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Gathe Escape - Laboratory Walkthrough

Gathe Escape - Laboratory

Gathe Escape-Laboratory is another new point and click escape from Games2gather. This time Gathe is again trapped in a laboratory . Help gathe to escape from the room. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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easy as these ones always are.

I don't get it...I have a circular disc, red pills, and a fire extinguisher...I can change the color temperatures...but can't do anything else, and changing the colors doesn't do anything

me too. missing something

Can someone explain this? I am totally stuck

don't get it

I can not do anythig either:(

I don't understand why people just post "I am out" on a hint website without any additional info on "how"- It seems especially self-serving when there are other comments from people who are clearly needing help. Maybe I am wrong about the nature of this website- but I come here a lot following the links in the games for SOLUTIONS.

Anyways, I was stuck too at same place @ IrishEyes. Here is what I did: after you put the red pills in the glass bulb on the right side of the room- fix the temperature on the machine correctly according to book- then you can pick up the glass bulb with melted pill mixture...

Thanks sweetjane.

The truth is that regulary people are explain everything and posts playthroughs for many games. Depending from the people who are in live games.

sorry sweetjane. I normally would have posted hints, but I only had 15 minutes to play the game before I had to leave so I didn't have time to help.

From sweet jane comment. add the balance item and place into the weight thing which will give the final code for the chest.

first you have to put the red pills into the jar and then you put the temperature. it will turn in liquid. than you put the disc and it qill burn, you use the firextinguer and you put the liquid into the thing that have 2 numbers in each side. it qill give you 4 number that opens the safe and in the safe there is the key to open the door

Ok, my first try for a WT :P

Click on book on the lower left and not the colours/temperatures....

On the top left you have a bottle with a red cover... click on it and get red pills.

Under the light switch you have a machine with 3 lights... zoom on it and pick the coin.

Pick the fire extinguisher.

Zoom on the machine on the right side.

Put the red pills inside and zoom out.

Use your notes to switch the temperatures ( I went from cold to hot and it worked )

You now have some liquid inside the round vase, put the coin inside and it will ignite.

Use the fire extinguisher on it, and you'll get a darker liquid.

Zoom in on the scale ( bottom right ) and pour the liquid in. Note the weight.

Zoom out and click on the blue box next to the pc screen.

Insert the weight you had and voilá... you have a key.

I'll leave the last part to you guys :P


Got ninja'ed by xana :)

david , your walkthrough is much better. ;)

Great walkthrough @ David! Congrats on your first one :)

Great job @David!

the walkthrough of David is very clear, i got it

       Anonymous  5/1/15, 12:53 AM  

i escaped so fast ........... short game but good

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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