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🖳 Eitini Escape Walkthrough

🖳 Eitini Escape

[REPLAY] Hilgreed - Eitini Escape is another Japanese/English point and click type escape the room game from Hilgreed. In this game, you are locked in a room and you must escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Click the yellow button in left corner of the text window to switch between Japanese and English.

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finaly out what a good game

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Wow, @Zazie! We finished just 8 minutes apart after starting 5 minutes apart. I'm 3 minutes slower than you, lol!

now, who's doing the WT!?!

I must be an idiot; I still cannot open the sink doors. When I click on the blue door with magnets, I see the doors opening, so that's bottom to top, but the top row shows them both open at the same time? Lost as a goose on this one....

bottom to top is right :)
However it took two tries until it worked for me. Possible reason: it DOES matter in which order you open BOTH doors in one sequence. So if the diagram depicts both open at the same time, it might matter whether you open the left after the right or vice-versa.

BTW, can anyone please enlighten me what to use this domestic robo-thingy for?

Thanks, arbeitslooser, that finally worked now... back to the game!

@arbeitslooser, the robot can be filled with ketchup (seriously!) and then put in the charger you get from one of the two lockers, AFTER you plug the charger in the 4th room. Then, turn the robot on (switch on front) and it will make a pattern on the floor that translates into a code for the other locker.

       Anonymous  8/8/11, 1:25 PM  

any one still playing?I got the 3776 on bomb. multiplied that got 453120 that I am some how to use that on color box. Clueless. Help please.

       Anonymous  8/8/11, 1:34 PM  

POP!! went out to smoke a cig and got it.

Thanks zoz! So I'm still light years behind you guys...because I can't get any locker open in that room yet.

Maybe it's because I still have that second SD unused so far (I know it's for the pics but it's in a room I haven't yet gotten to find)...haven't run into any toilet there either yet.


After the intro plays, hit the yellow button in the lower-left corner, and change the language to English. Hit Close.

Click the chest of drawers in front of you. Open the top drawer, look inside, and take the FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER

Back up, close the top drawer, open the middle drawer, then click to the left of the chest of drawers. Take the TV REMOTE

Back up twice to return to the beginning view. Click the pile of stuff in the corner, then click the white circle to take the CARETAKER AI

Turn right, and click the windows to face them directly. Click the left windows, then open the right window. Click outside to take the CLOCK PART

Back up two times to the second windows view. Click the right-side windows, then click the small triangle on the right edge. Use your screwdriver on the right edge of the metal window frame to reveal a secret door. Open the safe and take the RED BOOK

Back up three times and turn right. Click the clock on the wall to zoom in. Attach the clock part to the clock, then zoom in on the clock once more.

Open the book. On the first page is a hint for the clock - the numbers 4 and 2, upside down, with an arrow above them. Clicking the center button on the clock moves the numbers - do this until 4 appears upside-down in the square at the bottom. The arrow (just like the one in the book) is pointing at 12. Click the center two more times so 2 is upside-down in the book. The arrow is pointing at 10.

Back up two times, then click the door. Click the keypad to the right of the door and enter the passcode you just discovered, SP1O2L1E0R and hit E. The display changes to OPEN.

Back up, click the door, and go through. Turn right, click the box on the table, open it, and take MAGNETS.

Back up, click the TV, then click the right of the TV. Take the blue card out, then back up and use the remote on the TV. Click the ball. It spells out the next door passcode, 7S9P8O2I1L3E5R4S6. Back up twice, turn left, click the door, and enter this on the keypad to the right of the door and click E. The display changes to OPEN.

Back up, click the door, and go through.

Click the red cabinet, then open the top drawer. Take the PHILLIPS-HEAD SCREWDRIVER.

Back up and click the refrigerator's bottom door. Take the KETCHUP.

Back up to the main room view, click the orange trash can. Take the BOTTLE.

Back up to the main room view. Click the sink, then zoom in on the sink. Turn the water on, and fill the bottle.

Back to the main room view again, and turn right. Click the blue door. Use magnets on the door.

Zoom in on the red and blue device to the left. Click the tray and take the KEY.

Look at your bottle (click the button to its left) and click the bottle to turn it upside down. Close the item view and place the bottle on the red tray.

Water will drain out, and the tray will rise, revealing a green keyhole. When the keyhole is completely visible, quickly remove the bottle, zoom in on the bottle, turn it right side up, and place it back on the tray. If too much water drained out, just go back to the sink and refill it.

Use the key on the keyhole. Back up, and click the keypad to the right of the door. The door will open. Go through it.


Turn left, take the PICTURE1, turn left again, and take the FOOTSTOOL.

Turn left two more times, and use the footstool on the floor under the shelf. Take the COLOR BOX from the shelf.

Turn right, and use the phillips head screwdriver on the spot on the wall that flashes. Remove the screw.

Back up, turn right, and click the doorknob to zoom in. Click it again to turn it, and a message will flash at the bottom that you heard a sound.

Back up, click the door, and go through. Turn left two times. The magnets on the door have changed. Click the door, and the lines will briefly move to form a pattern.

Look in the red book - page 3 shows the shape from the back of the door under the title Sink Door.

Back up, turn left, and click the sink. Open the green doors as shown on the blue room door, bottom to top. SlPlOrIrLlErR then click again to close. You can now open the doors all the way. Click the right door, and take the BOMB.

Zoom in on the bomb in your inventory. Click Start to count the countdown timer, and click Stop sometime before the counter reaches zero. Once stopped, the countdown can't be restarted, but the start and stop buttons flash blue and red.

Page 4 of the book shows a series of bomb ranks with the letters R and B beside them. Use the Start and Stop buttons to enter the "BYE" rank code, and a new code will appear on the bomb.

Page 5 of the book includes the hint "120 x bomb" at the bottom. Multiply the bomb number by 120 and get a six-digit number. Using that number, convert each digit to a color using the chart on page 5, and enter that code into the color box. Click the box when finished to open it and take GAME CARD.

Back up, click left, and go through the door to return to the second room. Click left, zoom on the TV, and click the right side of the TV and use the game card on the slot. Back up and use the remote on the screen. Play the card game, a simple memory match game, and turn the cards over again to get a passcode.

The red book says Wardrobe L's hint is the card game, so back up twice, turn left, and go back through the door into the third room. Turn left and click the wall of closets on the left. Click the leftmost wardrobe and enter the passcode from the card game. Click Set, and you will hear a clicking noise.

Back up and open the closet and take the AI CHARGER. Back up twice, turn right, and click the blue door, and go through it.


Turn right, and click the electrical outlet on the far wall in the lower left. Use the AI Charger on the outlet. Zoom in on the Caretaker AI in your inventory, turn it over, and remove the battery cover. Use the ketchup to fill the battery compartment. Replace the battery cover, then place the Caretaker AI on the charger.

Click the blue button on the AI. It takes off and draws something on the floor. Back up and click the bottom of the screen to look more closely. It spells out a number, SP1O2I5L2ER, that page 7 of the red book says is for Wardrobe R.

Back up and return to the closet wall. Click the second from the right wardrobe, enter the code, and click Set. A door opens. Back up and enter the new door. Zoom on the door at the end of the hallway and make note of the symbols on it.

Back up and click the bottom of the door to look down at the floor. Take the deodorant. Back out to the main room view and click right twice. Take PICTURE2 from the wall. Click right and go through both doors to the first room.

Turn left and click in the hallway to view the bathroom door, on the left with Japanese writing on it. Use deodorant on this door, and then go through it.

Click the toilet and put the lid down. Back up and zoom in on the colorful artwork at the top.

Examine the two pictures in your inventory. Notice the shapes at the corners. According to the symbols on the exit door, the picture with the h-shaped chair in it should have its triangle pointing right, and be on the left. Place that picture on the left.

The picture with the 2 on it should have its triangle pointing right. Zoom in on that picture in your inventory, click it to turn it over, and place it on the right. Click the sun formed between the two picture frames to zoom in, then click again to activate it. The pictures split apart, revealing a final passcode.

Return to the opened closet, and click the keypad to the right of the exit door. Enter the code from the toilet, click the blue button, then back up, click the door, and you are free.

@seawall, you have to click the button beside this door or the door knob or both (i really don´t know) then it tells you how to open the sink door. (open and closed - it worked fine for me)

Sorry i just came back and saw the cool WT of Jason ! Thank you !

But what a cute game ! I wanna more of these :)

Great game. but the translation got me in its vice!! I would never have thought that the room in first hallway (which looked like a change room found in "our" public swimming pools) was a toilet. "I don't go". ???? If I had been able to read Japanese, I would have understood what the sign on the door means...

Some addendum:
"Page 4 of the book shows a series of bomb ranks with the letters R and B beside them. Use the Start and Stop buttons to enter the "BYE" rank code, and a new code will appear on the bomb."

There are different "statuses" you get depending on WHEN you stop the bomb. I made it into GOD mode ("You are god!") by stopping it at a ridiculously hazardous 00:07.

This is why they tell you that you're a chicken if you start it and stop it just afterwards.

I got down to 00:01 when I meant to let it explode to see what happened. I didn't know if I should have been impressed or mad.

Near as I can tell, the status doesn't seem to have any bearing on the game anyway.

@Jason you took a really complicated game and made a WT that's straightforward and easy to follow. Well done!

And thanks for writing it well, so that google translate will handle it for non-english-speakers, Jason!

Speaking of which.... I read somewhere that there is a button for seeing this game in english, but I lost the comment and I'd got out by then anyway!

Oh, there it is - right at the top of this page, but did it mean the game window, or a separate text window?

By the way I just see this game today...
the door written with 1 Chinese word means...
TOILET-a smelly toilet

Oh thank god! I've been refreshing those pages for over 20 times to get that loading bar work properly! D:


thanks to Fudge for recommending this :)

not a bad game but maaaaany steps away from the 5th star!

A great game - much better than most of the childish dross we get now. Also a great example of how helpful and supportive we used to be in the comments.

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