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Escape from the Room with Treasure Boxes Walkthrough

Escape from the Room with Treasure Boxes

Escape from the Room with Treasure Boxes is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Dghgbakufu. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Paper behind left picture, hint behind right picture.

just joining

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 8:39 AM  

I'm going in!

I don't understand the clues... Already stuck!

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 8:41 AM  


wow... I'm going to need a lot of help on this one!

I like these ones LOL

LBEHI (behind right picture) doesn't seem to be an anagram.

I tried to push the buttons in alphabetical order and it didn't work.

Hi all! I have nothing but paper and don't understand the clues either.

Hi i am stuck with you all :(

Opened button box.

Same Valerie - I'm not sure what the maze thing is for either. The colored squares?

Just count the lines of the word behind pic.

LBEHI upside down is
783H1 or 783 HI
but doesn't help me at all.

Thanks Zazie! Opened the button box and got a... thing.

Great find Zazie.

I put the shape from box into other box, need two more.

I am feeling a little dense here. I don't understand how to count lines of word or where to use that info.

Thanks Zazie!

evans - press the buttons in the order of how many lies are in each letter


@ evans: I = 1 line, L = 2 lines, H = 3 lines... etc.

Order to push the buttons:

evans "I" has one line, "L" has 2 lines etc, so click the fifth button first, the first button as second and so on.

And i am stuck again :(

Me too. :) I'm waiting for a genius to illuminate me!

Thanks for all the explanations. I just apparently can't count. Stuck again same as everyone.

I think I've tried every combination for the three colored buttons - but nothing is working! I wish I understood the clues

Really difficult !

I also tried many combinations of colors... I really have no patience for that this morning!

Look out all different letters for that puzzle LOL Mine was 51432

The right picture shows the way to read the left. Starting from the upper right corner color square and going down are the somehow the colors from the paper between the triagles.

(please tell me that you understand me!!!)

For 6 button box, follow color order as indicated with arrow clue and color grid (start lower left - G,R,B,Bl,G,B) and put in box (Black is fixed in upper left).

Have to go, but there is a hint below the game:


There's something behind the picture on the wall.

The right picture is related to the picture on the left.

The color sequence of squares that are drawn to the picture on the left may rule.

Number of boxes on the left button of the door is 7.

(after i translated it from Japanese to English)

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:01 AM  

Yeahh I'm stuck...

You have to start from lower right !

Thanks Indiedog! I was following the direction like the right painting, but only looking at the corners

Has anyone opened the 3 button box?

Thx Indiedog, now i am stuck at the 3 button box.

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:09 AM  

Okay I opened the box with the squares and arrows...look at the last 6 squares in the picture using the direction from the other picture

I still don't get it. I tried to start from the upper right corner color and follow the arrow to get the color sequence, but it doesn't work, even backward. I also tried starting from lower right and lower left. Forward and backward.

I'm loosing patience. This game just doesn't make any sense.

Gotcha Lois now the pattern on the paper clue????

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:13 AM  

"Number of boxes on the left button of the door is 7" I dont get this...

Well, I had to write it down to get it, LOL! Opened the squares box.

I'm on last one: the 3 squares between the two triangles. Someone got it yet?

LittleLois - not getting it. I thought it was g b g, but it doesn't work

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:16 AM  

I can't figure out the pattern, I was thinking that maybe only one box changes colour when progressing downwards?

AM INNNNN for another good game

still cant get three button box with the arrows on the sides

Interesting, LittleLois. If only onw box changes color, then when it hits the middle line with the 3 ?, the first square is either green or blue, the middle one is either red or green, and the last one is red.

But I tried all those combinations and it didn't worked...

Neither me, i will play the newest game meanwhile, cu !

Really good puzzles!
I found the 3-color buttons puzzle the easiest, and figured out the 5-button box last.

LittleLois - i think that would make the 3 miggle ? squares, bk b g, but it doesn't work

great PuzzledinCA - care to share>

For the 3 button box,
Go top to bottom.
Each line is ONE button push.

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:22 AM  

Yeah I'm kinda stuck again Valerie lol...ahhhhhh

Puzzled in CA are you out?

ok puzzled can you shed some light on 3 color buttons.. I even tried brute-forcing, but just can't get it :(

Would you please help us, PuzzledinCA? We are all stuck on that so-easy puzzle! :P

I think we are missing something cos it it doesnt seem to want to bruteforce either

1 (for R-Bk-Bk)
1 (for G-Bk-Bk)
3 (for G-Bk-R)
2 (for G-R-R)

(I numbered buttons 1-2-3)

Does that help?

I got that but somewhere in the middle I stuff it up LOL

Lol, still stuck.
What does 1 (for R-Black-Black) mean?

Thanks! But how do you know which button to press on the lines where all squares are marked "?" ?

I'm feeling very blonde...

did anyone understand puzzled in CA? I don't get it and can't figure it out.

not following. i end up with GRR.. which is sort of how i feel right now lol

Lol - I think Puzzles and I speak completely different languages! I still don't get it!!

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:30 AM  

Ah I accidentally refreshed the game! :( I'm not too sure on what you mean with the numbers CA

LOL Mona, me too!

this game made my mind milkshake really

Yes PuzzleinCA! I am out!!!

playing lat for work until somebody gives me a spoiler!

He means only one colour changes on each line down the cluepaper.. So only press those buttons in order

giving up, can't get the last box.

VK - can you explain it again? Please?

plz 1 good example how to open 3 button box. thnx

Puzzled - are you talking about the box that requires 3 colors to be entered? If so, how do we figure out what 3 colors... do we enter in a specific sequence?

Well, if I understand him, we have to follow the lines on the sheet. Like LittleLois saw it, there is only one square changing color on each line.

Black - black - black
Red - black - black
Green - black - black

And so we have to press the button of the square that changed color.

But I wonder how can we know which square changed color on the line where all squares are marked "?".

Is it more clear?

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:35 AM  

Ahh okay. let me have a look

Yeeehaa got it!

Finally out!!

I think Valerie explained it very nice! Do you still need a spoiler?

Well, I got all the question mark colours. And now what?

Got it!


Hi all

@Valèrie I think "?" is for the square which remains the same colour as the line before...or something like that....
I still couldn't figure it out...I thought of something like pressing square in thhis order: "1-1-3-2-1-3" but it didn't work....

ST just press the button for the one colour that changed in the next line

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:43 AM  

Yay :) Cheers guys...now time for a cigarette to rest my mind!

Need to press 7 buttons in order Pre.Vale not 6

Lol, I even don't understand the spoiler.
We're looking for 3 colours, aren't we?

I am ready for any spoilers any one wants to give...the clues are not helping me...lolol

Thanks Valerie! I couldn't figure out the last two - thought it would be 1 3

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 9:47 AM  

Small-tool, forget about the colours when pressing the buttons. Just press the buttons in the order in which one changed colour when progressing downwards...So (r, bk, bk) changed to (g, bk, bk) Therefore the first button changed colour, so press the first square on the box etc

I don't understand how to open the box with the 2 triangles and 3 squares.

s-t - don't worry about the colors. press the buttons in the order above. 1st button twice, then 3rd, etc

Thx Valérie ! I have got it now and i am out !

Ah, thanks LittleLois.

Sorry -- I went to play the other game.
You need to have the clue paper (print screen)
?s are it doesn't matter.
Number the buttons left to right 1-2-3
The colors in my clue are what you see.
As in line 2 of the paper. Press button 1 and you go from black-black-black to red-black-black.
Line 5 (the 4th button) is the trickiest, because you have to figure out how to get to the next line (You have to press button 2 2x to get from black to green in the middle.)


Oh well...the game just froze up on me anyway...
had to close it...on tho bigger and better...

See box with 3 shapes
Zoom on left picture (with colored dots) and click it to take HINT PAPER
Zoom on right picture (with spiral arrow) and click it to see LETTER CLUE (LBEHI)
Go left to see 5-button box
Press buttons in order using letter clue.
Hover cursor here for HINT
Hover cursor here for SPOILER
Open box to take RED GEM (square)

Go left to see triangle-3 colored buttons-triangle box.
The triangles tell you to use the hint paper.
The right side of the hint paper shows the color-cycle of the buttons .
The left side of the hint paper shows you the steps you go through to get to the final answer.
Only one button changes each step.
Not all colors are shown, but enough to solve the puzzle.
Hover cursor here for SPOILER
Open box to take GREEN GEM (octagonal)

Go left to see box with 6 buttons with arrows in a loop
The upper left button is fixed at black
Combine the two pictures in the first scene to solve the puzzle
(What looks like a random pattern isn’t)
Hover cursor here for SPOILER
Open box for BLUE GEM (hexagonal)

Place gems in box in first scene and open it for the exit key.
(You can go by the shapes, or just the order they are in your inventory)

(I had to try the new spoiler method!)

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 10:45 AM  

1 room, 2 pictures, 3 hints, 4 boxes = whole game...!
What a challenging beauty of puzzles!
I only grasped them after seeing the solutions in the post above...!
Btw: I prefer those kinds of Dghgbakufu games than the mazes...

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 10:49 AM  

Great WT, Puzzled!
& Hover cursor here for SPOILER

The paper with squares and triangles is totally mysterious for me and doesn't mean anything. Thank you PuzzledinCA for the WT, but this game is frustrating, I can't understand the answer for this triangles and squares box.

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 11:06 AM  

I was good until the follow the arrows puzzle. I screen captured both pictures on the wall and superimposed the directional picture on top of the colored squares picture. Then I made the directional picture semi transparent. I don't get it!! How do you get 6 colors from that? I see 10?

Thank you PuzzeledinCA and the "hover" clue - bless You!

Look at the colored dots picture. Follow the path shown by the arrow. From the lower left corner you go up (green-red-blue-black-green-blue)
then across (green-red-blue-black-green)
then down (blue-green-red-blue-black)
then across the bottom, right to left (green-blue-green-red)
then up the second column, and so on.

Black is always followed by green, that green is always followed by blue, etc.

Is that any clearer?

Here are the colors that would be on the hint paper with the ? marks filled in:

The last 4 colours of the arrow line (the ones in the middle).

Well, I must say that even though I had to have help on every one of the puzzles, this was a very well designed game. The puzzles were challenging but entirely logical, and the graphics were nice, too.

Oops, I meant the last 6 colours.

Alright, something is wrong and I don't know what.

I'm going to the box with the five white buttons. I am clicking them in order of 2-5-4-3-1 just like the walkthrough says. And nothing. It doesn't open. What am I missing? I have looked at the hint behind the spiral picture. I even understand it; the number of lines that make up the letters. But apparently this isn't correct. Why?

You have to click the lid of that box to open it.

       Anonymous  9/26/11, 12:59 PM  

behind picture you see: L-B-E-H-I
after clicking the 5 buttons on the box in the order 2nd-5th-4th-3rd-first (I=one line, L=two lines etc.), you hear a sound. Then click the lid of box to open it.

GREAT GAME!!! Nicely tuff

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Thanks for the walkthrough!

I could solve the 3-button box myself, but indiedog's "solution" had me puzzled:

"For 6 button box, follow color order as indicated with arrow clue and color grid (start lower left - G,R,B,Bl,G,B) and put in box (Black is fixed in upper left)."

You have to read this as: DO NOT go either clockwise or counterclockwise!
It's actually row-by-row.
That's why he's right by saying "start lower left".

Zazie contradicted by saying "no, it's lower right!" because she went clockwise.
(me too!)

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And Puzzled is perfectly right as well: the '?' does indeed indicate "disregard that color, could be any color"

out with no help. Fun :D

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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