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Escape the Room No 12 - Summer Walkthrough

Escape the Room No 12 - Summer

Escape the Room No12 - Summer is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Suzunari. In this escape game you must search for items, solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Escape the Room No 12 - Summer Walkthrough

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Anyone else saving the SD game for later? Lots of codes here. Have only lighter and ball. Need a translator

Hello - so far have a lighter, blue ball and a box with ringing lamp inside by using 3 letter code which I can't open

its giving me a 503

Look at the frames of the ringing lamps

thanks @G3cko - can't believe I didn't notice the frames

Link must be wrong.
In oficial start page: "http://suzunari223.web.infoseek.co.jp"
There´s no game number 12. They go up to 11.

I'll check back later - totally stuck

It worked after zillion refreshs.

I'm stuck on this game
Got only a blue ball and a lighter

What is the three letters code?

@lulu - look at the shapes the chimes are hanging on

and then what? I don't know what to do...please help! totally STUCK

@pre.vale - we're all stuck. The rug might be the clue to the 3x3 grid, but I haven't come up with any combination that works

Guess mat tell us the order to click 3x3 grid, but can´t sove it.

I thought that too annaby, but there's no alphabetical order in the name, or any other thing that might worked out....

thank you @Roberto and @annaby..

But, me too, not making progress..
Will change the game

I tried animals, mammals, food etc. No luck

maybe will help to know the japanese write in the 3x3grid safe...

My game doesn´t load :(

@Zazie - keep trying. We desperately need your help :)

Can't get in. Refreshed about 25x.

Crap! The cavalry has arrived and can't get in

Same here s-t, F5 a hundred times :(

LOL POP worked, now i am in....

Well ok, all i have is lighter and blue ball.

The holders of fish, beer and flowers seem to be letters e,c,o

Opened drawer...

Haa i am late :)

Didn't take long to get caught up, lol

Now what ?
The box from drawer must have to do something with picture, but how ?

No idea. And out of ideas as far as the rug and 3x3 grid.

well, I'm off to get some lunch. Good luck to anyone still trying

I also gave up thisone, i am out of ideas as well.
Good appetite annaby !

503 error for me too :(

Keep trying Edgar....sooooo stuck.

has anyone got any ideas about the 3x3 i think it has something to do with the bulbs in the drawer but cant get it

nvm i never tried to pick up a bulb lol

I thought it must have to do with the rug. I tried to make an alphabetical order of the shown things, but english is not my mother language and maybe i don´t have the right names. 1 for beetle, 2 for dee, 3 for drink etc....but it doesn´t work. (And i clicked the grid in this order)

*2 for deer i meant

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Lighter is behind flower vase on cb.

thanks Zazie i just found it

I don't think the rug clue is alphabetic - there are many names to describe some of the items. I was trying categories but couldn't find anything that worked.

Maybe the size if the items ?

Too stupid....

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have u noticed when u look at the pig a shadow comes over it. Anyway it for sure has to do with the middle drawer but it takes numbers and letters

Tried lots of things for this drawer, but nope...i also wrote MONEY and YEN lol.

I also counted the ears, eyes, nose and legs for a 4 digit code.

I really hate it being stuck like this :(

ya and we know it would be easy if we could read it lol

Yes we need someone who reads japanese.

I played "twinkle twinkle little star" on the piano and you know what ? NOTHING :(

lol @Zazie!

there is a little mark over the O (with beers), maybe is for something

i never was so stuck in a game!! need help :(

What else we could play on the piano ?

Ok i will leave for a while, coming back later and look if there is some progress.
Now i am hungry :)

GL all !

and I'm going back to watching a movie. Maybe someone who knows Japanese will come along

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The box with the lantern in it seems to have the same fireworks pictures as the picture on the wall. I wonder if this has anything to do with removing the picture??

hi all

I was clicking a picture like mad and I have a key, then note with piano clue
we must play AGEHA (from right side - 34623)- green key, then card from the drawer

Thanks @Megi - though I have no idea how you got that!

so I played the piano, used the key and card. Now what?

Haha i am back and thx Megi for the help....now what are the star colours ?

I don't know what to do now

many hugs for You Zazie ;)

Hi @Zazie - guess we're just gluttons for punishment :)

@Megi - where did you get the piano clue note?

in the corridor - use key from behind picture

How did you manage to get behind the picture?

was it just random clicking?

I'm playing once more to see how to click the picture - I was clicking like mad and don't know how

ok try this

picture have corners


That did it - thanks!
I wonder if the clue for that is behind the 3x3 grid.

the clue is on the cage (?) from the drawer - it disappear when we open the picture

no, the box with the picture is now grayed out in my inventory, so the clue was somewhere in there - invisible.

somehow, I think the clues for the rest of the game are invisible too.

(delurks) Hi everybody -

The 3x3 grid puzzle is a word game called shiritori; you basically have to link up the objects on the rug based on their first/last syllables in Japanese.

The order to click the buttons is:

Spoiler #1.... ;)

"Piggy?"/Drawer pass = "home"

(hacking continues...)

thanks for the help @Megi but I've had enough of this game. Good luck!

oh thanks Garnet and GuruOne

Hark! More help has arrived. But definitely a language/cultural barrier here.

we can see the pig password now :lol

open the window near piano now

hmmmm, methinks the "picture" clue comes MUCH LATER

As all items are now ghosted

Replay time

dots are our numbers and out

thanks for help, good night

Thanks @Garnet and @GuruOne - I'm finally out too

So you use the FAN on the box from drawer...

There are at least 4 endings, btw.... hehe

       Anonymous  7/4/11, 3:03 PM  

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I am back again for the x. time tonight lol.
I was watching a thriller in TV meanwhile and now i see that you made a big progress.
Thx again Megi, Garnet and GuruOne, i am trying to go out too now.

Why the grid numbers don´t work ?
Everything is greyed out except the lighter, where to use it ?

Hmm i need the 3 digit code.

POP got code by looking out of the window.

oh wow big progress thanks i would never have got those

I am out too, but i never used the lighter.

Good night everybody !

And i never opened the 3x3 box....

and out lol not that i did much

Thanks @garnet! After knowing that japanese word-game the rest of this was very straightforward. Nice game!

       Anonymous  7/4/11, 7:45 PM  

Hey! ?? Three digit code, please?

@Gayle, three digit code is drawn by the snowflakes outside the window.

Don't listen to Edgar...it's summertime and they are fireflies! lol Nice video walkthrough btw Edgar and a good job with the Japanese word play and without Garnet's comment I wouldn't have enjoyed this game as much as I did. :D

Darn! Never realized that LITTLE detail Martin! :P
Thanks for pointing me into the very very obvious... and thanks also for the nice words.
Ehm... why am I thinking snow? lol. I ponder...

       Anonymous  7/5/11, 8:57 PM  

Oh, good grief!

Did I miss the walkthrough?
Cause my next question was gonna be, "What the heck do I do with the thumb tack?".

Thanks to Edgar and Martin for taking the time to answer my stupid questions! :D

Really, I appreciate the heck outta it!

No problem Gayle but it was really Edgar that answered your question...I just went all pedantic on his butt for a bit of fun. LOL

Nice video WT @Edgar - now I finally understand this game!

yw @annaby :)
get off my butt Martin! :P

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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