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The Book of Living Magic Walkthrough

The Book of Living Magic

The Book of Living Magic is another point and click adventure game developed by Jonas and Verena Kyratzes. “Once upon a time, there was a girl named Raven Locks Smith. She lived in the city of Dull, and although she loved her motivational-speaker parents, she wished for something more. One night, as she considered her boredom, a dream came to her and told her of a life changing tome that could be found near the Mountains of Oddness. Soon she walked there, and found it to be a most interesting place…” Good luck and have fun!

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Slow loading for me.

way to much conversation and not enough action for me

       Anonymous  8/11/11, 8:37 AM  

yes boring for me too

       Anonymous  8/11/11, 8:38 AM  

@SwissMiss exactly what I thought.

Wow! I've been waiting a long time for another game like "The strange and somewhat sinister tale of the house at desert bridge". =)
This is by the same author =D

Hey Rookwings~I played it and at the end it said it was based on a true story~dream i guess.

lol on the river of ketchup and the river "guard" wanting fries and the Dutch monkey!

Absolutely gorgeous!!!
And well worth the wait.
Anyone with the patience and/or ability [language] to click every single item for descriptions will be rewarded with many chuckles, and a fantastic story.

Thank you, Jonas and Verena
and Yalçın for posting this. =D =D =D

Yes,larue, I saw that too, and if you click on the writer's notes [I think that's what it said] you get a sort of idea what he means =)

I loved the mangoes, and all the various eyes =D

I enjoyed this. I got stuck at 2 places and had to find a walkthrough elsewhere. (at jayisgames)
- How to make fries.
>> Talk to Baba Yaga about the monster in the woods. You can then feed and talk to the monster (who now loves you).

- What to do after meeting the Dr in his lair.
>> Finish the conversation, then start it again. Another topic appears.

I clicked on EVERY SINGLE EYEBALL I could find -- some were funnier than others. My favorite was the eyeball who didn't like puns and found it difficult living in the forest!

@Swissmiss and Blom: they don't all have to have screwdrivers. That was a fun game with some good puzzles. And some interesting philosophy. I'd give it 5 stars if I could find a place to do so.

Ok, so I enjoy (bad - even if that's redundant) puns, too.

Puns often lose in translation, so I'm excusing Swissmiss on that one. But... really, dialog sometimes makes the game. Or, at least in this case, enhances it. The eyeballs, the flowers, the mushrooms, the trees, the... well, everything you could click on was worth clicking.

One of the reasons I like SD is because of some of the funny little comments he leaves here and there on clicks that don't actually do anything. This game was just full of those.

I know I'm really really late playing this, but man am I glad I did!!! This was just a fascinating game of wit and humor and beautiful mixed with ugly images that were a delight to experience. If the authors read this - please make more of these! There was NOTHING boring about this game. I'm sorry you had to see those comments because obviously you put a lot of effort into making this wonderful game experience. Thank you for the fun and enjoyment!!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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