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Where Am I ? Walkthrough

Where Am I ?

Where Am I? is another point and click type room escape game. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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OK Cbox is boring and now I find this????

AAAAh! as always a SD! LOL

I'm not sure eating that mushroom was a good idea...trippin' out man o.O

Just ate tha "mushroom" and not sure what state I am in?

TY Martin but I think I might be fixated on the window colours MAN!!

Geeze havent been to a party like this in a very loooong time. LOL

Finally got that panel off with the screw diver and now have a chessboard puzzle...and you can stick the hedge clippers into a lot of things...lol

Cant get the pawn to work with the chessboard.

hi everyone

LOL another Aussie so where are you? Im in Badelaide the serial killer capital of Aust...

Hi Mao...

They are all queens on the chessboard...and you can use the knife (that you find behind the box under the bed on the painting to get a safe.

The chessboard? I know that puzzle! They are queens and each row shouldnt interact with another queen! Give me some time and I will work it out.....

playing along. Which isn't a good idea when tired. My eyes are a bit bleary and the flashing colors don't help lol

Solved the queens puzzle and got a blue key


for those too tired to figure out the puzzle

(blushes that I used it this time, but I have solved it on my own with trial and error before -- I swear!)

Thankyou double caramel KitKat!! Luv you very much!
Just cos I was gonna do the same thing LOL (google)

Use the hedge clippers to cut off one of the t.v.'s antennae to get the key behind the bookcase...use it to open the door to find...another door.

thanks for the knife Martin :D

Bruteforced the first code number and now have a second key that I don't know where to use

hi all. Knife next to box under the bed.

PS put on Rose\Blue glasses and look at the world then... LOL

ha! thought I lost the pliers, but they were hiding under the blanket. That will teach me not to make my bed :P

glad to help, Leroy!

ok guys where did u find the screwdriver

out and lol at the music!

Did anyone find the first number to the code?

And now that I am not playing catchup -- hello to Leroy, Edgar, Martin, and Michelle

Michelle- Animallover on the bookcase, I think

Hola Edgar. Remember the days? Our younger days? Parties with lots of ..... and..... etc...

Hi back @kkf and everyone. Well, out but... will have psychedelic dreams :)

ty kitkatfox

LOL @Leroy, I do remember the brownies :)
Nice memories...

Not out but having fun recalling the days I picked mushrooms and took psilocybin??
Terrible I know but we all do have a past!

kitkatfox it was in the box under the bed

Geez...answered the phone and everyone got out! Is there a clue for the safe?

where do I use the antennae on the bookcase pls?
And...am I supposed to have used my blue key yet?

       Anonymous  6/9/11, 10:35 PM  

Where did you all find the code for the safe?

code to wall seems to be 387

partial code for safe under the nearest edge of the white rug -- in the middle

sorry Michelle for remembering incorrectly!

@clio move the TV and then click the floor of the bookcase at the right side to look behind it

387 not working for me

POP...under the carpet lol

that's ok kitkatfox, no need to be sorry

Thankyou @kitkatfox...still no luck tho. grr.
(if it wasnt such a cute owl, I'd I'd I'd..use the antennae differently).

@code: sorry cant remember. cause i brute forced it.

last 2 digits are 87.

Im an idiot, I was poking the antennae there. Once I let go of it, then i could see the key and use the antennae to get it.

i think its 487. does it work now?

@clio: use cutters with antennae. grabs key behind closet:)

       Anonymous  6/9/11, 10:44 PM  

I had to click around on the safe to get it to open after entering the code.

Safe was 487.
Thank you @kitkatfox. Finally out now too.


If you don't want to hear the music, click the owl thing at the top of the bookcase
But seriously, it is part of the aura of the game, and you should just go with it
Get the SCISSORS from the bookshelf
Click the TV antennae to raise them
Use the scissors to take an ANTENNA
Click the books on the second shelf from the bottom to move the books to the right
Click the TV 2 times to move it
Now click the floor to the right of the bookcase to look behind it
Use the antenna to reach the SILVER KEY (thanks, Martin, for this view)
Go right
USe the silver key on the door to see door #2!
Go right
Click the pillow, blanket, and bed mattress to lift it
If you want to see lots of colors and confetti, click the mushroom in your inventory and select yes to eat it
Click the middle of the white carpet edge closest to you
Get the NUMBER CLUE from under it
Click under the bed to see the locked box
Unlock it with the brown key
Get the SCREWDRIVER (yay!)
While under there, notice the white tip sticking out to the right of it
Get the KNIFE (thanks again, MArtin)
Go right
Use the knife on the poster repeatedly to see the safe
Enter the code
SPOILERX87SPOILER just cycle the first number after entering the last 2
Turn 2 times to the door view
Use the screwdriver on the vent by the door and get the CHESS PIECE
Turn 2 times to the chess set
Place the piece on the left side
Click the chess set
Solve the puzzle
Solution below
Get the BLUE KEY
Turn to the doors
Use the blue and yellow keys and escape!

Solution to the chess set
The game has only queens. This is for the queens 8 game where you have to place them on the board so that a queen is in every row and column, but no 2 queens can be in the same row, column, or diagonal line.
For a solution, you can visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle


Good morning !
is this still live or are you already out?

Thank you Allen.

sigh typing while tired isn't a good thing

that should be mushroom!

I swear I didn't eat one in real life (blushes)

ARE YOU KIDDING ME @kitkatfox ??!!

Whoa !! I didnt know it was possible to type that fast....Gee wizz. Thats unbeleivable, and totally awesome.

hi SwissMiss! Just escaped, but still hanging around.

oop just a wt posted -

that fast when she's tired?? !! Im surprised your keyboard hasnt melted @kkf .

lol @clio thanks. I type very fast. Small-tool tried to race me in writing walkthroughs, and it wasn't even close. But I do have the advantage of speaking English as my first language. (Still, it is lots of fun to tease him bwahahahah)

Morning/afternoon @SM

and out too:) couldnt get the 8 queen puzzle part

lol..I like the evil-genius laugh at the end of that comment..hehe

Gidday Taxlady...

lol - gidday aussibear
played behind - needed help a few times and
still seeing stars - getting stoned at 8. am is a bit too much for me :(

@kkf...I used 3 keys to get out. Silver; blue; and yellow.

Afternoon Badelaide boy. Im a banana-bender.

@clio all keys are there. They are just separated in the walkthrough

Use the silver key on the door to see door #2!
Use the blue and yellow keys and escape!

and now you left me wondering what the heck a "banana-bender" is. I can't even cheat and look at your blogger profile since it only has your name lol

I used 387. Nothing happened until I clicked the safe after I'd entered 387. Then I got a key


ohh..thats easy @kkf. Im from Queensland. We are called banana-benders. I cant quite remember but I think Sth Australians are called crow-eaters, but @leroy would know for sure.

I just looked it up. Apparently (according to the urban dictionary), we have nothing better to do than put the bend in a banana.

clio - you are also an aussie - I didn't know
kkf - there must be a nest somewhere! lol

@Clio is dead right LOL but I did live half my life in NSW... Cockroach? Canetoad??? But then there is Victoria? Eddie??? And WA???

@clio no problem! It is good you pointed that out to be sure people understand there are 3 door keys (but laughing a little that I am the tired one). ;)

And thanks for the explanation on the names. I am grateful you people are there. Straight bananas would look funny. Y'all must have a heck of a processing and export market with so many bananas in the world!

and I should probably go to bed now since my sense of humor is getting strange(r)

I'd say so, SwissMiss. They are swarming all over this game! :P

at least they are of th not-stingy kind (or so I hope) sleep well kkf
I have to go shopping soon

..and strong arm muscles.lol

Night @kkf.

@Clio you do know about Cbox???? Top right button....

@Leroy. I went back in but couldnt find a Cbox anywhere..but I dont know what a cbox is so I didnt know what I was looking for. But, I got out of the game, so I guess I didnt need it??

Lol Clio.
Cbox, is 'chat box' and it's not in the game but here on EG24. Button on the top right of every page.
Leroy is AussieDropBear there.

Well, thats just embarrassing..LOL. ooowahh..LOL

Going to wash my face in cold water to try to get rid of the beetroot colour it's gone..lol

I can't cut the antenna with the clippers, I can't zoom in on the chessboard, I can't find anything under the bed, the clippers remain often stuck in the middle of the game... Is there anything else than bugs in this game ?

@pascale, jsut got home. The antennae have to be in the 'up' position. To my recollection, to go under the bed, first remove blanket, mattress, then under the left side of bed. The scissors are seemingly possessed, so until you snip the antennae, they fling themselves anywhere you choose.

@kitkatfox's W/T is absolutely spot-on, so if you follow it, you will have no problems... umm..unless something in the meantime has changed with the game.

Dang! I missed the Magic Mushroom Party!!!!
TY for WT, KKF!!!!!

was the LOL at the "music" because it was just clicking noise?
I thought it was something wrong with my computer...

I cant pick up the silver key with the antena no matter how many times i tried.

       Anonymous  6/10/11, 8:35 AM  

Thank you kitkatfox for the walk-through.

@cammy...the key came easily for me, I think we had to drag antenna to the key then I clicked it!

The safe was the problem for me, I had been clicking the button on right...but it was the 1st digit that was wrong, and when I got it right , it popped open!

i'm having trouble getting the silver key with the tv antennae.


This author needs to be given a big "BRAVO" for adding the mushroom effect. Or should it be "far out, man".... Loved it!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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