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Exclusive Bedroom Escape Walkthrough

Exclusive Bedroom Escape

Exclusive Bedroom Escape is another escape the room game developed by Gamershood. Gather items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Yeah, Gamershood fun.
Thanks for posting Shuchun.

Hi...red key on wooden block (first from right)

Blue key on table next to couch.
Green key next to vase on wall table/cabinet thingy.

Green key next to vase with white flower

Nippers from blue key puzzle.

Hi Ginger*

oooh a live one? :)

Ho Hum Ho hum same old same old.....

Blue thing (spoon?) from green key puzzle.

loading ZzZzZzzz

Used blue spoon in plant to get orange key.
Used nippers on bin to get pink/purple key.

Triangle from orange key puzzle.

At lest the slider was very easy for a change....

Black key from pink/purple key puzzle.

never catch live games and when i do it wont load *sigh*

Hammer from red key puzzle.

And the green wasnt bad either...

Used hammer on the floor next to wall table/cabinet thingy to get the yellow key.

Can anyone help me with the blue, green, yellow, and purple puzzles? I suck at number puzzles :P

Second triangle from yellow key puzzle and OUT.

Tim Franzen,
Blue is colors and the hint is on the floor.

First row for green is;


Tim Franzen,

The hint for yellow is on the table (do the math, divide)

And for pink/purple it is
+17 -26 x5

OOPS, not blue, but thanks Small Tool! And I just need the first row to get started! Thanks!

Well, like Leroy said, the picture wasn't difficult. But if anybody has problems. It looks like this;


Out too... I want a challenge such as Jans room or something.....

@ST the number series is a bit misleading cos second -26 is actually -36.....
Unless I missed something?

Out as well...yeah, same old, but still like 'em

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small-tool, for the purple puzzle, what do I do with the hint? I have never understood this part of the Gamershood games. Do I do the math and then enter it in?

@St ie 67 - 36 = 31!!
Reposted correct numbers LOL

@Tim thats right just use @St's earlier post.


Yep Leroy, I just saw

LOL we are both doing well with our addition and subtraction

Yep Leroy, but I think the game maker didn't. Or it was a very tricky sequence with -26, -36, -46 etc. But luckily we didn't had to do that part.

ST my thought exactly but I started by adding 40 rather than multiply so took me a short while longer to nut out the answer.

Can someone post the second row for green? :P I'm usually okay at Sudoko

I am horrible at sudoku. Can someone spoil it for me? :)

First two rows;


Where is the clue for the orange puzzle, please?

Siobhán Long's sister,
On the wall between the two chairs.
Zoom in on the right chair.

I guess I need a spoiler or another hint for the orange puzzle....I tried anagram solver...no help...I can't see anything in the place you indicated, @small-tool!

Ha ha ha ha ....looked again and saw the signature!!!lolol no wonder anagram solver did not help!!!! TY...And out!

hint:(+17)(-26)(x5)and out!

Spoiler to pink puzzle please, math and me dont mix

Cant find the yellow key either....

155 - 172

Zoom in on the bottom part (in the back) of the wall-table/cabinet thingy (in the screen where you use the keys). Use the hammer there to get the yellow key.

oh my...there must be a bug,when I click on the plant in first view the game goes fast forward to the end and the first screen again...

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Click on the white statue on the middle stand to zoom on the vases – get the RED KEY
Go left
Click on the vase at the end of the long table to find the GREEN KEY
Zoom on the stripe on the closet doors to find where to use the keys
Solve the red and green lock puzzles for the HAMMER and CHISEL
Zoom on the floor at the far end of the long table
Use the hammer on the dark spot on the floor for the YELLOW KEY
Turn 2 times to the door view
Zoom on the lamp on the small table and find the BLUE KEY
Turn 2 times and solve the blue and yellow key puzzles for the NIPPERS and FIRST RED TRIANGLE
Turn left
Zoom on the mesh trashcan to the right of the coffee table and use the nippers for the PURPLE KEY
Turn to the bed view and zoom plant on the left pillar
Use the chisel on the orange soil to find the ORANGE KEY
Turn left and solve the orange and purple key puzzles for the SECOND RED TRIANGLE and BLACK KEY
Turn to the door and zoom on the handle
Use the 2 triangles and black key to escape!


Red Key Puzzle Solution
Click the squares of the picture to rotate the image and complete it.

Green Key Puzzle Solution
Solve the Ken Ken’s math problems using just the numbers 1-4 one time in each row and column.

Blue Key Puzzle Solution
The rug (not zoomed in) in the door view has colors. From left to right, they are SPOILERRBGYSPOILER

Yellow Key Puzzle Solution
The blue notebook on coffee table has a math problem with the numbers 11247 over 23. Since we know we need a 3 digit code, we have to use division. 11247/23 = SPOILER489SPOILER

Orange Key Puzzle Solution
Zoom on the wall painting to the left of the right chair (the painting with a red bottom) to see the artist’s name SPOILERGAIZKASPOILER

Purple Key Puzzle Solution
Finish the math pattern to find the last 2 numbers.
Add 17 to 19 to get 36. Subtract 26 from 36 to get 10. Multiply 10 by 5 to get 50.
Add 17 to 50 to get 67. Subtract 36 from 67 to get 31. Multiply 31 x 5 to get SPOILER155SPOILER
Add 17 to 155 to get SPOILER172SPOILER

These are getting ridiculous.
Of the first 7 hotspots I RANDOMLY found, 5 were red herrings!
The keys are usually red, blue green, found by clicking-and-hoping-for-the-best exploration.
You can guarantee to get a ken ken puzzle [with colons replacing division signs, for some strange reason] and a twisty-turny-picture puzzle, which are my two favourites.
The clues for the expected word and 4xdigit number puzzles are becoming more obscure with every game. At least the word in this one was visible, but the letters were an unusual font, and therefore open to interpretation.
That I don't mind, or the 4-colour hint which gets most people's hackles up.
I really hate number sequence puzzles, and always use my calculator, which, as nokra probably understands, takes over a minute to open on my pc. Ditto with any googling required. Even longer, usually.

My own sigh-through:
Open the game [takes 3.50 minutes]
Go pixel-hunting.
Discover "multitudes" of red herring hotspots.
Find a few keys [usually 3 - red, green and blue]
Find the locks [always somewhere daft, and never obvious.
Expect twisty-turny-picture puzzle, ken ken, 4xcolour sequence, 4xdigits, word puzzle, long number sequence requiring mental arithmetic [not my strong point by a long way]
Complete ken ken and picture.
Close game.
Read comments, because they ALWAYS blurt out the surprises [items found], and never a spoiler for that dreadful sequence.
I'm giving up on gamershood games.
As Leroy said "same old same old".

how come I cant zoom?


"Open the game [takes 3.50 minutes]"

Sounds like you either need a new computer, or clean up the one you have. Probably the latter.

Ditto with any googling required. Even longer, usually. Ye must be born again hoodie

Anyone know how to fix this? lucky me i see ghosts hoodie

make to stop dropping scrolls of teleport, 49ers Gold Jacket

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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