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Escape from My Room Walkthrough

Escape from My Room

Escape from My Room is another Japanese point and click type room escape games by Kurowatsu. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Please don't leave me alone here!

I'm here. I've got a cube and a piece from the cube. Now stuck.

I can put the piece from the cube in the door slot and it comes out the bottom, but doesn't do anything.

I can also turn out the lights, but again, it doesn't do anything other than show that the light by the door is red.

I found what you have and the writing on the desk the blue one could mean ( blue black green ) how can that mean them all? hehe I'll buy a screwdriver and pass it along

Oh I have 2 numbers 08_ _ missing 2 more looks like a math test to me

how did you get the two numbers?

one on the back of the piece and one under the bed I think it was left side

oh ok. I had seen the one under the bed but I missed the one on the back of the piece.

not sure if it does anything but their is an up arrow to look at the ceiling.

where is Edgar I can't draw those symbols to read them lol

青 Blue\green (I think)
柴 firewood?
日 Day
Hope that helps Im hopeless at drawing the damn things...

Also that code box on the wall looks completely reversed....
And my numbers so far are 42--

Note on desk should read:

青 Blue
白 White
紫 Purple

Thanks Polly. Now how do we use that for the code?

TY Polly much better LOL

@JBG how do you turn the lights off cos I want to look at the ceiling..

third number on the ceiling when viewing the door.

the lights have to be off to see it. The light switch is above and to the left of the bed.

Damn near killed me....

4digit code is INVERTED display!

Guessed the last digit, got SD

That code box I had another thought... Reverse the bars so black= white and white =black...

@Guru LOL is what you meant what I meant????

@GuruOne: Were the numbers for the code on the wall or on the table?

LOL Nvm Guru it was so now busy screwing things....

1st digit: Under bed?
2nd digit: On cube/loose piece
3rd digit: On roof, lights off
4th digit: F Knows? hehe

@jbg under bed
under corner piece from box and on ceiling with light off (Check all 4 views til you fond it)

Well that got me only a short way....

@GuruOne: what do you mean by inverted?

@Guru here we go again.... There are purple, green but no white lines on the cube....

@Leroy: I knew where the clues were, I meant to ask which code we need to use the clues on, the one on the desk or the one on the wall.

nevermind. I finally got the screwdriver. Thanks for the hints.

Sorry jdb on the wall see my earlier comment (black\white)...
Currently trying to follow colour round the cube which I think relates to the table...

If you put the cube corner in the door slot you get a new hint on the opposite wall.

@Guru what the F? Just dropped the cube corner piece back in the door then the screwdriver. SD now has a blue handle....

mine turned blue too. I don't even see anywhere else to use a SD.

Can now also enter an answer on the table paper..

my cube is grey and white. There are no colored lines

Bottom drawer ;)

@Philomena you remove the screw?? If so the edges become colours

did anyone else notice that you can make the screwdriver longer?

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd out, Holy Crap, that was tuff

Warning: There is some MATH involved.... again ;)

oh, hell. didn't have my cheaters on and couldn't see the colors.

GuruOne: any hints?

Colour mixing for x,y,z stuff (look closely at objects)

Clock for Code2 (use a tool)

Code3.... think INVERTED keypad graphic

Use the maildrop thingy as needed

Me gotta fly.... Enjoy ;)

I'm still lost on the cube/xyz stuff

This is giving me a headache Ill wait for the WT...

I think I'm with you Leroy. I need to go to bed.

Hint from France: have you noticed that the green screwdriver becomes light blue when it is passed three times by the slot of the door (like the corner of the cube)?

When you click on the poster with BLUE, RED, GREEN, you can read under: PINK 691411...

@CercKill, that means a = 1 b = 2, etc.
so z = 7185514

Blue, red, green is letters of the alphabet.

So green is 7185514 = z

Oops, should have refreshed before posting.

Okay, I got Z... but ?

Only four squares are lighter colored on the cube thing. One on every color side. Don't know if this means anything.

well, I"ve tried this and visually it's just too much work to try and see what is there. There should have been more contrast/color in the graphics...

Number on ceiling is in upper right corner, very faint.

I think x=6

The grey squares are the averages of the numbers in the black squares within each color group.

Thanks! Did you also figure out what the blue/white/purple stuff has to do with those numbers? (1115, 3295...)

This is all Greek to me...

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Oh, this game also needs Japanese basic.
According to the Japanese Hiragana Table.

青(あお): あ is the First alphabet on Line 1. お is the Fifth alphabet on Line 5. So 青=1115.

白(しろ): し=Line 3 Column 2; ろ=Line 9 Column 5.

む=Line 7 Column 3;
ら=Line 9 Column 1;
さ= Line 3 Column 1;
き=Line 2 Column 2
So the PW of the paper is 73913122

Now got the paper, put it into the door box...

X=567 (on cube)
Y=919 (on key)

Use key on button beside door. A drawer appears.

Put Cube and Key in it, then the door is open. Can go outside.

Do math, 01=(7185514-6*919)/10^3=7180

Go back to room, use screwdriver on clock.

Go out of the room, enter 02=Orange^Blue*Green=6^3*10=2160

Go back to room, open the bottom drawer. Get a card and scissors.

Use scissors to seperate the orange key and the ball.

On the card, 4=25*0, this means:

According to the keypad,
connect 1478369#. We can get the shape of 4.
Except 1478369#, the rest is 25*0.

So 7 is 12369#. The rest is 4578*0.

thank you very much!!!

thank you Evie Miao. Nice Work !

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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