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Werewolf Mystery Walkthrough

Werewolf Mystery

Werewolf Mystery is another point and click room escape game developed by Abroy. It's full moon and there are some beasts seeking for prey. If you don't want to be that prey better make your way out of this room. Have fun and good luck!

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Well, Abroy is fun too. Let's go.

Puzzle piece under red book on big table.

Sandpaper from picture puzzle.

Hi Sue.

Loading up

Glove from other name for werewolf

Definitely had to turn the sound off :P

Puzzle piece from pyramid puzzle.

please explain the pyramid puzzle again small tool. ty

Sword from enemy puzzle.


You have to add two balls next to each other and the answer is the ball above those two.

Crowbar from number puzzle (for hint use sandpaper on table).

A live one! YAY.... I'll try to catch up

Cheese from colours puzzle (for hint; books in bookcase).

Use google for the Werewolf AKA.

Also, if someone need help with number pyramid, let me know.

Puzzle piece in fireplace (use glove).
Puzzle piece in front of couch.

lol nvm i got it it came back to me in a flash. what is another name for a werewolf, tried shapeshifter

Give cheese to mouse (behind gray screen) for another puzzle piece.

Lol Bigtank,
You're a riddle player you should know how to Google Wiki.
It starts with an L.

Glove from Werewolf aka, sword from biggest enemies drawer

again nvm got myself, ty s-t anyway just lazy

Puzzle piece under green book on little table

Theres a piece in the piano pedal, but I don't seem to have the right tool to get it out yet.

Puzzle piece under wherewolf head (on bookcase).

Thanks Exsiss
Use crowbar there to get a puzzle piece.

Use sandpaper on "dirty spot" on the table (under the red paper)

(to get code)

Use sword on wherewolf to get to the door, put puzzle pieces in for key, key on door and out.

So it was supposed to be a mouse! Haha, couldn't tell.

Only need the piece in the piano pedal, still can't figure out how to get it.

Small-tool, Did you have to use it twice? I might have a glitch in my game, because I have it open and I can see it, just can't grab it.

and out. good to catch up s-t. i do prefer escape games, just get addicted to riddles

you need the crowbar for the piano s-t


For others who had a problem, I started clicking all over the puzzle piece and was able to pick it up when I clicked toward the top-right of it.

mir fehlen code für werewolf aka und bigest enemines und die zahlencodes.Kriege auch das teil aus kamin nicht raus

Just once, but to get it you have to click the very top part.

I'm missing one puzzle piece (left bottom) any ideas?

@Exsiss - it's just a pixel hunt - try the pedal a few times.

I posted all 8 pieces I found.

need help with the werewolfs enemies - please!

Ahhh the cheese; silly me

and OUT!

Love Abroy! Missed the one view in front of the sofa but out eventually!

Thanx s-t! I missed it

Nini: vampires

Nini...it's another supernatural being with fangs...

Puzzle pieces;
Under red book on big table.
From pyramid puzzle.
In fireplace (use glove)
In front of couch.
Give cheese to mouse.
Under green book on little table.
Under wherewolf head.
Crowbar on piano pedal.

ohhhhh, thank you whatever11!

and out!
thanks for your help!

Brauch Schleifpapier am Tish fúr Nummers.

Und lycanthrope ist dem Name.

danke small aber pyramidenrätsel kann ich nicht,habe daher denke ich auch kein handschuh und die 2 wörter,finde ich auch nicht

Lol Rainbow,
Those creatures are not supernatural, but very real.


Und die andere Name ist Vampires.

danke fürs wort,pyramide fehlt noch und andere wort,die 4stellige zahl habe ich selber gefunden.
habe 7 teile fürs puzzle gefunden

danke habs hinbekommen,bin raus.Freu
Gut das es euch gibt,alles alleine hätte ich nicht hinbekomme

Really? Constant howling through the entire thing? There should be an award event for the most annoying tracts put to escape games. I'm positive that Abroy would win hands down.

I 've tryed on google warewolf aka, and I can't find anything! Please help!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL Lycanthrop! It' s greek...

please tell, where is the glove?

sorry, the puzzle to get the glove

it has to be something to do with that picture

no it isn't - always throws me with two drawers in the top of the chest

lyncanthrop isn't working for werewolf aka... any other ideas?

Love Abroy, always the same but different!

Is Lycanthrope

obviously i'm an idiot because i can't find the place where to write another name for werewolf...

@drinkmilk, you're looking for the top right drawer.

Good game.
I thought "Werewolf AKA" was going to be Lon Chaney. Lol.
The letters were there. :-)

       Anonymous  6/24/11, 5:52 PM  

My cat heard this monster/werewolf sound and FREAKED out. She may never come out from under the bed.

This comment has been removed by the author.

My Video Walkthrough:

Link to youtube

biggest enemies = VAMPIRES

hey- does anyone know where to get the glove?

@Ninja: Glove = werewolf aka ........

where do u put the puzzle together?????

It's lycanthrope- no n after ly and remember the e at the end

       Anonymous  10/11/16, 8:31 AM  

where do you put the puzzle pieces together? I'm new to these games

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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