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Splendid Room Escape Walkthrough

Splendid Room Escape

123Bee Splendid Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. Trapped inside this room, you have to find ways and means to escape by finding out the clues hidden there. Good luck and have fun!

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in i go

3 crayons and the video player

5 crayons and a pan now?

Hi Jo, just joining

Plus watch, candle ans remote.

Hey, going in

Waste paper goes on kitchen bottom where light comes in from open window.

hmmm not sure what to scribble on

One code from remote, one from watch and another one from newspaper.

duh just found the screwdriver

5 crayons here

Use SD on video player

so what is happening to the paper on the floor? I cant take it again. has it done anything?

Another buggy game !!!
My crayons are stuck on the screen and the candle is sticking behind one pen and i can´t take it back anymore.

i must be missing the candle

cant find the correct pixel to place the paper, lol

the window has to be open first

took me a couple of clicks

placed the paper. Stuck

When you have all the candles (6), click on them. Then in new view drag one by one to the upper part of the screen.

i thought syncro might work on the 6 letter drawer, but no

Ok now i managed to arrange 6 pens in the big view and it is the code for the right 6 letter drawer, gave me a magnifier.

For the left c-b in kitchen, use the hint in newspaper.

i seem to missing the A to put in between the R and Y on the crayons

And the stove needs fire.

Use magnifying glass on map on wall

Just turn the switch under left gas ring

Use magnifier on world map for fridge key.

4 letter hint fo use in kitchen cabinet on newspaper on table in living room

magnifier? for the first one in im not doing very well lol

hey! 123bug again...crayons stuck on screen.

and out

@Zazie: how did you get rid of the crayons stuck on the screen?

use magnifier to light paper

crayons go on world map (just keep dragging them) and make a new "word" for the code

What to do with ice cube and the pan ?
They won´t go on the oven.

take lit candle and light gas stove then put frying pan on burner followed by chunk of ice from fridge. Get key and out of here

and out! Weird game

POP got it !

put magnifier over paper, light candle, then stove

how to light the candle?

Out ! Really a weird and buggy game.

i need the magnifier

I never put the crayons on the map, just arranged them in the big view.

I quit. I can't believe I'm always falling for 123bug. I mean, can anyone remember if there ever was a game without any bugs???

i think there was once upon a time Miller lol im gonna give up soon i think

and even "crayons" was spelled wrong.

can't find A crayon

same here evans

where is key for fridge and 2nd 3 digit code for stereo cupboard

the gas on that cooker has been on for ages now but i cant find the magnifier to light it lol, feeling light headed

POP dont need A just spell cryons but still can't open fridge

How to open the window?

i have them spelt like that but nothing has happened? this is long

i think you have to just keep clicking it until it works Pat

ok thanks (NOT) for all the tips on fridge. use magnifier on world map for 2nd 3 digit code to get ice out of fridge.
Put Cryon on other side of stereo cupboard for magnifier. Have to zoom dryer to open window to light paper with magnifier.
Out now. Good luck Jo.C

       Anonymous  5/9/11, 6:57 AM  

where is the SD?

       Anonymous  5/9/11, 6:59 AM  

POP found it

ty ty ty

but where is the magnifier? lol thanks evans

Now game was working fine. Every one refresh and play again..

FINALLY have the magnifier, forgot they spelt crayon wrong! might beable to get some where now

How do I use the last key to get out?


Crayon 1 on left couch.
Newspaper on table.
Remote near TV.
Crayon 2 in remote and number 781.
Use code on top left drawer to get watch.
Number in watch 2230.
Use number in middle top drawer and get camera.
Crayon 3 in camera.
SD on top right drawer.
Take crayon 4 from player after using SD on it.
Crayon 5 from TV.
Take pan from closet on top of stove.
Waste paper from trash.
Crayon 6 from washing machine.
Use word UCAN from newspaper in closet in kitchen to get candle.
Click window to open and put waste paper in sunlight in zoomed view of washing machine.
After getting all 6 crayons, click them to get new view and drag them to the upper part of the screen to from CRYONS.
Use this word on bottom drawer of TV to get lens.
Use lens on waster paper in sunlight to burn it and use candle to light it.
Use lens on map on wall in TV room to get code 123.
Use 123 on bottom left drawer of TV to get key.
USe key on fridge to get ice.
Use candle to light stove, put pan, add ice and get key.
Use key on exit door and out.

I agree with most of the comments here.
123BEE, and a few others, put out buggy, illogical, somewhat unplayable games. At least the ones we see here on a regular basis.
Not trying to step on anyones toes, offend other players or be negative but...

It's just one old fart's opinion, but sometimes I wonder about the age, level of education, maturity, etc. of some game developers/makers for most 123BEE, Gazzyboy, etc. games we see here.

They just seem to be be made for a somewhat childish, immature level of gameplay. Perhaps this is what they are striving for and are happy with that and don't wish to appeal to a broader audience. That being said, they are way better than the games I DON'T make, I just play them.

I think it's time, for me, to bypass 123BEE games in the future, just like I do Gazzyboy games. Just not worth the effort, yet.

       Anonymous  5/9/11, 9:43 AM  

ok, I guess I'm stupid! what kitchen does everyone keep talking about? I only have 1 room with a locked door!

i've been clicking on that window for ages and it won't open! :(

i opened it!!!

@ Littlefoxeyes,
Kitchen scene to right of living room scene.

@ Oana,
Zoom right side dryer in kitchen first, then open window.

       Anonymous  5/9/11, 9:53 AM  

ty @bumjelly! had a buggy game first time, right went to door, no kitchen! refreshed game and can continue now! ty!

thx Bumjelly :)

YW to all.
A BUGGY game @ 123BEE??? That just can't bee...:)

To Jellybum [I just can't bring myself to type it the other way round] ;)
As one old fart to another - young, childish and immature IS the wider audience =D
Most commercial games cater for the very young first, and we at EG24 are in fact the extreme.
The main thing I like about 123BEE games is that they are always close by to repair any bugs as they arise.
I usually don't get to play new games until later, and I never found a buggy 123BEE one yet.
There are a few creators who do not correct errors, whose games I no longer attempt to play [no names mentioned, but you know who you are]
My pet hate is pixel-hunting, so I am happy to partake in a little illogical puzzling in comparison.
Hugs for the dogs [B and J] =)

@Jellybum again:
One of my dogs has digestion problems, and THAT'S the mental image conjured up for me by your account name - you understand ;D

Now that's funny!!!
Address me as you so choose, it's totally cool with me. It can be an "old fart thing" just between us. Uh, on second thought, that doesn't sound to good either. Scratch that.

I have thought about changing Bumjelly to Bum+Jelly, BumandJelly or something like that. Let's see, BJ? No, lets not even go there.

Actually, I have used Bumjelly at quite a few other websites/forums for years and the name gets recognized by some newcomers from time to time, so it will have to stay for now, for me at least.

Only at this site has there ever been any discourse, good or otherwise, about "that name", by others in the past as well as yourself. Must be an "escape junkie" thing, I guess.

At least I'm not a man that advertises his "small-tool" or someone who wants everybody to "smell-my-butt". I recently saw "SpottedDick" at a PC tech forum and then realized the poster was from London and of course he obviously loved that classic English pudding dish. Nothing naughty about that. ;-)

I am really LOL!!! I love those "handles". Makes me smile whenever I see them. Cheers!

@ Rookwings,
I forgot to mention a game you would just love based on your comments above.
Zoz and I both just loved it. Really, Swear to God, Honestly. ;-)

Escape 001 - check it out...


       Anonymous  5/10/11, 10:40 AM  

Just for future reference if anyone reads this.... I can never get thru a 123Bee game without all the help from those that played live.

Very frustrating to find out that what you have been trying to do for 10 minutes ends up to be exactly what you need to do (verified by comments)and cant.

What has helped me is the zoom feature. In those instances I zoom (my screen) to at least 200% and I notice that it's much much easier to find the right pixel.

Try it.

@ Good-Dog,
I totally agree with you, and others, about the "zoom" factor in order to play some games. Sometimes zooming is almost a necessity to be able to play at all for players with less than perfect vision, older or crappy monitors, etc.

A lot of the Japanese and Chinese escape games ,that are not zoomable, truly are works of art with stunning graphics that just can't be enjoyed fully by a lot of players, not to mention a lack of easier game play.

However, even after years of our objections, there are still some very good game designers and/or websites that will still not allow for zooming of any kind. WAY uncool, in my opinion!

Every now and then I get on my soapbox and denounce the "un-zoomability" factor and then I feel better. I know from reading lots of other posts that zooming is important to a lot of us online escape gamers. Yet our pleas fall on deaf ears. What else can one do?

Just to put in my 2 cents.....
Did anyone else turn on the gas in the beginning of the game...then find the way to light the candle much , much later....I should have thought the house would have exploded ...but in 123 bee land...It did not happen...LOLOL

No bugs here...all in all a good game, I liked it!

YeSSSS! I did that too =)

@Jellybum =D
Thank you for the "blessing" regarding your screen name, but, having read further in your posts, I think I'll have to call you by your chosen handle - I'll just grit my teeth and close my eyes while I type it =)
If you are recognised by that name you should not change it - unless you want to go incognito, of course ;)

I wonder if everyone's too polite to mention any connotations, but then, it's probably just a two-dog thing. [And don't get me started on the farts! I have a special spray which kills his "gaseous issues" the moment I hear that little "whiffy-piffy" noise escape from his back end!] =D =D
If I was named after my two, I would be LadySirius.... ewww!
Yes, I'm female, but that's just way too "pink and sparkly" for me =)

I absolutely agree with some of the other names you mentioned, But also I try to remember that a lot of people here use english [or american-english] as a second or third language, and may not even know how peculiar their names are, but I can't see myself addressing the guy with the other bottom-related name!!! Bless him, he could even be a really nice guy, too.
I think small-tool should be sharp-tool. He's always around to help here, so he certainly deserves it.
Fancy calling a dog Bum in the first place! That always makes me chuckle!
If I ever see a "JB" now, I'll wonder if it's you, haha.
There must be somewhere more apt to take this conversation? =D =D =D
P.S., I'm off to check out your recommendation right now =)

@Bum[averts thoughts]jelly:
You meanie! Remind me never to trust you again!
I just tried your link and found it was one I'd already tried.
My comment is 7th from last [currently].
I'm always saying that I detest mouse-destroying pixel-hunts!
123BEE have come a long way from the dark and dirty days of one-pixel-hit-actions, but sometimes you have to use a kind of fantasy logic to do things, and that can be fun. Two of my favourite-ever games are Alien Planet Escape [one and two], both on this page:


I just saw my name mentioned.

Well, although English isn't my first language I'm very well aware of the associations of my avatar name. And yes of course it's chosen because of the multiple interpretations.
But let's (mis)quote Shakespeare;
Naughtiness is in the eye of the beholder.

Anyway, I chose this name because of the double meaning (I like multi-interpretable words), but the first interpretation should be about 'tool' (what you often need in escape games) and 'small' because of the fact that after years of lurking on this site I was brave enough to try posting but wanted to make sure I'm just a newbie looking up to to the great hero's around here.
Anyway, What's in a name?. For me it's just a minor thing.

And about bugs and not being able to zoom in (and other stuff);
Well, for me that ship has sailed or it's all water under the bridge.
And at this point my English is not good enough because those expressions are not really what I meant.
Just wanted to say; I learned not to bother anymore (although I still get annoyed and post comments about it when I think game-makers might find it helpful to improve their games), because nowadays I always keep in mind; We get all those games 'just for free' and we can talk about it on this great site.

not my favorite 123Bee game because of the trouble opening the window. Which I guess let out all of the explosive gas for me too, since I didn't die. ;)

I don't mind most of their room escape games because I don't run into bugs that ruin the game for me. Although I used to. I don't like the fairyland ones where there isn't logic and just a lot of blind--hmmm...wonder if this will work.

I like reading the meaning behind names, and I find the double meanings funny. I was okay with bumjelly's name after I learned it wasn't something disgusting. Small-tool's name makes me giggle.

Thanks for the comments. They were better than the game. I love EscapeGames24 for this!

your name is just fine, honey!
I think we've all seen that you are quite content with it, double meanings included, so we are happy to go along with your sense of humour. I'm sure I speak for Jellybum also =)
What's in YOUR name is the fact that you actually chose it!!
By the way, another phrase you might like, and may even fit better, is there's no use crying over spilt milk .
I've told you before, your english is better than a lot of english people that I know, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!! ;P
You are aware that you have become one of the "greats" well before I started joining in, and neither you, Jellybum, nor anyone else should change names that you chose for yourselves! =)

it doesn't make me giggle *snorts behind hand* ooops!

This is my first posting although I have been "lurking" for a few weeks. I love all your names and I look forward to seeing your comments, hints and funny quips... stick with your names, they relate to your "online personality". This is my favorite walkthrough forum and I want to say thanks to you all for helping me "get out" on many occasions!!

I am irritated with this game for 2 reasons ....I can't finish because despite hundreds of clicks I can't get the window open!
AND I am a bit peeved that Australia is left off the world map??? At first I thought it was some kind of clue but - Not!! Last time I looked we WERE a part of the world!! lol

I'm having trouble finding the exact pixel for the magnifier to use on the waste paper to set it on fire...aaargh!

Anyone around to help?

After trying a zillion times, I give up...life's too short for time-consuming pixelhunting. In a bad mood now :-|

@ Bronte.cakes, Welcome aboard. :)

I was a "lurker" for a long time also but I saw that the people here are very nice, positive and helpful to all, not just a select few.
Most important, at least to me, they're not a bunch of "flamers" like at some other sites who look for and readily pounce on any opportunity to put other posters down for even the slightest reason. A good group here!!!

The game: did you zoom to the clothes dryer before clicking on the window? That worked for me.
I thought exactly the same thing about Australia being ommited from the map. I would have bet it was part of the gameplay.

@Bronte.cakes belated welcome! I hope I can play live with you at some point.

@Bumjelly how dare you comment on here you darn upstart!!!!1!!!111!! DX

Just kidding of course :P

@ Kkf, Back atcha...(~_^)

@Rookwings and all others concerned with "THAT" name:
I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes and I just now put 2+2 together and it came out, no pun intended, that over 'there", "Bum" is the local expression for booty, butt, bottom, back end, backside, etc.
DOH! How OBTUSE am I, not to have recognized that? (Rhetorical question, obviously no need for any additional input, tyvm.)
I just noticed that those descriptions above all start with the letter B. Hmm, got to think on that.

No wonder I was a little puzzled about the concern for my particular posting name, handle, moniker, as it were. It just never sank in until this moment.
Now I've had my really good laugh for the day at my own expense. Thanks, I needed that.
Now, if it's OK with everyone, I'd like to leave the whole name thing behind.
Oops! Sorry about that, just couldn't resist...

re: the small-tool name thing...
I totally agree with Rookwings, "Sharp-Tool" it could be. No disrespect was intended in any way. You are escape game royalty by my standards.

=D =D =D

This comment has been removed by the author.
       Anonymous  5/13/11, 1:18 PM  

Love the names. Don't change any them.

I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes and I just now put 2+2 together and it came out, no pun intended, that over there, "Bum" is the local expression for booty, butt, bottom, back end, backside, bahookie, etc.
How obtuse am I, not to have recognized that!!!
Hmmm, I just now saw that those descriptions all start with the letter B. Got to give that a think or two...

No wonder I was a little puzzled about the concern for my particular posting name.
Now I've had my really good laugh for the day at my own expense. Thanks, I needed that.
LOL, indeed!
Maybe it's time to leave all this online name stuff "behind."
Oops! Sorry, I just couldn't resist that last one. :P

re: small-tool
I totally agree, "sharp-tool" it should be. Escape game royalty by my or any standards I would think!

Lol @Bumjelly!! So much "better with very late than never"! :D:D

"A lot of the Japanese and Chinese escape games ,that are not zoomable, truly are works of art with stunning graphics that just can't be enjoyed fully by a lot of players"

No they can't! But the reason is different. Intelligible graphics? NO! Intellegible logic? Neither that. But ... 100% in Japanese!

Those guys like Y.... (forgot his name) and Springdays have soooo good ideas and good logic (though too much math according to some people's opinions, lol). But when they do not make their games bilingual, all the potential goes away!

Of course, we do have resident experts here like Shuchun; but is that fun getting all spelled out by him because we can't find it ourselves due to that language barrier?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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