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Rat and Turtle Walkthrough

Rat and Turtle

Sakura - Rat and Turtle is another new Japanese point and click type adventure game from Sakura. In this escape game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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going in....

key from puzzle box

Goodie a Sakura...

Even better Sakura on drugs again LOL

this time is easy :)

mushroom and ladder from 3rd view to left outside

I had a bug, my game froze when I clicked while my turtle was walking.

plate and hammer from inside farmhouse. Use ladder to get clock.

How ya going? getting somewhere?

used hammer on big rock mound and moved turtle through forest.

anyone else here?

I'm stuck with key and clock. Turtle and rat remain in front of a giant boulder.

need something to scare the cat away so I can move the rat off the second screen.

Think I got a candle from house as well but not sure

or maybe some catfood?

And luv to know where the frog went....

Nvm found him again in pond....

The fishing pole is inside the castle.

@sonriente catch yourself a fish with the rod...

Use the plate to let the mouse cross the river.

Hmmm cant move between left and right? restart???

found fishing pole inside where puzzle box is - to the right. going to catch that fish and feed the cat...

Can't find my frog anymore!?

Same happened to me Leroy.
Don't do anything when an animal is running!

haha, should have refreshed before I posted.

turtle won!

use the clock to wake the rat up after crossing river

out with perfect end -- turtle winning the race. Random clicking to the rescue lol

Never used the mushroom.

Oops, suddenly out.
Never used the clock?

Ah thanks Sonriente.
I probably had my clock highlighted when clicking the rat inside the house.

@ST I think it is becvause I sent one animal forward twice before the other one. I reckon they have to travel together.
LOL now my mouse is asleep in the cottage in my restart....
Still trying to figure where I found the candle?

       Anonymous  7/10/11, 10:23 AM  

candle on stairs right of brick wall with ivy

LOL frog won.....

My game froze when the turtle was walking in front of the house and I went in the house before the turtle was gone.

And Kitkatfox, good to see you're back.

@premiere TY I knew I had it before but didnt realise...
So msuroom and candle not used so what does that mean? I also noted a 1 next to the mushroom so maybe more of them???
This is weirding me out but at least not as weird as the game with hippos and crawfish LOL

@ST probably have to wake the mouse first before moving the turtle?

hi small-tool! I had company over the 4th of July holiday. She left yesterday, so now I am free to play!

Revisit and now have lit the candle....

clock wakes sleeping rat with no stamina!

I've got the candle burning now?
Lit it inside the castle.

Click the door to enter the palace
Click the box on the table and solve the turtle puzzle (drag away the pieces and then put them in the correct order)
Get the KEY
Back up so you see the room again
Get the FISHING POLE from right of the table with the vase on it against the right wall (right of the 2 doors)
Back out of the palace
Click the turtle and the rat to move them off the screen (one at a time)
Go left
The turtle can move here, but the cat is blocking the rat
Go left 4 times to the pond/fish scene
Use the fishing pole to get the FISH
Go right all the way to the cat scene
Use the fish on the cat’s tray
Now both the turtle and rat can move off the screen
Go left
Neither animal can move because of the large rock mass in the trail
Go left until you come to a scene with horses
Click the right door to enter the house
Use the key on the nightstand to the right of the bed
Get the HAMMER
Also click the drawers on the right side of the long chest of drawers (not locked) for the PLATE
Back out of the house and go right to the rock scene
Use the hammer to clear the trail
Go left
Get the LADDER from the swamp
Also, you can take the MUSHROOM in this scene
Go left
And see the sneaky frog is racing, too!
There is a CANDLE in this scene on the stairs
Move rat and turtle
Go left to the pond
Turtle can swim, but you need to give rat the plate to float on
Go left
Hmmmm… turtle is here, but where is rat?
Look inside, and find rat on the bed asleep!
Back outside, use the ladder to reach the clock
Use the clock on the rat to wake him
He will sit on the fence
Send turtle/rat left

In my game, I sent turtle first. If turtle wins, it is a perfect end. But I never used the mushroom and candle.

hang on - I never saw a candle? and Igot out

Well, no idea what to do with the lit candle and still just one mushroom.

So frog winning use the mushroom on the rat....
I assume the candle will give another end but cant be bothered..

Ah got, some kind of second end now.
I first let the mouse go all the way left and then the turtle and in the last scene I used the burning candle on the turtle and it goes into space like a rocket.

With mushroom rat runs into frog and boots him over the line LOL

I sent rat ahead. He won, but it had the same ending statement with turtle winning and perfect end.

Still no use for the lit candle and mushroom. Thanks for how to light the candle.

LOL thanks @ST I think we solved it all!

Finally! stuck for quite awhile. There are 2 houses to go in. Not just the cottage, but the mansion at the beginning!
You have to get both rat and turtle to the finish line to complete the game.
I think the mushroom made it "perfect" -- it goes where the tea-cups used to go.

@leroy. Where did you use mushroom on the rat? Was it in the last scene like the candle?

He won the match
by explosive acceleration to ignite
the gushing wind.
Comment at end suggests lighting turtle farts with the candle LOL

The scene before the victory stand. I sent turtle first and then used mushroom on the rat.

thanks, @Leroy and @small-tool. Out with the other endings now. I wish the text changed with the endings, though!

Managed to get rat to win. If you bring them both along together, you get to see the frog in a couple of scenes.

Will now try mushroom followed by candle in last scene to see if it also works...

I got a Perfect End....and never found a mushroom or a candle!!!!
I'm not so sure I like these better than the old ones......
TY for the WT, @KKF!!!!!

Nup same frog winning end....

@nokra mushroom right of ladder and candle right of first pond lit in palace....

Sometimes you have to use clock on mouse twice!

I ADORE these new Sakura games!
I laughed all the way through this one!
They are as good as the older Minoto Mayhems, with worse translations, if that's ever possible!

I shoved turtle all the way left and was sad when he vanished.
My frog disappeared without my bidding, and turned up at the leftmost screen when I chased the rat there.
My turtle won, of course after being rocket-blasted by the candle - which I never even knew existed until I read the comments.
I suspect this game doesn't work absolutely according to the plan, but I had a lot of chuckles, so I'm happy.
Thank you so much for brightening my day, Sakura!!!
And MegiPoland for posting this =)

I'm going to play again, for the other endings now =D

"The age when the diplomatic issue of
the territory etc. was decided in the war
rang the death knell.
Animals will entrust the fate to
the animal fighting spirits
by the representative.
However, the on earth .
previously what only though it runs."

errrrmmm - can I ask the audience?

@Rookwings translation for you

When diplomacy fails, race small animals to decide the outcome of battles. But remember, air superiority is vital -- Sun Tzu recommended setting turtles on fire.

Thank you for your walkthrough, kitkatfox =)

Walkthrough additional:
[for normal end]

Part one
Click START.
Fail to understand the introduction.
Click down arrow.
Click the top of the steps to the palace in the background.
Get the rod propped up by the far right alcove, click the puzzle box and drag the pieces to make a picture of a turtle.
You win a key.
Back out and click Mr. Turtle, he saunters off to the left, then Ratty, he scoots away after him.
Froggy isn't clickable, but he will make his own way.

Go left and click turtle. Ratty is frozen to the spot by the tigery-cat thing.
Go left and see Turtle's path is blocked by a peculiar brick formation.
This doesn't stop you, so go left.
Get the ladder and go left again
Take the candle lying on the stone steps and go left yet again.
That fish is just asking for it, so use the rod on it and go left.
Use the ladder on the clock to get it, and enter the house by clicking the rightmost door.

Click the chest of drawers on the left for a plate, and then use the key on the dressing-table on the right for a hammer.

Time for a bit of demolition!!
Back out of the house and go right x 4, to where you left Turtle. Use the hammer to clear the path and watch Turtle go!

Go back to rescue Ratty, on the next screen to the right.
Use the fish on the picnic spot behind the arch and Greedy Cat rushes off for a snack. [Look at him, he doesn't even chew!]
Click Ratty out of harm's way then go right.
Go in the palace, use the candle on the rightmost candelabra to light it, then follow Ratty back to the cleared path scene. Nudge him off after the turtle, then go left [we know a shortcut, I'm guessing].
Send Turtle, then Ratty, left, and follow.
Froggy's here too, so click Turtle and Ratty again.
Obstinate Froggy isn't clickable still. Shrug your shoulders and go left.

Part two
This is Turtle's medium - watch him go!
Ratty is nervous, so offer him the plate. He's an inventive litlle chap ;)
Left again, and Ratty is nowhere to be seen, so click Turtle and go into the house.
All that dashing has worn the poor little mite out, but, being the evil drill sergeant that you are, slap him over the head with the clock and he leaps away.
There he is, on the fence pole outside, so click him to shoo him forward, then follow him.
Ha Froggy has been beamed over here by Scotty, or he is a stealth frog, but they are gathered here at the last screen.

First normal ending:
Use the lit candle on the turtle and watch him fly off into space.
If you right-click this screen, and drag across it, you can see and ending declaration written here:

Thus, one game of the animal fighting spirits
The result was unexpected,
and this was not recorded in the history,
and buried to the dark also though was
the one said after all.
I will put it away quietly only
in the memory of everybody.

As noted in the comments above, making the frog win produces the same message as when the turtle wins, but the method is a giggle anyway:
Feed the fungus to Ratty and he goes all hyper, boots Froggy up the rear, and sends him through first.
The message reads:
The turtle actually had the debt.
He wanted to run away to the distance
He won the match
by explosive acceleration to ignite
the gushing wind.
However, he flew over there empty
as it was.
Line light is left.

We know this isn't the right message because the frog got no recognition for being in first place, but he's a skiver anyway, so never really earned it.

There's no way this game needs any other walkthrough than kitkatfox's, but I just got carried away, writing about the alternative endings ;D

That was cute.

lol rookwings, every game deserves 2 or 3 walkthroughs. Yours is funny :)

@Rookwings - Very funny WT. There are MANY endings
-- My first time through I never saw the frog after the first screen until the Olympics prize platforms.
-- You don't need to use either the mushroom or the candle to get to the finish line. Just click on the turtle or rat and they go over the finish line.
-- It's picking the mushroom that gives you the "Perfect end" whether or not you use it. (I got a perfect end without even seeing the candle, let alone lighting it!)

:( 503 error...

nvm in and out. cute game. I like how sakura's switching it up a little. I was getting a little bored of the same old thing. :)

@ kitkatfox:
I've just seen your translation!
Good old Sun Tzu. Always reliable in a crisis
=D =D =D

Yes, which is why I suspect the game doesn't run quite how the maker intended, don't you think?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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