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Escape 3d: The Ship Walkthrough

Escape 3d: The Ship

Escape 3d: The Ship is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Bored .You came to a mysterious abandoned cruise ship in search of help. It's looks that all the crew and passengers were evacuated not too long ago. While exploring the hull, the ship crashes! Water rushes into the hallways. There is no time to call for assistance, you must escape the ship!. Good luck and have fun!

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Ring pump on the floor in the first scene.

Lever on the floor in the cockpit.

Hose and code paper (on the jacket) in the scene to the right of the first scene.

Microphone on the floor in the scene to the right of the cockpit.

Combined ring pump with hose.

Stuck with radio frequency and microphone, where is this radio ?

habe hebel und microfon und ne radiofrequenz ,habe schlauch schon eingebaut,aber wo hebel einsetzen?

does have hebel and microfon and radiofrequenz, does have wear out already built-in, but where hebel start?

Hi small.

Open safe with number for radio frequency

opened safe
have what s-t has plus hose

Used the code in the cockpit and have a new note now; radio frequency.

Found magnetic patch in the room where water was.

combine ringpump with hose

use lever to turn red to green

Ah finaly, there you are guys (girls).

habe hebel eingesetzt und 2 stellen grün bekommen und wasserpumpe läuft.habe nun ne platte ,aber bisher keine verwendung

Used patch on the hole in wall, found wires in the new room.

has started hebel and 2 put green have got and wasserpumpe läuft.habe now a flat, but up to now none verwendung

Also found tape on the shelf

How did you make the water go away Zazie?

freu und raus

Taped wires in the room right of cockpit and combined micrphone with wires.

where do I use the hose and pump pls Zazie?

So far unused: microphone, frequence and magnetic patch

Hello all!

s-t, obviously i pulled a lever, one in the room left of cockpit (red button became green) and one in the right room (green too)

Now in magaine and found tape

Can't do the other lever Zazie.
How do you repair the wires. I have no tape.

and out - wow in the last moment saved lol

Microphone goes right of machine where i repaired the wires.

s-t there are two levers to turn - one to the right where the blue "bored-game-head" is with red wheel
and the big square thing somewhere in a room to the right

The tape is in the room to the left, after water is gone and patch is on the hole.

afterwards you get magnetic mat - which opens another room where there is a tape and wires for fixing the radio

Out now too!

s-t..got hte second (small lever) done, by highlighting the hos/pump and clicking on the bottom part of the pipes underneath the lever.

Ah, finally out too.
Took some while to get the water away.

clio - hose and pump dont know - I just clicked everywhere with it highlighted! - not so much logic I guess

Out too, the big machine with wires is the radio.

Thanks Clio,
I guess I did the same, somehow!?

Out as well. Thanks for the floaties (hints). I would have drowned otherwise..

Easy little game.

Even with all the hints above, I got stuck a few places.
- to get back to 1st scene after going through door, use down arrow from middle (cockpit scene)
- the pump by the red wheel was VERY pixelly -- I think that's where you use the pump
- at the end, you can change the radio frequency by clicking the numbers (never mind that they're behind a glass panel) -- I was looking for up/down controls, lol!

My mouse wouldnt work in the game.

I quite after a few seconds. The zoom in/out and controls are all messed up.

Well, thanks again for the fantastic walkthrough, people.

True thanks for PuzzledinCA for a bit of the help I came here to find.
I'd rate the game quite high, but the comments? Need I say?

I can not click anything in this game

goes the so just me?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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