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Enchanted Room Escape Walkthrough

Enchanted Room Escape

Enchanted Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game developed by Strawberry Cafe. In this game, you have to find items and solve some puzzles to finish it. Good luck and have fun!

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oh i love these games!

placed a pink gem, thought I had the code but didn't work

thought I had the code for the 4 shapes but no

not getting very far with this one

Hi Jo-Ann
shapes - look at the cakes

Hi Megi, I did but must have messed it up.

Also tried the buns(?) with the note for the code with the pink gem and arrows but can't get it either

got it, had two in the wrong spots!

up and down - circle
left triangle
right square

OK made a map of cakes with strawberrys
and got three gems and a key and coloured
dot clue...Swirly cakes dosen't work either?

       Anonymous  9/29/11, 2:59 PM  

Greetings, ladies (& one gent, lol)!
- note (from muffin on turnable plate start screen)
- key (under right purple cake on plate)
- light pink gem (on cream left of turnable plate)
hard to explain with all these sweets, lol!

has anyone figured out the arrows clue? rrlrllr isn't working for me. neither is llrlrrl. boo.

Got clue for swirly cakes, start in middle
and do a clockwise swirl...


morgan, what do you mean?

use the key in empty cup

I think it goes,


       Anonymous  9/29/11, 3:02 PM  

placed pink gem in slot right of coloured muffins (? - don't know all the names of the cakes...) for arrow puzzle

yellow gem (button) from the box (clue = paper with colors and round cakes)

I just have an A and B shape on the
bottom of empty cup, how do I use key on it ?

my code is 3589

You have to drink the coffee first to get an emoty cup.

Morgan use key on very big cup ;)

Where did you get the paper with colours Megi?

how did you guys figure out the arrows? i don't understand.

Thanks, lol slurpy coffee.

in green button safe small-tool

Thanks Megi,
I found the hint, the cakes with or without cherries, but don't know where to start?

Hmmm cafe But only gave another codebox headache LOL

look at the swiss roll cakes and paper with spiral

Lol, I just brute-forced it.

i did, but my directions were different than yours?

Hey small, I kept rotating my notes until it worked !

click pink buttons like note with arrows = key

I think, we all have the same directions

Annnnnnnd Out.. Awesome game!!! Really clever puzzles

Hint (for what I found the hardest) - the "arrows" clue are 3-part-segments, not 2

I'm out :lol

The five button box with the four arrow clue ?

What do you think Megi ?

POP, arrow is 3 buttons = key

Can't do the 5 button box, that's the last one for me I think. Don't understand the 4 arrows hint.

i'm out too but i still don't get the right and left arrows clue. i am feeling pretty dense that you all see something i dont?

The little door, I'll never fit, I think I'll hang
around and have some cake,
anyone got a cup of tea?

First arrow = top middle right
second =right middle top ... etc

Ah thanks, out too now.
Have to learn to read the comments better.
Arrow is 3 buttons was a very good hint.

Btw small, where have you been hiding lately ?

I haven't done anything without a spoiler yet!!!!
I hope someone does a WT...I am soooo confused here! LOL

Couldn't post anymore Morgan.
Blogger issues.
And still got to use a trick to post.

i just realized i never got the blue puzzle open, the one with the yellow buttons? did any of you?

       Anonymous  9/29/11, 3:33 PM  

same here, nokra,
I think I'm suffering of a hyperglycaemia in this game, lol!

If you listen very, very carefully, in the distance
you'll hear the sound of a walkthrough being
typed in Belgium. lol

Btw Muhlisuh,
If you're still wondering about the arrows;
The hint was
But there was also a paper with a spiral shaped arrow that started at the middle, let's say 4, then went through 5, 3, 6, 2, 7 and 1.
And that's how you get;

okay opened it, now i get the arrow puzzle!

and thanks small-tool! i didn't have the swirl paper yet. doh!

I think there was the paper with the spiral arrow, not sure though.

Btw. I never used the empty cup from my inventory, or did I?

small-tool, you used it to drink the coffee, right?

also there was a hint on the bottom of the empty cup.

There was so much going on in this game
it was hard to make good notes but I think,
the A and B code to make the number 3 were
on the bottom of the cup in the inventory.

Yep, just played again. Besides the hint at the bottom, you use it indeed to drink the coffee.
Isn't that strange btw? To drink a full cup of coffee with another empty cup!?

Excellent,as usual for these games!

I have a key, a multicolored box clue on a note, and the little box with 4 buttons unused in my inventory. Plus the clues that make the numbers (A & B etc.) I'm stuck. How to open little box?


- Zoom in on the tower and zoom further in on the second floor with round cakes and take LEFT/RIGHT HINT part 1 (right under the cake in front).
- Zoom out and turn the tower around in 4 steps. Also pay attention to the pointy part at the bottom and in that way you see 3 hints;
- The RED or NOT RED HINT, the cherries (R) or not cherries (W) on top of the cakes are in the order R-W-R-R-R-W-R-W.
- The SHAPES HINT, the cakes are on the pointy thing when you turn it around; Circle-Square-Circle-Triangle.
- The BROWN or YELLOW HINT, the cakes are Y-Y-B-Y-B-Y-B-B.
- Zoom in on the cups left in the back and take the PINK GEM from top of the right one.

- Zoom in on the bottle and click the brown square to see the puzzle. It's the shapes puzzle, so put in (clockwise, starting at the top); Circle-Square-Circle-Triangle. Click enter open the bottle and take the GREEN GEM.

- Zoom in on the 7 little cakes and you see LEFT/RIGHT HINT part 2 (combined with part 1) you see the cakes are R-R-L-R-L-L-R.
- Zoom in on the gem/code panel in the back and put the green gem in and click the brown square to see the puzzle. It's the cherries (red) or not cherries (white) puzzle. So put in (clockwise, starting at the top) R-W-R-R-R-W-R-W (and for white you don't have to click of course) and take the BLUE GEM and the COLOUR HINT part 1 PAPER. (Br-G-Pi-Y-G-Pi)
- Zoom in on the pink/purple wool like cake thingy in the back and take the RED KEY and on the wall you see NUMBER HINT part G/H (both those shapes together make a 9).

- Zoom in on the cups left in the back and see NUMBER HINT part C/D (both those shapes together make a 5).
- Zoom in on the cakes in the middle to see their colours. It's COLOUR HINT part 2:

- Zoom in on the gem/code panel in the back, put the blue gem in and click the brown square to see the puzzle. It's the brown or yellow puzzle, but there's no pointy thing. But the top and top-left can't be changed, they remain yellow. So now you know how to put brown or yellow according to the cakes hint. So put in (clockwise, starting at the top) Y-B-B-Y-B-Y-B-Y and take LEFT/RIGHT HINT part 3 (the spiral shaped arrow).

- Zoom in on the gem/code panel in the back, put the pink gem in and click the brown square to see the puzzle. It's the left right puzzle. From combined hint part 1 and 2 we know;
R-R-L-R-L-L-R and if we call that;
1--2-3-4--5-6-7 and if you then look at the spiral arrow you see it goes through 4-5-3-6-2-7-1, so the order is; R-L-L-L-R-R-R, so click the arrows in that order and take the EMPTY CUP and the ARROWS HINT.
- Look at the bottom of the cup to see NUMBER HINT part A/B (both those shapes together make a 3).
- Zoom in on the cup of coffee and use your empty cup to drink 'all' the coffee. Zoom in at the bottom of that now empty cup and use the key to open it and take the CODE BOX.
- About item that box and see the buttons are placed in the same way as colour hint part 2 (the coloured cakes). So combined with colour hint part 1 we can open that box.
- Colour hint part 1 was; Br-G-Pi-Y-G-Pi and part 2 was;
So, click; bottom right, top left, bottom left, top right, top left and bottom left and take the YELLOW GEM.
- GO RIGHT (2x).

Wow, thanks Small-tool. Don't know how you guys always figure this stuff out!

- Zoom in (1x) on the cakes and then zoom further (2x) in on the code box left in the back. Now you're gonna use the arrows hint. The arrow doesn't only indicates the end point but the whole section you have to click. So clcik the buttons in this order Top-Middle-Right Right-Middle-Top Bottom-Middle-Left Left-Middle-Bottom and then open the box and take the PINK KEY.

- Zoom in on the big cake, put in the yellow gem and click the brown square to see the puzzle. It's a 4-digit code, but you've only seen 3 numbers. Well, about item the spiral arrow paper and click it to see the backside and there it is; NUMBER HINT part E/F (both those shapes together make 8). So now you have all 4 numbers, so put in 3589 and the cake will open. Go all the way in, use the pink key on the door, open the door, go out and you're out.

Oops, missed that comment.
You're welcome Kanluce.
And the figuring out stuff is mostly teamwork, but this time it was mainly Megi who found out what to do.

Guessed my 3rd digit by try an error. Never found EF clue on back side of arrow paper.

Great game made me think about every move ...I loved it! and I was getting hungry lol

Wohoo! One of my favourite game developers, and I solved it on my own!! Excellent game!!!

The arrow hint was the one I thought I couldn't solve without help, so that was the hardest one for me.

Aww...I missed a Strawberry Cafe game? Love these, haven't scrolled the comments so hope it's a good one. :)

Wow, thanks for the help @small! I couldn't figure out the brown arrows for the box by the 7 cakes. Tough. Great game as always! :)

What a beautiful game! And @small-tool: many thanx! Without your great help I'd never have made it.

See ya!

       Anonymous  10/1/11, 3:18 PM  

I like Strawberry Cafe games, but this time, there was NO chemistry AT ALL between me & the game (had to cheat constantly) - too much sugar, I suppose (hyperglycaemia alert)...!
Thx @s-t, your WT saved me from joining OA (overeaters anonymous)...!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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