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Medieval Escape 12 Walkthrough

Medieval Escape 12

Medieval Escape 12 is a new point and click type escape the room game from CafeCafeGames and JuegosDeEscape.Net. You are trapped in a Medieval Castle and you need to find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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is my connection broken or am i really live??? o.O

i've got a gear from the color code...

lol hi Sabine, joining you

i can see a sd in the bottle and there is glass over the place where the gear fits... think i need a hammer...

have a jack, hammer and screwdriver so far

shovel from number code...
oh.. hi Jo.C... so nice... now i am not longer alone

Loading; will try and catch up.

just joining - will try and catch up

wow... ok... your found the sd... me not... but now i have second gear from the piggies...

shovel from number cupboard

smash the glass with the hammer for the screwdriver

meant the hammer.... i just found the sd, but can't get it without hammer

Loading .............

i thought the hint for the wooden blocks could be the wine in the glasses... but don't..

hammer under the rug :)

okokok, one more game only!

why are the blue flags hotspots and the green not... but it does nothing?

how did you get the color code? I know it's about the candles, but they are all the same except for the color...

I guess the color code clue is around the turkey, but I'm not getting the order.

POP! just clicked the order from start screen and then clockwise...

start with the first screen, the candles are slightly different colours

Ahh, thanks for the hint about the candles; it wasn't about the turkey after all. Start at the scene with the door for the candle colors.

@Casual: the candles have different colors in each room

Two gears, hammer, shovel, jack and SD.

lots of hotspots but cant do much else at the moment lol

don't know where to start with the mice...

same place as you Zazie.

A shovel now.

out - anyone needs help

use showel at the pigs

same place here aswel

Start with the mouse at entrance for the last gear (things the turn. round edge is head of mouse)

Sabine, for mice.
From starting view and going right its R-R-L-D
In arrows it's from top to bottom, left to right.

I mean that turn

anyone used the SD yet?

why can't i smash the glass of the clock with the hammer?

Sabine - use the stick you get from sawing the log.
@ Casual - use it for the gear in the clock

Used shovel for third gear.

Missing the 3/4 one (lol) in inventory.

use the mice to open the direction box!

I can't get the gear out the clock. What's the trick?

@miles, i tried this before... can't get the log

I'm lost on the number code... no clue.

Sabine - do you have the saw?

whoops bit late

seawall- Look at the pig

SAW???!!! where??

Edgar - break the glass with the stick you get from sawing the log. Then use the screwdriver

Missing one gear.
How to put the 3 buttons ? Where is the hint.

@Jo.C... i asked some time before, where to begin with the mice... please, tell me

and out. thanks guys!

I think it was from the drawer you open with the peg puzzle, but can't remember

no miles, i don't have a saw...

@Sabine, start at the first screen and look at the direction they are facing

Thanks, Jo C; I thought it was some kind of string of multiplication; trying to make it way harder than it was!

I don't know where the hint for the 3 buttons is. the drawer just opened after I played with the buttons.

Oh yes, the pegs. Forgot about them... and havent solved them lol. Going to check. thanks miles.

@Zazie... i tought this hint would be the wine in the glasses... but i am always wrong today...

got all 4 gears now

the hint is the wine for the pegs

and out...that was easier than they usually are

And out... finally! :D

And out !!!

Out; thanks for the help!

@Graham... i tried the wine-hint several times... again and again... that doesn't work... i try it since the beginning of the game...

Sabine it is middle up down.

left: center
middle: up
right: down

ok... POP... i first have to be desperated, then comes the POP... got the saw now..

The positions of the glasses, not the wine itself.

thanks for the help @all... this time its me, first in last out =) but finally i am

out without any help!!

Hi, can somebody tell me what the numbercode is please?

@ Kees, Cees en Henk.

Code is the one with X5, according to piggy.

Thanks Edgar

@kees....look at the pig and then the sign

out with no help. Always like these games the most!!!

wie ist der farbcode?,ich habe von rechts nach links weiß,rot,braun und gelb aber paßt nicht ,andersrum auch nicht

Yep...the pig got me, too...was trying to complicate it as usual!!!
TY for all the great clues everyone...

Good game again!!!

bekomme das zahnrad aus uhr nicht raus,wie geht das?

Von links nach rechts; Weiss, Gelb, Braun, Rot.

danke. und wie geht das mit uhr? kann machen was ich will,tür ist auf aber kanns nicht nehmen

Habst du dem Säge?

ja habe die tür an uhr auf,mir fehlt noch was,aber ich finde nirgens mehr was kein hammer,kein teil womit ich das rausbekomme

Mit Säge auf Holzblock bekommt man ein Stock.
Dem Stock aufs Uhr und dan den Schraubenzieher.

schraubenzieher? wo ist der denn?

Zerbreche die Flasche mit dem Hammer.
Hammer ist rechts unten unter den Teppich.

ah danke habe ihn gefunden,war ein minipixel haben nun alles und kann raus

Lol a 'minipixel' that's a real tiny pixel.
Anyway congrats and you're welcome.

After the one with the dove-shooting, I had a horrible feeling the creators were expecting me to smash little white mice with a hammer!
Thankfully not!
I don't care if it IS only pixels, killing things needlessly goes against the grain when I spend so much effort in real life to SAVE them!

I hate the fact that I could not solve the arrow/mice think. my mice are L L R D
Ive ttried it in every order I could think of...

What is the answer!

and in the previous game, you were not killing the doves, you were scareing them away!

It is as you said you're mice are;


Thank you, Deniz Fevziye Gündoğdu!
I can sleep better now ;P

Found all four gears but need a lever or something to open the gate.

I found this with no walkthrough, so here it is, 15 months later! Enjoy this fun game!

Walkthrough Scene 1: Notice the color of the candles, and the way the mouse is facing, and you will save yourself some trouble. Here also is a baited mousehole, and a slot in the wall with 4 posts nearby.
In this game it's better to move right, since that's how the codes work. So go right to

Scene 2 - candles and mouse. 3 3-position pegs above a chest of drawers. A 4-# cabinet. Also a rug with a sword on it. Now don't grow up to be like me. Go directly to the lower right corner of the carpet and claim your HAMMER now, instead of looking absolutely everywhere else first. Then right again to

Scene 3 - Here are candles and mouse, a 4-color code, a 4-directions puzzle, and a bunch of intriguing stuff you can't do anything with. What is the orange thing behind the jug? I clicked on that at least 2335 times and it NEVER MOVED. Dang these people. Anyway, you can't solve the puzzles quite yet, so once more right to

Scene 4 - Mouse and candles. Now you have the info to complete 2 puzzles. There's also a clock, a laden table, and a sealed bucket. Now practice some reckless vandalism and smash the bottle on the table with your HAMMER. There's the wonderful, ubiquitous (Don't you love that word?) SD inside. Now return to

Scene 3 - You can enter the colors of the candles in order for the color code (solutions at end). Get GEAR 1. Also enter the directions the 4 mice are facing for GEAR 4. Go right twice.

Part 2 on the way...


Scende 5 - 'tis a sty, my liege. Inhale not. But notice that the pig has 'X5' on its rump, and the number 5728 is join'd wi'it upon the sign. Notice also if you wish, that the pleasant blue banners waving above be Clickable. This is ye RED HERRING. Continuing right we find ourselves where we started.

Scene 1 - The gears must be placed in order, so put the 1st GEAR on, or not, as you wish. continue to

Scene 2 - where you can enter the pig's number for a SHOVEL. You also know how to set the pegs now, right? Don't you? This is where I assumed that the level of wine in the glasses was the clue, but I was shamefully WRONG. So I forgot all about the glasses and went and looked at everything else, of course. Well, guess what? It's the position of the doggone glasses on the table. When you finally work that out, you get a SAW. Go right again -

Scene 3 - Here you SAW the wood to get a STICK. Right to

Scene 4 - Use STICK to open the clock, and SD to free GEAR 3. Use HAMMER on bucket and get a 'JACK', which is actually going to be a lever. Hold your nose and go to

Scene 5 - Dig in the pile of pig excrement for GEAR 2. I assume you're wearing gloves.
Right once more to

Scene 1 - where you can now place all GEARS on the posts, then the JACK in the slot in the wall. Yank on the JACK and you can ESCAPE (still wondering what was in that mousehole)



Candles are
For the colorblind this is easy: 1-2-3-4 clicks.

Mice are facing L-L-R-D. That's 3-3-1-2 clicks.

The pig's # - 5728 - is for the cabinet in Scene 2.

The pegs go middle-up-down.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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