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Bamboo Escape Walkthrough

Bamboo Escape

Bamboo Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Episodes and Melody. In this game, you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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stuck in room 6

seemed simple but can't get it

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@joann: The card with a clue on it is upside down.

room 7 hint of note
上下右左= top bottom right left

Stuck in Room 9 with the 30 degree angle. Not sure what it's asking for?

Am I missing a clue in 9 besides the angle?

Room 7 Spoiler:

Click: Up x 2; Left x 3; Right x 5; Down x1

Ah! Is it something to do with the clock?

If so, I can not figure it out.

       Anonymous  9/23/11, 9:03 PM  

What the HUH?

I think the code for level 9 was 1 3 5 or something like that. I just brute forced that one.

Its 131. I brute forced too. Can't figure out the logic either, but I failed geometry :(

Just going to pretend room 9 didn't happen...

Room 10 is worse :(

okay 7 is killing me I can't get it lol

For ten, you need to find two pieces of paper. One with dots and one with numbers.

clee someone spoiled that one.

I think we need translation help in 15 :(

I have dots and a blank paper :(

Cree... Click buttons this many times: Up x 2; Left x 3; Right x 5; Down x1

I need help on 11 please

Just realized you can VIEW objects. I'm an idiot :(

which one was 11?

what were you given on 11?

Eleven is where there are two shapes on the door. 0 means 1 and there are squres, triangles, stars etc. I need to make 6 3

think of the shapes made by the lines as numbers

oh ok. It's hard to explain but look at the shapes and count the enclosed spaces in the shapes. choose the ones that have 6 and 3.

OMG, Room 15 you need to read Japanese I think. I'm not getting this at ALL.

Stuck in 15.
@Escapeartist... find the shapes that have 6 (star) and 3 (3 blocks)

Now that we are all hanging out in room 15, anyone have any coffee?

Oh god I had that all along - just didnt open the door!

I can only click a green monster/footstool on 12

keep clicking it til it flips over.

Keep clicking the green thingy

hurry and help in 15

Im doing my best !!!!!!

*puts on superhero cape*

I'm dead in the water in 15 :(

Room 14 now

I don't know if Shuchun is still here or not, but a translation would really help on 15.

superhero escapeartist to the rescue LOL

On now 15

Yup, looks like translation definitely needed

*sulks* >:<

OK our hopes are on you

just let us know when you get 15 escapeartist.

You lot will be waiting a long time for met to get it!!!!! I dont speak mandarin, chinese etc.

:( *sadness*

Oh shoot... why don't you???? LOL

I can't find the correct symbols for the numbers :(

lol escapeartist, but I thought superheroes can do anything.

I wish I could 'like' comments here like on Facebook.

Well, I'll have that coffee now... milk and sugar please.

I'd also like to know if we are stuck on the last room or if there are more rooms after this... cuz clearly we aint getting out of this one :(

Anyone still here. Im stuck in room 4 :(

what was in room 4 Jennifer?

I finally figured it out. Had to slide the door!

OK, I give up for the night, I'll just set up a cot in 15 til someone busts me out.

Found a site where you can draw chinese characters but it isn't helping me much. http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/chinese-dictionary.php
Maybe somebody can draw better then I.

not helping testsite but cool nonetheless

Ok, I give up... not getting it. :(
Hope somebody will get it and post it!! Going to see if there is somewhere I can escape!!


I'm done trying as well.

all that work to hit 15 lol

Stuck at 14. Have no clue what numbers to put on the arrows!

just grab the numbers like the arrows show and put them on the top part

in the draw of 15 that 2:50 looks like a time but the others don't lol

Hi it says

fukuoka = 1080
saitama = 168
aomori = 3150

ehime = ????

but it doesn't help. lol

Room 9 uses the clock and the picture - the 30 degrees says 11 and 12 - if 9 and 12 is a 90 degree angle, then 10 and 12 is 60 degrees and 11 and 12 is a 30 degree angle. Then there's an x, so you multiply 11 and 12. If anyone cared.

if we are all stuck forever in room 15 how come someone voted it a 5 lol

did you guys read the hints? hint one is "multiply" and hint two is ... umm... sound (or letter/character) and figure... not sure what to do with that, yet, but for what it's worth...



Woohoo @Meg! Now I'm promptly stuck on 16, LOL

meee tooooo... lol

Meg - why? Yay for getting it, but I want to know WHY. Also, that second hint is "50 sounds" - used to describe how hiragana and katakana have 50 sounds...

Google translate says: The following figure shows how celebrities who?

Maybe another translator???

Babelfish says: Who famous person where the following figure shows as for?

Answer only allows 9 letters...hmmm.

probably a japanese famous celebrity nobody ever heard of

looks like a top down view of doly parton is all i can think of

Okay, if any of you care about the WHY of Meg's answer - Japanese has 50 sounds - 5 vowels and 10 consonants. If you take the vowel sound (a=1, i=2, u=3, e=4, and o=5) and the consonants (1-10= none, k, s, t, n, h, m, y, r, w) and multiply the appropriate numbers, you get the proper values. So for the first number, hukuoka = 6*3*2*3*5*2*1 = 1080. :)

No help on 16?


It's three(surii in Japanese English) in blue = bluesurii (in japanese there is no difference in pronouncing L or R) = brusulii = bruce lee

Should be Angelyne, but isn't! LOL

thx again meg :)

well 17 was hard i think now lol

yw! that was hard!

Nice, Meg!

WOW good going I hated to close that one with defeat out now thanks to the wonderful posts! HUGS!!!

       Anonymous  9/23/11, 11:10 PM  

too many things I can't read. Stuck in/after 15

HELP!!! I can't open the door in room 6. I've made all possible combinations, but it won't open...

can't anyone give the spoiler?

OK, you've pushed me to it.
R = Red / B = Blue


The thick filled dots on the clue on the cabinet correspond to the blue dots on the picture on the wall; however, you have to rotate the pic so that the blue dots on the drawing match the ones on the picture. :)

arbeitslooser, thank you, you're my hero!

I rotated it so mayny times, but my mistake was I was always starting from blue. And now, with your help, I opened the door. Thank you very much.

hehe, glad to help, I'm still around. You bet you will need wagonloads of helo in the next rooms, because in room 6 you could just say... "you ain't seen nothing yet".

What an enjoyable game! Shame about the couple of rooms which needed translation from Japanese. Apart from that it was a really good concept and nice graphically too. Thanks to everyone who posted the help!

I agree SuzieGirl64, and would like to add that it's odd that someone would post a game that needs translation onto an English-speaking site. For many of us it doesn't allow us to win on our own....imho.

please please any1 need help for room 10!!!

i got papers with numbers and dots but cant read the right code:((

I'm back in the game again, had to go to work...
And now I'm stuck with 666. Can't make it...

wow! I did it!

       Anonymous  9/24/11, 7:02 AM  

Pete B,
combine papers in inventory

       Anonymous  9/24/11, 9:01 AM  


(To see SPOILER, leave your cursor on it, till you see the answer...)

- go thru door (click it)

- turn knob bottom left of door

- take shape from dust bin
- put shape in door slot
- open door in door (click shape)

- slide door to the right

- take key in lower drawer (under book)
- use key on door

- look on hint under green doll on cupboard
- put the line (in mind) on picture with red & blue dots & follow it
- put colour code in door

- start to learn Japanese
- click on picture to let it fall down & to see order hint
- take paper under drawers in cupboard
- hint on paper: 2-top 1-bottom 5-right 3-left
(thx Shuchun!)
- combine the hints

- zoom on green doll right on table
- push button to see doll's moving a line pattern
- use that pattern on buttons on door
(buttons numbered)

- look on clock (hours: 11 & 12)
- see hint on picture (degrees, x)
- combine the clues
- put code in door
(thx Trisana!)

- click right of cupboard & take paper with numbers
- click left of cupboard & take paper with holes
- combine the papers

- take candle behind plant
- take paper in upper drawer of cupboard
- take lighter from dust bin
- put candle on candle holder on table
- light candle with lighter
- put paper on candle (highlight paper in inventory & click flame) for shape hint
- find the right shapes in door & click OK
- SPOILER (thx jbg!)

- click on the green animal till it turns
- see number hint on it's belly (666)
- change the numbers in door till you get the code
- left button: left number +1, middle number +2
- right button: middle number -1, right number +1

- look on picture & read SLEI
- turn the pic (in mind) 180° to get the door code
- put code in panel left of door & click OK to open door

- see the connection (black line on wall) between door & table
- zoom on table & drag the correct numbers on the corresponding places

- learn even more Japanese, or
- use i.e. http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/chinese-dictionary.php
- see hint on picture
- see hint in lower drawer
- combine the hints for door code
- put code in panel left of door & click OK to open door
(thx again Trisana!)
(thx Meg!)
(still don't get it... haha!)

- You don't have any Japanese friend yet?
- Just get one, you'll need him/her...!
- Zoom on computer screen & note the blue number three & clue (in Japanese...)
- type solution under the number & click OK to open door
(thx again Meg!)
(IMHO riddle veeery far fetched...)

- click the door


- don't play any Japanese games without a translator - dead or alive!

COOL Premiere... what a fantastic way of hiding spoilers. very very good :)

       Anonymous  9/24/11, 2:17 PM  

TY sue,
I will forward your flatteries to @jon(thewatch), who established the SPOILER on EG24...!

Thnx Meg for the breakthrough!! Finished! And great spoilers. How do you do that?

Like this;

(b title=thehintoranswer)spoiler(/b)

But change ( into <
and ) into >

       Anonymous  9/24/11, 4:22 PM  

a little (but important) add-on to small-tool's comment:
When the hint or answer contain more than one word in SPOILER, the hint or answer must be in speech marks " " ("for example like this").

wow - need a lot of help with this one!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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