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Nao's Ten Riddles Walkthrough

Nao's Ten Riddles

Nao has made a "sticky" riddle game. Nao's Ten Riddles! As the title says there are ten riddles presented. I hope you enjoy it... you might hate it, though. Good luck and have fun!

Note: There are 3 volumes in this series, Vol. 2 shall be posted tomorrow!

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A riddle :)

hm.. mine too s-t.
found this link: http://www.gran-fenix.com/fun/riddle/01/index.htm
but characters are buggy.

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Fixed the link....sorry guys! :(

And already stuck on sign 3.
The argonauts one.

Hmm how many emperors??

@st, are you playing the same game as posted above, or did you go on with your link? There are different volumes.

Lol Jon,
No need to be sorry. EG24 players will always find their way around even if the link isn't working.
But thanks anyway and thanks for the game.

Oops, you're right Ellie. I'm playing another game.

@Leroy, I found a good list of emperors googling for the first one. The list was numbered, but that wasn't the correct answer... so I tried the answers around and found that the list number-2 was ok.

Hmm 6 northern and 4 southern emperors.. Might have to hit the clue button LOL

Well, I think I leave this to you guys.
Think I found the wrong list and ended up with a wrong number, like Ellie did, but not really in the mood to keep on Googling.
Have fun and good luck to you all.

I accept southern emperors and saw another list that said 7 nrothern! But do I count Empresses????

Yes @Leroy, accept empresses too. I used this list.. but not totally correct number at the end:

I'm not too fond of searching for the family name of the japanese protagonist on page 4. Will leave this riddle for a while.

Btw. If you're still here Ellie.
On The Deceit Chronicles somebody is begging for help. I deleted all my notes and links, but I'm sure you didn't.

is where I went but will have a look at the other link!
Did note one early example of 2 emperors at the same time!!

Btw. Leroy,
The emperors one is 2 less than you think.

Lol @st, I saw that and just answered.

Lol back to you Ellie.
Isn't it great how EG24 works?
Really the best site there is.

has anybody found the family name for level 4?

@St just come back and saw your post LOL. I got it by hit and miss!!
Now the bloody family name??????

any luck on the family name? i have tried everything listed and no luck.

have just checked on another forum and they say the answer is "tricky" - this seems to be a clue but i don't understand it

minamoto is a common family name given by emperors as emperors traditionally dont have a family name??
But grrrr doesnt work.....

i have tried over 20 different names to no avail grrrrrr

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 12:18 PM  

getting pretty bored searching for that name
what could be tricky about it?

minamoto is the clan name he was given when he became a mere civilian, but that's not the answer...

Hi all (again)! I'm stuck w/ all of u.

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 12:31 PM  

ok, so wikpedia says "His given name is never referred to in the course of the story"
does that mean there is actually NO family name???

ahh where is that tricky page, noone found anything? I think we should concentrate on some trap there instead of searching on wiki...

Damn I got it!! On to the next one!! Youll kick yourselves....

7 now!

@Leroy a hint.. ?

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 12:50 PM  

@leroy could you share the name pleeeaaasssee!!

Try one of the earlier names we bandied about and carefully look at the error page!! Remember his comments re sticky things??

Not yet anybody?? I dont want to give it up point blank!!!

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 12:58 PM  

@Leroy thw a LOT
i would never have seen that

yes it's the minamo?? mane and just scroll down that isn't fair lol

Sound of kick, kick, kick all over the land LOL

Might have to wait for some help on 8! Seems to be a bible question!

thank you Leroy for the hint on lvl 4. now I'm stuck still on lvl 7..

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:08 PM  

must have used all my brains on the name, i can't pass through the apocalypse...

7 was easy!

@nolwenn LOL youll kick yourself again when you realise!!

I can't pass 6

Sound of kick, kick, kick.. becomes louder!

ok got it haha yes, was easy one, just the brains stopped to function at some point I guess.. 8 now

nolwenn, what (letter) is at the end of (the word) time?

can't pass 6 either. Any help?

@Cris kick, kick, kick... easy!

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:12 PM  

twice i've kicked myself now, it's starting to hurt now lol

Both of you remember the first answer (Lvl 1)??????

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       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:16 PM  
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Cris, i'm stuck with you.

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:17 PM  

@Leroy do you mean the missing letter?

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Anybody got a bible?? I want to know what is the last section number for romans?? Too much religion on the net!

@nolwenn ??? dont understand the question. You can backpage safely with this game! At least I can!!

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       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:20 PM  

reached lvl 8 now

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roman 16:27 i think.
But still stuck on 6.

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:23 PM  

@Leroy sorry i must have misunderstood your question in the first place, it's not important

what gave you the idea lvl 8 is a biblical thing?

@Yvon, I can't find the answer for 6

LOL just tried page source and got:
Sorry, no clue is hidden here...

@nolwenn Paul and romans from the bible. See the clue.

I was right!! on to 9...

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:26 PM  

@Cris for lvl6 theanswer is truly written in the text

finally........ forgot that you must left out the space between the 2 words.

thanks @Leroy, 7 now

Now on 10!!!

can't find any wrong word at lvl 10..

Leroy, a hint for 9 please.

Ill just say airports!!! I worked in an airport for a long time so saw it fairly easily LOL!!

well, it's not an airplane, plane or a helicopter. What else do you have?

Use this link...

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:52 PM  

i've tried every word meaning plane i could think of, tried airbus, boeing... what else is there?

@Yvon - you have codes..

@Yvon, just like u. no clue. maybe u can´t go...

It was good riddle no 9!!! LOL

And the answer wont be what you might think...

Thanx Leroy!!

please do not LOL on us @Leroy. It's frustrating... not find something that is so easy for everybody...

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 1:58 PM  

of course i should have thought of that but i'm used to icao codes (i work in aviation as well leroy)

@Cris sorry (secret snigger).

Hi guys I need a clue for 7..
My year's not working.

       Anonymous  5/22/11, 2:02 PM  

i'll try lvl10 tomorrow, have fun everyone

So @Cris you get the answer?? And hey half the time I am behind everybody else!

that's ok @Leroy. just trying Shakespeare now. thanks for the airports

@nini xD which voyage????

POP! lvl 8

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Hmm he states "in this page..." so might not be the quotes!! Have been looking in the page source file etc...
Frustrated and will have to go out shortly while it is still not raining.

Stuck on 9. Used Leroy's link but nada.

You get the 3 airport codes?? Last column...

ohhh. thx Leroy.

Found 10 I think..

Came back for a while to do this and don't know what I'm doing wrong on level 7.
1492 is obviously wrong and I don't understand Leroy's hint about which voyage.

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I found this:
Although we use "wherefore," if at all, as a synonym for "why," Juliet uses the word in a more limited sense. By "wherefore?" Juliet means "for what purpose?"

@ST not all the voyages reached.....

@ST try on sequency travels

Leroy are u done already?

Sorry for being stupid, but I still don't get it.

No and must now go to get catfood etc... Oh and my food LOL!!

Got it!! It has nothing to do with Shakespeare. Look at the producer...

@ST bahamas and the other islands are not america!!

LOL Yvon! Great find!

Nvm got it, but thanks anyway.

That was tricky... but I'm finnaly done!

Damn I thought it wasnt the quotation.. LOL
Endgame so I now go to the Supermarket....

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In 1492 Columbus reached some Caribbean islands.

It was #### when he first reached the 'continent'

Drinking some wine now and going to sleep in about half an hour. Have fun shopping Leroy.

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I still don't get the producer???

@Nini xD ???? You drinking with Yvon?

Cris, look at the name of the game you are playing.

What site did you guys use for the Bibical thing on level 8 ?

Lol Leroy! ok.. let's make it smaller:

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haha I'm stupid


ST, i posted the answer allready. But me my guest if you want to look for it. I didn't use a site, can't help you with that.

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Yvon.. u used a real Bible?

@ST Yvon said it at1:21 so I didnt use the "good" book!LOL No bible in my house!

i did Nini, have an old one at home.

And page source says game is:
Nao's Ten Riddles Vol.03

Ok @Yvon, I can see the name, of the game and the name of the producer, but this didn' work out

Cris.. Neo?

must put it like this: wrong name-correct name

@Cris Use pageback and double check!

First the wrong one "e" then the right one "a"


Thanks Nini xD,
Got it.

Oops and a lot of other posts.
Thank you all guys, you're very helpful.

oh, I just did it and nothing happens

Did you use a capital N?

@Nini xD, Ok, I got it. I just keep changing wrong and right places... Thanks everybody for all the help. very nice playing a live game for a change.

And stuck again on level 9.
I thought it would be the airport abrevations of the cities, but it doesn't work.
Do I have to anagram?

ST, use Leroy's link. Find the ones for all the places mentioned.

Nvm again. had one city wrong.
On 10 now.

And thanks again Yvon, but just found it.

Had het al gelezen. Succes met 10!

Liked it that there where only 10 levels. Now you can still finish the game in one evening.

Got level 10 too, thanks guys.

Do you play other riddles too Yvon?

Most times they are too hard for me (because i don't know enough English).

That's why i like Nao game. Because he's Japanese, he don't use English word riddles.

Lol Yvon,
A lot of riddles are made by by non-native English speakers. Like Last Enigma (I think he's from Thailand), Zodiac riddle (Turkish) and Mindskell (made by an Italian guy and really, really great graphics).
But you're right about just 10 levels and being able to finish it in just an evening.
On Last Enigma it took sometimes days to finish just one level, but imho still the best riddle there is.

I don't have enough patience to go through all the internet sites. You are a better person then i am if you can.

Oh and by the way, to me it seems you're English is perfect. But who am I to be the judge of that, being just a 'domme Belg' (just kidding).

If i'm not mistaken, you made some great walkthroughs!! Could not have done that like you. But thanks for the compliment.

Lol again Yvon,
Certainly not a 'better' person, but playing with other people here on EG24 there's a lot of brainstorming going on and you get there eventually.
And the real good riddles don't have 'much' Googling to do, all the logic is in the level itself.

For now, Nao is enough challange for me.
Off to bed now. See you some other time.

Thanks for the walkthrough compliment, but most of them is about just using all the things other clever people found out and then just putting it in place with a smart lay-out (with using bold and caps etc.) and just using the English words I know and if not, then using things like thingy-this and thingy-that.

Yep, you're right, sleepy-time here too.
Slaap lekker en zie je in een volgend spel.

LOL. But never the less, they are great.

Tot de volgende keer!!

Ahhh.. nice brain using short riddle. Needed to peek at comments for emperor (silly me .... once again not doing the simple things)

Nice riddle game... thanks to everyone for leaving great hints in the comments.. my pea sized brain doesn't do to well with these riddles.. of course, I have had several glasses of wine!

Hope to see you all in the next stage of the riddle.

Thanks for posting Jon!

HELP!! What's the answer for the lvl six?? The answer is in the question right?? But I can't find two comprehensible words!! I've tried almost all combinations (I think I got the first word correct) but the second one is simply eluding me!! I'm nearly giving up!! ><

Don't remember anymore, but wasn't that the level where you gave minamo as answer and then you get the error page, but that's good. Just scroll down on that page to see the real answer.
But maybe I'm talking about a different level.

Hi this is the author Nao. Thank you for challenging my riddles!
I'm waiting for your messages at the Hall of Fame at the end. Good luck!

@Angiebear , the answer for level six is "theanswer" (write in lower case and without space)

And for those who don't want to Google, first look at the page source (there are no answers there, as the comment smugly declares) and from that, look at the JavaScript source. All the answers are in there.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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