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Summer Lethargy Walkthrough

Summer Lethargy

Miyabure - Summer Lethargy Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Miyabure. Try to finish the game by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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caught up on all the games that came out while I was at work and finally a live one. :)

This game is a little different.

Not sure whether I'm supposed to catch the bunnies as I find them or what...

I'm a little lost here now

I don't know either. I have a couple of clues but can't find where to use them.

in upper right corner of ceiling you'll find a string of colored numbers. Combine those with the screen clue to uncover the picture on the left wall

Colored numbers on back right of ceiling gives hint for the picture on the bulletin board.
Any hint on how to figure out what goes in the safe?
I tried the numbers on the moveable box on the right, but 38516 doesn't work.

Thanks Philonoma. but now the bunny keeps hiding when I click on him.

We have to do something with the numbers on the box, first, I think. If you click the individual numbers, they turn red and can be moved around

On the ceiling at the right are coloured numbers, use them together with the colours in the frame in the middle to solve the frame at the left wall

oh, and there's a bunny behind the drawers on the left side, too. And you have to ring the wind chimes on the right wall in the order shown on the doors

the pictures on the door give the order to ring the bells on the right

ok. I put the one second from the bottom in the boxes on the right and it beeped at me.

do the numbers that change color go on the graph that I found?

I think the goal graph has something to do with it, but I don't know how.

I feel dumb... The order on the door doesn't work with the bells. I tried crab-fish-octopus-octopus-crab-fish, also fish-crab-octopus-octopus-crab-fish, also without repeating octopus... Nothing works. :(

crab-fish-octopus-octopus-crab-fish worked for me Valerie. All it does is make a bunny come out.

me too, Valerie. couldn't get the creature order to work and still don't get how to enter numbers in the safe. I finally got the red numbers to go into the boxes on the right (with the beep!).

Still doesn't work. I must have tried it about 20 times.

Ok, I think it's the cue for me to go to bed. ^^

Good luck all, I give up on this one!

tried putting the graph over the numbers in the boxes after turning them red, but nothing happens.

spoiler for the ghostladder


with what you get from the safe you can catch the rabbits

have 5 rabbits now, think I need one more

@ freebird: but why is that the code?

@freebird did you get the one to the left of the chest of drawers?

1 left picture
2 right picture
3 tea cup
4 drawer
5 next to dresser
6 under pink cushion

jbg it's a ghostladder, you have to click the numbers and they turn red, then you can move them along the lines

kitkatfox yes I have that one

And the rabbits go surfing. still don't get the 5 digit code though.

found 1 more bunny under 2nd drawer but it fell on the ground and I can't pick it upl

@Valérie and holly when I did the windchimes, I had to click all of them quickly except the second octopus. I had to wait until he stopped and then I could press him and the last fish.

Waiting for each to stop didn't work, and neither did clicking them all fast.

@holly feed them, and them pick them up

@freebird: I know you can move them, but how did you know the order to put them in.

Holly the same with me, I finally found it after reading kkf's list but can't find it any more

jbg, move them along the lines, like with a ghostladder, at the corner the box turns automatically, at the last side, where the numbers are, the numbeer goes aitomatically in the right box

to find the bunny that fell down, just click right below the drawers, but not on them.

Mine didn't automatically go in the right box. I had to move them to where they needed to go.

thanks jbg ,got him now

man comes in, feed the last one en you're out

jbg, did you get out?

how do you do the ghost ladder? how do you know what number to move down first?

holly, it doesn't matter with which number you start first

just click one and when it turns red you can move it along the brown lines, whenever there is a line that goes right or left, you follow that new line

@freebird: yes I got out right after you spoiled the ghost ladder code for me, but I wanted to know how it worked afterward.

I am horribly bad a regular ghost legs unless they are very simple.

So how do I know which way to go? Do I click 5 and take up right and then up to 8 and then around the corner?

whoops edited my sentence in the middle of writing another one, and it ended up gibberish.

That was supposed to read: do you take 5 right and up to 8 and around the corner?

I don't understand how you know whether to go right or left.

i think the best explanation is to see it as a map with only straight streets.
you want to go from west to east, in this ghostladder. you start going east, whenever there is a road to left or right, you take that road

@kitkatfox: look at the vertical lines. Take the number you choose and drag it to the right. Everytime you pass one of the vertical lines follow it up or down. Do this even when the vertical line is on the right edge.

Heh, I'm wondering that nobody got problems with the pic on left wall? :)

I just "brute-forced" it by trying systematically.
(Were there any clues, anyway? ;))

I think there is not "that one" solution, but several.
Let's assume the fields are numbered
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

One solution is: (if board is all white)

ah! It seems to work better if I tilt my head and think of the left edge as the top and the right edge as the bottom. Then I am going down all the time.

or better, to north or south, never a road that leads you back to the west. when you meet a road going east, turn east

@arbeitslooser look at the colorful ceiling light in the center of the room.

Now compare the colors to the colored numbers that you find when you click on the black line on the back right ceiling tile.

Click the same rectangles shown in the light's colors in the order of the numbers. (blue is first, green is second, etc.)

@arbeitslooser, look at the ceiling on the right

the clues for the pic on the left wall were in the upper right corner with the colored numbers and the thing on the ceiling in the middle of the room that has colored squares on it.

thanks! Bah, thought this is for a completely other purpose, since the pic itself did not involve a color code !!

@freebird and @jbg thanks for your patience with me. I finally saw it as a normal ghostleg when I thought of it going from top to bottom if I tilted the thing. It clarified for me why I should never go left (when looking at it straight).

@kkf you're welcome, your explanations have often been a great help for me too, time to give a little back

lol @freebird See, my total confusion was a way to give back to the community.

And I just realized that the transparency paper had arrows telling me which way to go. And I wondered how I was supposed to know. >_<

the path through life akes strange turns, even when it comes to escape games :-)


my path turns now to my bed, it's 5.40 AM here

Poor deflated bunny!
We need to get its energy back that ran away with the mini bunnies.
Zoom on the red safe
Note it needs a 4 digit number and it has an odd symbol on it
Click the right pink pillow to find the TRANSPARANCY PAPER
Zoom on the floor lamp in the bottom right corner
Hmmm...it has a similar pattern to the safe
Click the lamp 3 times, and you can see numbers on it
Still zoomed in, click the paper you found
Now click the magnifying glass in your inventory to see the about item paper
The paper seems to match up!
Close that view
Click a number on the lamp, and it will turn red (this only works if you have looked at the transparency paper with the lamp!)
Drag a red number towards the right and the lamp will turn so you can see the next side
Solve the lamp pattern and enter the solution into the red safe
Get the CANDY
Solution below
Now to find the bunnies!
Click the left pink pillow to find the running bunny
Click the bag in the inventory and then the bunny to feed him
Take the BUNNY 1/6
Zoom on the teacup on the pink round tray
Drag the white cloth by the tea cup to the bunny's head
Now feed him and take him – BUNNY 2/6
Note the symbols on the door – crab, fish, and octopus
Zoom on the windchimes on the right wall and click them in the order shown on the door
SPOILERCFOOCFSPOILER (you need to let the octopus chime stop moving before you can click it the second time)
Feed the climbing bunny that shows up and get BUNNY 3/6
Open the top drawer of the chest of drawers
Click it while open to zoom in
Zoomed in, click the middle drawer to find another bunny
Drag his ears and let go – he will fall
Back up and click the bottom of the chest of drawers (below the bottom drawer to zoom in)
Feed the fallen bunny for BUNNY 4/6
Zoom right of the chest of drawers for another hidden bunny
Feed him when he peeks around the corner for BUNNY 5/6
Look at the ceiling tiles
There is a black line on the back right ceiling tile
Click there to zoom in
There are colored numbers
Click on the left picture and click the rectangles on the picture in the right order
When you get it correct, the total picture will appear and so will another bunny
Feed and take BUNNY 6/6
Back up and the door will open (only opens if you have 6 bunnies in your inventory!)
Click the red arrow and the man will come in
Keep clicking the red arrows until he is done speaking
Feed his bunny and take it, too BUNNY 7/6 heeheehee
Yay! Big bunny is all better!

Solving the left picture
The numbers on the back right ceiling tile when you zoom in are: 1 blue, 2 green, 3 pale red, 4 green, 5 yellow, and 6 dark pink
Look at the ceiling light over the door and you can see the same colors. So click the rectangles on the left picture in the same spots as the ceiling light in order of the numbers you found. So blue first, second green, third red, 4th green etc.
So SPOILERupper right, lower left, upper left, lower left, middle, lower rightSPOILER

Solution to the Red Safe: (thanks to @Freebird and @lbg for their patience in explaining this to my dead brain!)

Open the about item view of the transparency paper while zoomed in on the lamp. If you drag it slightly to the left, the numbers are centered in the open space of the transparency paper. The red line is where you want to end the course – a “finish line”. The arrows tell you what direction to go in – right. The top square will give you the 10,000's place number, the bottom square will give you the number in the ones place, etc. So when you get the numbers right, you will read them from top to bottom.

You need to click the first number and move right (like the transparency paper said). When you come to a line going either up or down, follow that line, but keep moving right. This is a ghost leg – visit here if you don't know what one is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Leg

Solve the ghost leg to figure out the order of the numbers.
For example, click the top number (3). There is no line going up or down from the 3 as you go right. So drag the 3 to the corner to see the second side of the lamp. On the second side, you will encounter a line going down so go down to the second line from the top. As you continue right on this line, you will see that there is another down line at the very right edge of the lamp. So go to the third line from the top and right so it turns the lamp to the third side. On the third side of the lamp, there is a line going down to the 4th line. Go down to that line and follow it until you come to the line going down to the 5th line. Follow that one to the corner where you see a line going up to the 4th line. Go to the 4th side of the lamp on this 4th line. On the 4th side, you will go down to the 5th line and then back up to the 4th as you turn the lamp. On the starting side of the lamp, you are on the fourth line (same line that has 1 on it). Keep moving toward the 1 and you will hit the imaginary finish line (the red line on the transparency paper). So 3 ends up in the 4th box.

Keep doing this to all the numbers, and you will find that the numbers are SPOILER58631SPOILER

this game makes me think of The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars ;)

Nice 2-stage ghost leg, but I had to refer to kitkatfox's walkthrough [thank you!] for what to do with the red numbers.
Even then, I had trouble trying to drag the numbers, and I got horribly muddled! I don't seem to have my mouse-interaction-brain in today and it took me quite a while to find out that you don't actually drag the numbers, per se, but just click each one once to turn it red, then again to stick it to the cursor and hover the mouse over the ghost leg lines. Then it will automatically jump into the box as kitkatfox describes beautifully in her walkthrough. =)
I love the guy's japanese scream at the end of these games, and that will always make me manage to complete them.
By the way, I still haven't forgiven that rabbit in Mole Escape, so I quite happily flattened it at the start of this game ;P

Thanks, KKF for the walkthrough! I couldn't get that ghost leg thing to work for me at all! Numbers were coming out all random (I had 5..88 at one point), so I used the spoiler!.

Correction: Bunny 5/6 is to the LEFT of the cupboard.

@PuzzledinCA thanks for the correction. For some reason, I was typing that wrong all day and kept having to fix my lefts and rights. Obviously missed one!

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