yay been waiting for a new game (even though I am ment to be working)! In I go...


Got code from picture

nearly first lol, have key from rug, tape, sound meter, laptop, screwdriver and cable. but cant do much with them!

need cable for laptop

i've got a code for the drawer, a battery, a key and a soundmeter

ok cant plug the laptop in, i have the cable sticking out of it though

Place laptop in front of elec socket. Open socket with SD. Fix cables inside. Connect laptop with socket

ok same place as you, what to do with the sound meter now?

Click on the socket to light on the laptop. When it is ready, open laptop to take CD. Put CD in CD player and then use the sound meter

Can´t do nothing with laptop and cable.

@Roberto, see my comment 6.14

i can't place laptop nor cable

cant open the laptop? the green light is on

But cannot attacch the cable to laptop or outlet and canno place laptop near outlet either.

when you zoom in on the chair, put the laptop there before you zoom in on the plug. still cant open the laptop though

@Jo.C clik on the socket on the wall to give elec. to the laptop.

@mazomi place the laptop in front of the elec. socket

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have you un screwed the plug and used the tape roberto?

it wont go!

At last my laptop is placed, but cannot get CD from it.

sorry here:


To get the CD, click the white button at the bottom middle.

i cant get the cd either, have a feeling its a bug. and i have already restarted

out ...

nice one thx 123bee

thats not working small-tool, im guessing its a bug

Oh! You need to click the switch with zoom out.

Quiting, i think that was the last bit before you get out anyway so nevermind

Where's the battery?

press the button in front of the laptop

have you connect the laptop with the wire???

Nvm. Battery is in the clock.

@small: in the clock

Just POP found it EGWandOUT, but thanks anyway.
Btw. was there a hint why the code was 3175 and not 7531?

Easy out once laptop placed

thank you guys, but i still can't place that laptop. i must be missing something. all i have left is a soundmeter, laptop and cable. oh well, i'll finish this another time. thanks again, and see you all in another game!

went in a final time and it worked this time, even though i copied what i done before lol

Thanks roberto, I could not get laptop on until I read your post. Crappy game.

I was having the same problems...but 123bee is very specific, sometimes...I found that I had to click the wall switch while in the laptop view...then it loaded...then I could take the cd by clicking the white button.
I had been clicking the wall switch while zoomed on the switch and nothing was happening...
Thanks,@everyone, for all the great hints...
I am out!!!!

       Anonymous  5/19/11, 7:57 AM  

Laptop has to be placed on the rug behind the chair. Trying to place on floor under socket did not work for me.

       Anonymous  5/19/11, 11:09 AM  

what wall switch??? The place where you plug the laptop in zooms in when you click it yet some hints here say be zoomed out then some say be zoomed in???

       Anonymous  5/19/11, 11:16 AM  

Kind of a finicky game. The shifting tiles picture did not work at first. Then in my search for the stupid wall switch (I have not found yet) I thought maybe the switch was hiding there. Then suddenly the tiles moved and I got the 4 digit code to get a sound meter.

where is the wall switch?

One other thing: When I try to submit comments using LiveJournal, I get "your OpenID credentials could not be verified." I have logged into my livejournal account. I have to go to my livejournal and click on something and then come back here and try until the error goes away. Very annoying.

The wall switch is on the wall socket. It's an outlet with a switch next to it. But before it works you have to zoom in on it all the way, then use the screwdriver on it to open it and repair the wire with the tape.
Then zoom out (1x !) and then place the laptop, attach the wire, click the plug so it goes in the socket and then (without zooming in on the socket) click the switch and then the laptop should be working.

And about LiveJournal. I started posting here with LiveJournal too, but I had another problem. Everytime I posted a comment I had to sign in again. So I switched to Google Account and that works perfectly. Never ever any problems.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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