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Cartoon Escape: Jewelry Thief Walkthrough

Cartoon Escape: Jewelry Thief

Cartoon Escape: Jewerly Thief is another point and click room escape game from Bored. Become a master Jewelery Thief in this cartoon style escape the room game. Locate a huge shiny diamond and escape the house with it. Game Features, tons of rooms, hidden objects, puzzles, comic-book style artwork and more! Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  8/8/11, 2:42 PM  

Never know with bored games can be great or really bad. Here I go.

       Anonymous  8/8/11, 2:52 PM  

cute game. fast and easy.

Eazy peazy....

Yep... only my code isn't working... dang...

I cant combine the lighter and candle :( any hints?

Did you find something you maybe need to heat?

I'll give you a hint.... in the fridge there is an icecube....

totally missed it... thanks

Have to go now... hope your code will work... lost my kitchen number and I can't get the safe open... will check back later.

@ testsite and @cherubs4me
Theres something in Refrigerator you need to heat.
If you click that thing a frame would pop up and you have to use candle and lighter in it.

hi everyone i am late but jumping in!

out! 10min easy pesy

testsite, middle no for code is 6

Thnx, P. Harper, but I tried that. It just didn't work. I will give this another go now and see if it helps to not open the front door before opening the safe.

Ok... that worked. Didn't even have to move the bookcase hahaha. Think it was a bug. Anyways... of to sell that jewel.

Good morning escapers from rainy Germany! Only a few minutes coffee break, but let's have a look.

Nice and short, for me it was difficult to find the hotspot in the fridge, clickclickclick, and always the door shut again!

Have a nice day @all and GL with playing.


Glitchy I see. Don't get the lighter near the candle while it's still in the inventory.

Out. :/

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the code number is 163

ohh my was looking for a circle to go between the 2 stars ....silly me lol out now

What's THIS?? I always get crippled words "icture rame" instead of picture frame.
Is it a glitch or is it even purpose??


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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