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Male Fairy Escape 2 Walkthrough

Male Fairy Escape 2

123Bee Male Fairy Escape 2 is another point and click room escape game created by 123Bee. An evil magician has turned the handsome male fairy into a tree. Set him free from the magic spell by using your smart techniques. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Pam]

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Hi all!
Found leave with dew

Used leave on ant to get 2 strawberries

Hey, I've got pretty far already, I'm stuck with 7 flowers and a magic coconut.

@ Ellenberger's Unconscious same as you. where to use coconut?

Hi @all! 2 strawberries, looking for more ...

Stuck at the same place - with 7 flowers and a coconut

I played in 123bee and stuck with 7 flowers and coconut too...

Also stuck with 7 flowers and a coconut.

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got it - put the coconut in the ray coming down from the rainbow.

I tried to give the coconut to the unicorn and it got stuck - had to restart!

miles 1 zoomed view or not??

progress. zoom to gold bird and put the coconut to the shine. got a gold coconut

Got fish bowl for the 2 strawberries now

out, if anyone needs help

Ezio - in the zoomed in view with the peacock (not the view with just the lotus thing)

unicorn goes to rainbow

and out

and out as well...easier than the first one

out. thx miles 1

My coconut disapeared from my inventory. :(

Going in as others are coming out! lol

oh no Roberto - that's not good

Don't knows what to do with the fish bowl, any hint? I think, I'm just missing one view.

katherina, check out the white circle in the left of the water

Where to use strawberries?

strawberries are for the snail

where we use the magic peacock feather?

THX LNS, I'll have a look at it.

Therese: Give it to a cute animal ...

snail wont take my strawberries, where do you put them?

buggy, can't get snail to take strawberries

Thx again, LNS - it worked! That's the view I just missed!

Geez, I'd tried that 5 times but missed the exact pixel. Thanks mimo.

np therese! :-)

Also out! It was frustrating to figure out what to do with that coconut!

ok well one of my strawberries are gone but cant get it to have the other one? lol

@ mimo, peacock feather goes on lotus flower

ok both starberries next to the snail but what is ment to happen?

Had to restart: Gave strawberries to snail (tried it a million times bevor it works and got - nothing!!!!)
Now got the fish bowl

*Strawberries, dont know where i got starberries from lol

ok restarting....

anyone still playing? i didn´t find anything. where is the leaf? or is the game buggy for me?

Frog and 2 hearts now.

tx roxy!!!
I was only able to zoom the lotus after reading your post..!

Horst, if I remember right, somewhere in the middle of the screen, you can see the dew on it

Star from swan now - no bugs until now, I hope, there will no bugs going forward!

Leaf is in lake. Now I'm stuck with seven flowers and a magical coin.

I think I'm missing something for the lotus flower... I have the feather and one heart on it.

Used fish bowl in water - got heart with flower (?) and a crown. Gave crown to frog and got another (empty) heart. Took frog and set it near swan and got a star. Used star and "empty" heart on lotos flower

ty katharina

POP. Give magical coin to unicorn. Place it around it's belly.

Used other heart on peakock and got a feather. Used feather on lotos too and it began to rain. Have now a rainbow

Now I have the 7 flowers and coconut!!!!

very buggy, did not taqke the strawberries first two times, would not give the second heart. finally finished.

@ mimo, here's another tip! Take the frog with the crown, and put it on the lily pad by the swan. Swan will give you a star, add the star to your lotus flower and something magical will happen! :)

@anja, zoom in on view with peacock and put coconut on beam of light

Used coconut in peacock view (thanks to Tadas!) and got a gold coin.

this game is too buggy for me. gave the strawberries to the snail and nothing happened. can´t get all the things you are talking about. will try this one another time.

got it! thanks!
used my golden coconut on the unicorn

Used coin on unicorn and flowers on rainbow, now have 7 butterflies

And out - put butterflies on tree

finally out!

6 flowers and a gold coin - just looking for the last flower (thx to Tadas!)


Zoom in on leaf on the pond. Take leaf with dew. Zoom out.

Zoom in on ant. Use leaf with dew on ant. Ant will give you two strawberries. Take strawberries. Zoom out.

Zoom in on snail (on top of mushroom). Give strawberries to snail. Snail will give you a fish bowl. Take fish bowl. Zoom out.

Click on white circle on pond to zoom in. Takes you under water to see fish. Put fish bowl in water. Two fish kiss and give you a heart with flower in it and a crown. Take heart and crown. Zoom out.

Zoom in on frog. Put crown on his head. Take heart (without flower). Also take frog with crown on head. Zoom out.

Zoom in on swan. Put frog with crown on lily pad. Swan will give you a star. Take star. Zoom out.

Zoom in on peacock. Take heart WITH flower in it. Put it on the peacock. Peacock will then give you its feather. Take peacock feather. Zoom out.

Zoom in on lotus flower. Place heart (without flower), peacock feather, and star on lotus flower.It will rain and a beam of light will appear from the cloud leading to the lotus flower. Wait until rain makes flowers grow, trees turn green, and a rainbow appear.

Zoom in on coconut trees. Take a coconut. Zoom out.

Zoom in on all daisy flowers to collect them. (Five different locations to zoom in on: 1) far right in back of scene, 2) front central 3) by mushroom, 4) far left in back of scene, 5) behind pond, between beam of light and peacock). Collect a total of seven daisies, one for each colour of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). Zoom out to main screen.

Zoom in on peacock. Place coconut in beam of light. Coconut will turn into magical coin. Take coin. Zoom out.

Zoom in on stone unicorn. Give coin to unicorn. Unicorn turns white. Click on unicorn. Unicorn will fly to rainbow.

@ Rainbow, place each of your seven flowers on the matching colour of the rainbow. Flowers will turn to butterflies. Collect butterflies. Click on unicorn again to return to the ground.

After landing back on the ground, put your butterflies in the tree. When all butterflies have been placed on the tree, the male fairy appears! And you're free!

Yellow, grey, green, orange, blue and purple flowers - which one do I miss? A red one? I can't find it, help please!

@Katharina - you will find red flower between beam of light and peacock behind the pond. There are two tulips on either side of it. Do you see it now? :)

Found it in 5) - thx Roxy!

Yes, thx Roxy - another view I just missed, I think, I need new spectacles ;-)

np Katharina.

And out - I do love these fairy tales, even missing the 2 views, thx for the hints with the fish bowl and the last flower!

Nice afternoon (or whatever, in Germany it's 4.20 p. m.) to you @all, have to buy s. th. for dinner now and have a look for new games in the evening!

If anyone is still around, the snail has my strawberries but nothing is happening. Help please.

       Anonymous  5/27/11, 4:52 AM  

Thanx Roxy very fine game :-)

np Dorthe... glad I could help! :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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