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Flopad: Underground Walkthrough

Flopad: Underground

[REPLAY] Flopad - Underground is another point and click adventure type room escape game created by Selfdefiant. Your next mission as the lead detective of Floteam is to recover a power crystal that is being held in an underground facility in Brazil. Follow the clues of the scientist Mitch Rexford and try to find the location of the crystal! Check your E-mail for your first destination. Good luck and have fun!

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Flopad Underground Walkthrough

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Rambler~Flop game on!

Wow, another SD game!!!!!

Would love to have one of these Flo Pads!

Have 50 yen coin, and empty water bottle in MX apartment, and can't do anything else...

POP, that left arrow was a little hard to find.

How do you have the 50 yen ?

Now in Tokyo.

Pierrot, it was under the couch cushion.

where is clue for box in file cabinet?

@daber - in japan.

Can't find clue in box in filing cabinet in MX City; don't know what to do with the green dragon scroll in Tokyo.

You can also take your own notes on the Flo Pad..

the filing box clue is in a shoe.

how do I get to Japan...it doesn't appear on my GPS?

Thanks for the clue, Matthew; now have SD and pliers.

I didn't do anything with the dragon scroll. Once I got pointed to location of 50 yen, it was pretty easy. I got the crystal!

@daber, you'll have to enter it into the contacts.. photo maybe?

I'm having issues with the lock on the bunker door...

Thinking have to straighten the coat hanger out to get the key out of the aquarium, but haven't figured that one out either.

seawall - nope. did you buy the gum?

And out.

Thanks Seawall...unfortunately I can't enter data into the contacts...have no idea why...just won't enter

Thanks, Trisana, forgot all about the gum.

@trisana - the colored sign out front is a clue for the code.

well, stuck and I need to go back to work..have a great day everyone. Never got to Japan...pooh!

And another SD today, selfdefiant, you're spoiling us!

Ah, got the code for the bunker; look at the shapes carefully.

I translate the card, Green Dragons
But I neeed the 3 digits code for the drawers

What is the code for the drawers please? Can't find a shoe or a sign!

I'm with you ferchu. Don't know how everone is getting to Japan. Must be missing something...

And have the crystal and the trophy; great game, Sd, two in a row!

davies284 friend!!!
we are inside together

Which code are you guys stuck at?

Help us Seawall !!!

the file drawer... please help!

At the first Seawall, in Mx. untill

The first one!

You have to go to Tokyo, first. Have you taken a photo of everything it said to take? When you take a photo, go to the photo, and add it to contacts, then it will appear on your GPS.

Hold on, let me replay it to get to where you are.

We haven´t shopes, and either can go to Tokio

Have you opened the desk drawer using the birds' eye positions as clues?

For the address in Tokyo I used the search function.

The only thing I can take a picture of is the card in the drawer. It translates to Green Dragon. No option to add it to contacts.

Open the drawer, take a photo of the card. Then click translate. Get Green Dragon. Then search Green Dragon, add results to the GPS. Then, you can go to Tokyo.

In Tokyo, you'll see a business card in a shoe. That card is your ticket to opening the box in the filing cabinet in MX City.

I´don´t know how add to contacts my photo, only translate this

By the way, I'm stuck after finding the pliers and sd.

Didn't know about the search button. Thanks

Thank you Seawall !

Where are you stuck exactly, Jenn?

Thanks Seawall!! I was searching for Tokyo! Duh... :)

and out, thanks for the help! I expected the door to be a 4 digit code because of the 4 red lines, hence my only problem. :)

I found the pliers and sd and now I don't know what to do...

Jenn, you need to get the key out of the aquarium in Tokyo. It's for the briefcase on the right screen. You will need the coathanger from MX, and the gumball.

Thanks, wasn't aware of the screen on the right in Tokyo.

I open the briefcase, but I´don´t know wath todo with SD and pliers! jajajaa
Sorry....but the map don´t help me....

ferchu, click on the paper in the briefcase, it will add Brazil to your GPS - in Brazil you will need the SD and the cutters.

Please ... say me step by step.

I don't get the code for the door in Tokyo.

Yesssssssssssss you´re allright

Once in Brazil, look at the shapes on the sign, and the color positions above the bunker door.

friwi, look at the corners of the shapes.

Finally out! Thanks all! Thanks SD, you rock!

Where is the hint for the levers / sliders in bunker in Brazil?

(Thx for the hint that I hadn't to take a photo of it, but it was added to GPS immediately! I clicked me mad with taking a photo)

Friwi: Shapes / corners are in Brazil.

In TOkyo, just look above the door!

Katharina, the levers position are on the same sign as the shapes. The red bars.

Thx seawall - sometimes I'm really stupid!

Sorry, friwi, didn't realize you were still in Tokyo; gave you the wrong hint.

Katharina, not stupid! Took me a while to figure out the bars position as well.

Yes, I realized that. Still in front of door.

friwi, it's the address


Everyone should have enough clues now; I'm off to play the new Ainars.

Thx again, Seawall, fun and GL with Ainars!

Out! Needed some time to find the key, had to zoom screen on 200 %.

Thx for the hints, seawall, and thx again SD for the game. I love Flopad and wish, I had one, too!

where do i find pliers and sd?

OMG!!! I did not even try that. Thank you, Seawall.

Pliers and SC are in the locked box in the file cabinet in MX. Read up to find out how to get the combination to it.

thanks...hadnt realized that i didnt open that yet

how to shortcircuit the last thing in the building in brazil!!????

Nevermind... mist the waterbottle in one of the first locations on the street.... dumb.... nice game again!!!!

Yippie, got the big eared trophy with my name on it!
Thanks SD, love these games :)

Can anyone please spoil the door code in Brazil for me??

I'm feeling so obtuse; looking at the shapes for minutes and getting nowhere...maybe if someone spoils it I finally learn how this is meant to be...

and out I think I'm late already yet thanks for all the help :)

I spent the longest time looking for the blokey that I thought we were supposed to find!

Nice game.

above the door are 3 colors. one step back, on the right sign you see 3 shapes in these same colors. count the corners,

nice proof of concept SD. Flopad would be great in a longer more complex adventure!

One commment only: Mantenha fora?! (Translation fail)

YEAH...finally. Thanks Ludje I thought they point to somewhere, but didn't think of *counting* anything there...

Nini: "Mantenha-o fora" would go, no ?

Awesome one SD! Loved it! Perfect level of diffculty, i usually like the shorter, not so complicated ones from you but this i actually wanted it be a bit longer. Well done as always!

Fantastic game!!!! Great logic - @selfdefiant you are truly a master at game making!

komme beim code in brasilien nicht vorran,egal wie ich die 2 zahlen in verb bringe kein code paßt

selbst das bild mit danger stay out bringt nicht,selbst suchmodus,ergibt kein neuen ort ,habe bisher mit office 4 orte

@marita das ging mir ähnlich, du musst die ecken der geometrischen Figuren zählen da soll einer drauf kommen, ich bin auch dagestanden wie der ochs am berg

TY @jenn...I forgot about the search ...finally got to Tokyo!

I have read all comments, but stuck!!!
...cannot use items on each other...
have hanger, sd, cutter, gumball, and water!
I don't see what to do to get the key from aquarium...help please??? Thanks!!!

POP! I know I tried to combine the hanger and gum before...guess it only works in Japan!!!!LOL!!!!

Gosh Nokra, you're MUCH further than me! I'm still stuck in MX City! LOL! I have no clue what next! Can't move on at all. Full bottle of water, 50 yen coin and hanger.

woo hoo, found new drawer. i'm moving on up!

Hi friends, help needed?

Where are you stuck Katharina? I too am stuck :)

Or are you offering? LOL!

Hi Rachel, no, I'm not stuck, I played this game before and I'm out.

WHere do you need help?

Yes, of course, I'm offering!

Rachel, did you find the card in the desktop drawer and made a photo?

Then you have to translate it (by using flopad, of course!)

Thanx!! I'm stuck at the bunker in Brazil. I've counted the shapes sides, but 4103 doesn't work

In- or outside the bunker?

For going in, have a look at the color code - and outside, at the fence, look at the sign with the same colors, count the edges

I translated something to Green Dragon, yes.

Inside the bunker, in the left room - hint for lever position is outside, right sign with the colord shapes, there are bars

In the left room you also have to find the key for the right room

Okay, Rachel, then you aren't stuck even more in Mexico, as I thought, but in Brazil.

Aaaaaaaaaaaah!! I was counting all the sides of the star, not the points :)

Inside it will be dark, you have to put the light on first - with the help of the levers left room

Levers was actually easy! HAHA!

I was stuck at the levers, needed the hint for the outside sign, to use it again! The other points I could solve by myself, if I remember right, but these levers drove me mad!!!

Did you find the key for right room?

Ok, it was actually simple after all that! Just a question of not panicking and actually CLICKING on the right spot! Thanx a LOOOOOT, Katharina!!!

Always welcome!

oops - whoever will find the missing 'l' can take it for his inventory :-)

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I have tried three times, and the gray arrow to go left in the office in Mexico City is not there; so I am stuck before I really even got going.

The first time it was there, but then I got a hand icon under my regular hand pointer, and could do nothing. Couldn't get rid of the double hands. I could go back out to the street, but not to the left in the office. Second time I tried, same thing; and again the third time. Must be buggy.

Katharina, I'm afraid I have to tell you that "Always welcome" is perfect English ;-) Anything else you put in will be too much =D

i am trying to get in the bunker. no more clues please, you say you got in but then you don't give an answer. please just give me the code. thanks

haha, finaly a game where speaking portuguese would serve me!

wait... wheres the briefcase?!

how do you add brazil into your tab???? i still dont have it !!!!! :'(

Thanks everyone!!! you were a great help! :)

       Anonymous  2/24/12, 4:15 AM  

mishado: briefcase is in Tokyo. Turn right and then it's right of the aquarium. Use clotheshanger and gum to retrieve the key from aquarium.

Nice game SD ! And thanks to everybody for the tips .. couldn't made it without :)

i dont understand how to get the coathanger amd the gum together someone please help.

@courtneyyy, click on the gum first and take it to the hanger.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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