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Escape 3D: Bin Laden Villa Walkthrough

Escape 3D: Bin Laden Villa

Escape 3D: Bin Laden Villa is another 3D point and click room escape game from Bored. Navy Seals are on their way! Escape from Osama Bin Laden's villa before the US special forces come to kill you. Good luck and have fun!

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Loadin Loadin Loadin rawhide

First pass of room: stick, water, glasses, paper, pills. Safe behind photo of women showing legs.

Hi, Leroy! Do you think we'll find any fun toys here?

Used water to put out fire.

Used water to put out fire, made hammer, no idea what to do with glasses or Viagra. Also... creepy!

Oh, this must be timed -- I just died!

"papers" was a towel -- use to get hammerhead from fireplace, combine with stick.

Finally refresh and Im in...

Used hammer to get (dirty?) mag from wood cabinet.

I died too. Restarted and still stuck. Where to use hammer, pills, and glasses

Yes Puzzled 5 minutes and did most of what you did will retry but almost seems inappropriate or indecent this game??

also combo then key then crowbar.

Dead again. Where to use crowbar?

You need glasses to get combo off paper.

Use glasses on lamp for code but dont know about viagra and hammer
And the pills are viagra LOL

Hmm -- this time through, can't open chest with key, so will reload before I die.

Also found another magazine with burqa girls showing legs?? Cant remember where thou as I died AGAIN....
Thought you somehow use viagra and the mirror picture of yourself to combine em?

Ha, Leroy, so there was a toy! Better make it a quickie, though, you only have 5 minutes!

Use hammer on wood cabinet next to desk.

Sorry not magazine but picture with safe behind it which gave a key which doesnt open door or chest....

resurrect myself again.....

My video/mag of the Burqa Girls was in the wood chest. Has a paper. Use glasses with paper to get clue # to open safe. Get a small chest has a key. I'm SURE I sued that key to open the chest next to the yoga mats for a crowbar, but now can't get it to work.

This time, chest popped open, with crowbar.

Can't use viagra with mirror or without

I'm tired of dying. Chest only opens about 1 time out of 3.

I give up cos I got to go out in the rain...
Someone tell where the Burqa babes mag and viagra get used will ya....

@puzzled only place I found paper was in lamp scene to get code for safe... Managed to open safe but havent found crowbar at anytime...
Only things in my invent are code paper, the mag and the viagra.
LOL No I dont use the stuff! I only saw lots of it in the mail I use to screen as a Border security officer....

I made one last try, and managed to get crowbar with 3:30 time. Couldn't get it to work anywhere.

LOL finally got out but I still got killed...
By the way finally got crowbar out of chest which opened the white door.
Is this game a bit randomised or is it bugged???

Use crowbar on the door to get out...and you still die.

I think it's buggy...and not very well put together Leroy. :(

Personally not sure that escape means you live... Think you might have to die anyway you play this game...

Also personally think someone had better put a warning in description of game as I just know someone will find this game very inappropriate!

See ya all in a better game...

You only have 5 minutes to get out.

So far:
-Viagra to left of bed (blue pills)
-Glasses on bed
-Water next to TV
-Towel on desk chair
-Stick behind books (next to fire)
-Use water on fire, then towel to get hammer head.
-Put hammer head on hammer.
-Use on wood chest right of desk for "Burqa Babes"
-Look at video to get clue paper.
-Use glasses to read combo.
-Safe on wall above goat -- use combo to get small chest.
- Open small chest to get key.
- Use key on chest on floor to get crowbar. (If it doesn't work, start over).

- viagra, crowbar

4:32 Just got the door open and POW! Strange game (but I did LOL over the goat and burka babes- both the mag and the pic)heehee

@Puzzled did you miss the door out? In one scene it is on the right and you can use the crowbar on it to escape but die anyway....
I still had viagra and burqa babe magazine when I crowbarred open the door to death..

Oh, Thanks, Martin :D -- crowbar on door.
Tried one last time, but couldn't get get the chest to open so didn't get to try it.

I think to open the chest, all you need do is drag the key to the top of it.

No - absolute NOGO, I think. I'm not willing to play a game with or about Bin Laden.

I think, it shouldn't have been posted here.

I agree with Katharina. This is in very poor taste.

Bah, stop taking everything so seriously everyone. I quite liked this one because of its black humor.:-P Maybe the game-maker ought to have issued a warning beforehand, such as:

I think it's a 21st century problem: everything sarcastic is either called racist or offensive or whatever, then banned or censored. MY GOSH! Some of you might just like "girly" escape rooms full of roses, crystals and beautiful paintings, but not every part of the world is beautiful and shiny like a fantasy flick.

       Anonymous  8/4/11, 5:58 AM  

Having read the comments I will pass on this one don't like timed games or games where I die and have to start over.

No - this is no black humour, this is of bad taste, only!

I don't want games full of roses, sparkling diamonds and a prince with a shiny white horse, and I'm fond of black humour.

But this game, using a photo of Bin Laden, esceeds limits of good taste.

I agree with Alice, one of my pet peeves with escape games (besides those with endless combinations of numbers, colors, and letters that require a degree in math to solve) are those that are timed.

The "timed-ness" indeed is a "little" annoying, I have to agree.

I do like black comedy also, but not when it's featuring a true-life character who claims responsibility for the murders on 9-11. Black comedy works well when it's fictional.

I wouldn't play an escape game based on escaping from cancer either. Some things shouldn't be taken so lightly.

If that makes me too sensitive, so be it. But thanks for the berating for stating my opinion, much appreciated. :|

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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