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Riddle of Riddles Walkthrough

Riddle of Riddles

Riddle of Riddles is another free online 'change the URL' riddle game from the maker of Riddle of Riddles Jr. This set contains 100 brainy Riddles with 100 logical answers. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by stealthXninja]

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Hello :) Have a few minutes to give this one a go...let's see...

hmm...the obvious isn't it on 3 I guess...
Anyone going to join?

lol...nvm, typo doh!

hi @mkganda!
Also have a few minutes to play and also on 7

Hi @Truus!!! :D

had to take a call, on 9 now

hmm, kinda stuck on 8..

woops...lol closed it. let's see

ahh a new riddle amd mk ganda is here does not get any better than that ; hi

@Truus http://www.phonespell.org/

c***ec***n :)

bigtank!!!!! Hello, friend! Only a few more minutes, but so happy to have even that! :D

thanks @mkganda, didn't know there was a special site for it

@Truus YW :) On 11. I really should know what to do but...hahaha! I'll sit here a moment

got to 9 with you mk

i don't get level 3, help anyone?

@drinkmilk Say words out loud, what could Jay be?

@Drinkmilk, what was level 3 again?

I'm on 7 and it seems straight forward but am not getting it... (scary cat BLUE??)

Hi @Jo-Ann! Blue letters for 7. It's a long g word.


@drinkmilk words sound like letters...anagram

I've anagramed all the blue letters, all the red letters, nothing jumping out at me

lol...still here on 11. Apparently I'm more out of practice than I thought.


thanks, that word didn't pop out on the first anagram site I was using, tried another site and there it was!

Will have to try other levels later, good luck all

no mk i am there too on 11

Ok @bigtank why are we not on 12 then? feeling really stupid lol

hi everyone!
im stuck on 4 right now..theres heart thats wearing glasses..

notty, the glasses are there because he's b****
and the heart means l***, put these words together

Hi @nottypomy :) The heart also has a walking stick Look at the hint in the source. It's an old saying

l*** ** b****

nvm..saw the walkthrough link for a hint..

Hi mkganda, was missing you from the riddles. For 11, what is the next level?
Do you know we can make spoilers now?

ok got to 12 but there seem to be a lot of x in there

oh i will do a spoiler spoiler

Hi @faltu! Miss all of you too! For 11...I thought I did that though?

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I have to leave now, good luck all!!

lol! Just spelled it out before...woops :P

Okay, on 12. How do we do spoilers?

nevermind, messed up jay :)

hmm...got the answer, tried entering as ? was written...

spoiler i wrote it down

bye @Truus! :)

lol it did a spoiler for my spoiler exlplanation lol. will mail u mk

mk, see this one for spoiler.


got it! Thanks! Still not getting how to enter 12's answer.

ok on to 13 now coffee time back in a tick

ok 13 was easy 14 now

okay, all bb in a little bit. Lunch picnic before with little one before school. I don't like this half-day afternoon schedule, but it does give us these little opportunities. :) back in a cpl hours. :)

Mk, just move forward one step now.

i'm stuck on level 9 now. don't know the old famous movie

@Drinkmilk the movie is SPOLIER

back and stuck on 12

jo-ann, when you are typing what are you using?

You can do spoilers with this code!


@faltu, sorry, that hint isn't making it through my thick head... lol



Remove the { }

@Jon Hey! Look at me! I did a spoiler like that above! K, I know that isn't really all that fantastic but I can be rather computer illiterate so I was quite pleased with myself!

darn again! put < before the code and > at the end for spoilers


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@drinkmilk, where do you want to go?

great Jo-Ann :) I am really pleased you did that!


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K, still stuck on 12

thought it should be taking each letter, going back one in the alphabet? but that gives a lot of x and q

Gahhhh on the keyboard?!! lol

K, will do that after getting another coffee. obviously my brain is still foggy

i'm stuck at 12 too.

lol one step back on merican keyboard

@drinkmilk look at my post 17..55 put you curser next to the spoiler

now 13, don't understand it

@drinkmilk, same place as you

I see some hints in source, trying to figure it out

Stuck on 27, Bigtank how far are you?

For 13, read the caps.

jo an drinkmilk what did we do on level 13 to get to the next level. well get rid of it

what caps?

In the source, read only the capital letters.

in the source i have only 2 capital letters

Hey all! On number 78!!! I started yesterday after I subbed it!

AHHHHH, needed to ADD that!

on to 14

Helsinki, venice, Tallinn, naples, Minsk, bologna, London
read the capitals

@drinkmilk, there are 4 capital letters

i still don't get it. add what to what?

Hi StealthXninja, help on 27 please, cannot find the second word, ms word and tictactoe thingy.

i have only two H and N

I am so bad at these riddles

I took the names in caps, found the countries they were capitals off, anagrammed that and got BEEF thought that was my answer LOL

now on 14 but may give up shortly

Hi faltu. I will have to start over and go through the answers again so I can see the level.

wait a sec, where did you find those cities? i don't have that on my page source :(

You do not have notes, but probably you will need your answers in last level, I see that for all riddles.

@faltu, The answer is two words that go together. The second part What does control and the letter that won tic-tac-toe do?

hi faltu, what are you doing when you highlight something in word and than press ctr x?

@Jo-Ann how did you solve level 13?

Chipsi, I'm stuck there for long, feeling completely dumb, for first one I get c*** or f*** and for second one from your clue delete? have to combine these two?

on 13, im not getting a word from the caps..even after taking the letters from source..its just the caps from the text and source right?

@faltu... Look up ms word commands... There is a specific name for ctrl+x. It isn't delete.

@drinkmilk when you look at view source code, you see a list of cities, 4 have capitals.

Helsinki, venice, Tallinn, naples, Minsk, bologna, London

look at what the caps say

i'm completely lost. don't have any idea how did you find those capitals, because i don't have them in my source, nor what to do with lucky level 13.

Think about those 4 letters... They aren't a word... What are they? Do they look familiar?

@faltu your first c-word is correct. for the second one think what you do when you use a scissor (three letter word)

@notty just from the source

I'm stuck on 14 and am going to give up

seems that I need my hand held too much in these games :(

Oh THANKS stealth, got an egg now!

*facepalm* i understood the word but didnt think of using it in that way..thnx! :)

Jo-ann it's an riddlers level. go to purplehell and rot.

what way? could somenoe please tell me? i see what you mean what i get with those letters, but what to do wih them?

drinkmilk look at your letters and now look at your url...

i get that, but how to write an answer? i tried that, but that's not an answer.

drinkmilk just add a "L" at the end of htm

Hi guys,
I'm in for a while.
Do I need Google maps for level 17?

No! and HI!!!

Nvm, got it.
Was tricky to loose the letter again.

Small-tool, take out what you added in 13. I just finished that one. :)

@st.... Look back at 13 if you need too... It's so ridiculously simple you'll smash your face on the desk!

So much for subtle nudging!

I know what level 20 is about, but not sure how to answer?

on 21 now, pic says recreate and the title says know your math..i dont see any math..

check the source s-t

#24 - Googled answer from chart but got a bunch of lyrics and peace posters. Anyone have a hint (or better yet the answer)heehee

@notty - google ratio

Lol, I know Notty and saw it all, but still not sure how to answer it.

POP! I personally don't think they're out to get me (I KNOW they are!)LOL

Onto 25

Level 21 was by far my biggest challenge. I spent a lot of time on that one. Google "golden spiral" to get started in the right direction!

When in rome.....


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still not working. too stupid for this, u guys have fun!

#27 was a good one. Control X - what does it do?

Thanks Notty,
Got it now, but it didn't make much sense to me to answer it in that format.

did you get it?

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Yep stealthXninja, got it.
But now struggling on 21.
Got the wiki page, but not sure how to do it.
Do I use the letters?

@st.. that one took me hours with no help... Especially since they don't give many instructions on how to do it... Big hint! Find the number (four digits) that has to do with the golden spiral. Then apply it to the word shown on the pic!

lol didnt understand the answer either..just got it when stealth posted..
still thinking on 21..i've tried value of the ratio..the name of that ratio..nothing so far

Thanks stealthXninja.
Got it, on 22 now.

had to go out back now for a while onto 21

and i just read the hint above..gonna try that

There are alot of possible answers for #32. Might take quite awhile.

@s-t - google ratio and find the pic that looks like that one.. then find its name

No fair! :( I spent so much time there and you got it in seconds!

yes, I happened to get that one on my second try. 1 letter per finger...

oh great 21 looks tough i know what it about but what next

POP! Got it. On #32 start with the beginning of the alphabet. I did and it didn't take very long.

see my post to ST above. Big hint for 21...

Is level 22 some kind of Caesar box cypher?
Firs anagramming all the words?

ty stealth might be a big hint for s-t but it means nothing to me , hello michjean ,notty and s-t good to see you all , and faltu if still here , hope mk ganda will be back soon , although i see you are on level 78

nvm got it not as blonde as i thought lol

Yeah, on 82 now.. Going slow (multitasking). find out the number that represents the golden spiral bigtank. Once you have that the rest is cake with the hints given. Can help more if you need it but I think you can get it!

#34 is wrong. She did not wear them first in the movie.

@st. No cipher. Lots of manarga'ing...

well im still blonde lol..how am i supposed to use this on a word?

pick 4 letters.

on 21?? do you have the number? if so use the first four digits with the word on the screen! You can do it!!!

stuck on 23 i know what the word is but who first said it

*headdesk* so blonde..lol thnx!

Still stuck on 22
Got 6 words from granmaa, but no answer!?

@big tank... You know this! I guarantee! google what famous person first said water... read the headlines. You will see it and facepalm!

Nvm, got it now.
Had the last word wrong. Had to end on S and not on D.

@st... Look for a word with all the manarga'd words shown just like they are on the screen!

ok thanks stealth got it now

Got the sentence on level 24.
But how to answer?

did you puut the sentence in s-t does something look different, look into the source of the problem

@st, exactly as you got it. The next page is a riddle as well :)

Stuck on 27 now. Got the first word, but not the second...

First time poster BTW :P

Thanks Bigtank,
but already found out, currently stuck on level 28.

welcome to the riddle gang hotrodni

28 i am stuck on 27. not sure as how ms word will help

Thanks, been on the site for a while but never really posted. But this one's hard enough for me to ask for help :)

Hi Hotrodnl,
welcome here and thanks.

For the second word of level 27, think Control X.

Aargh, 28 was very simple, just answer the question.

Hi all, back for a bit. @bigtank apparently I am every bit as blonde as I thought I was so I need a push on 21. Saw the big hint above (Thank you @stealthXninja) but I'm not finding the right number maybe? :s

Thx, got it now.
28 seems a bit emo...

technically you were a second time poster when you wrote that! I'm just kidding! Welcome to the riddle. Glad to have another brain!

Lol, trick question :)

I'm not an American, so my USA map skills aren't all that great.

Google "Phi" I am removing this

@ stealth, touché, got me there :)

I am american and mine aren't that great either...

hi mk. gong for a bit now, find the number and then pick the letters from the word. the picture is a golden s....., not got ms word so stuck on 27

29 was easier than I thought, stuck on 30 now

on 27..i got the 2 words but it says i dont want one..

is it two 3 letter words begining with c

Hi all, I've been playing along on this and am stuck at the egg on level 34. Anyone there yet? Can you help?

@ notty, so give them more than one :)

doh...got it, thanks to you both :)

@notty, use the plural....

@ bigtank, yes it is :)
@ Rambler, I'm still stuck on 30.
Is it maybe hammertime?

Stuck on 30 too.
What does the level title mean?

Googled it, it's the Fire Department of New York.

Wow, old friends.
Good to see you Rambler and Mkganda.

Get to 85!!! It's too much research. I don't want to figure it out!

For level 30, use the 3 clues you have: level title, red text and source. Google is your friend...

Thanks Hotrodnl,
Got it, on 31 now.

i mean really..how dumb can my head get..again thanks :D

Wow @stealthy, good going there. Can you remember level 34 - the red shoes, I got the egg, but stuck now..

Thanks Rambler, on 32 now

@rambler. No egg that i know of! Just google who wore ruby slippers. There is only a few names to try!

Hello everyone!

Is level 32 (with the hand), just trial and error?

Wow, Ruff too (Hi).
Big riddle gang here.

Hi there Ruff!
Tried some anagrams, didn't work.

so new comments will be on the next page!

@s-t, it seems so, I got lucky on my second attempt - starts with C

@st yes. 1 letter per finger... There is more than one word but trial and error!

Ugh! Stuck on #52. Must line them up. Hoping for a pop.

Oh Brother! It was right there in front of me. Just space the letters and read from upper right to lower left.

Now 54

@stealth, I used the one who got squashed to get the egg, but it asks - "Yes but WHO was she?" That's what I can't find. Tried a couple of names from different versions but feeling a bit stumped now :o(

It's a little misleading. Replace tab with space and see if you have better luck. Also, don't use ms word if you are, it doesn't work right for some reason.

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