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Diamnond Room Escape: Green Code Walkthrough

Diamnond Room Escape: Green Code

Diamnond Room Escape: Green Code is another point and click room escape game created by "Gongtats team" for MiniArcadeBox. Explore locked rooms, search for 4 green code papers to get key from cabinets, collect items and press buttons to unlock more cabinets and obtain 4 hidden diamonds, then use key on window to escape. Good Luck!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


push enter after putting all the right numbers on the walls.

the key opens multiple locks.

give the hamsters broccoli.

out. Fun game. Not quite sure how I did the color code though.

ok did it again and for some reason the diamond for the color code appears before I finish clicking the code given by the colored numbers.

easy out LOL

hi Leroy, glad someone else played the game too. I thought I was just going to keep talking to myself.

nevermind I guess Leroy left too. I will have to keep rambling on without anyone paying any attention.

Joining you if you're still there, jbg.

Oh, it isn't loading! :(

won't load for me either - I guess it's a sign that I should be going to bed now. Good luck everyone!

I just get a white square no game? anyone have a working link?

same here.

I had a white screen at first too. It takes a while to show that it is loading.

Nope I tried spelling Diamond right but that doesn't do it and trying the link in the site the game is on and nothing loads...Well guess it's bedtime

Nope - sticking on a white square for me in both IE and FF

Got the same white screen... I'll try again tomorrow :(

Do we have to escape the white screen?...hmm...where is that thing to wipe...or dust.....hammer...to smash...(thinksthinksthinks)

Somebode needs a WT? WSWT? ( whitescreenwalkthrough)

keep looking at the screen for 10 minutes...and than leave your pc: ---> you are out!!!!

Ainars, Thanks for the invisible escape game....lol

Refresh did the trick for me LOL

leroy..teach me!!! * refreshing...refreshing* .. nope :(

Sorry Alkmar I just tried and invisible game LOL. I played it earlier with no dramas

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Still just a white screen. Searched Gongtats site and got no results for either spelling of the game. Can anyone find out if there is another link?

Good morning :) White screen for me as well. Hmm...

YESS!!! I am in :)) How to do it... make coffee..than realise you dont have time to drink , because work is calling. Finish your work..make coffee again..and start the game: ...it works!! =)

and that was easy..but worth it for to play =))

LOL Alkmar just tried it and the link is fixed now

Thanks Ainars, a working game now and I have to do Math,
well I never. lol

       Anonymous  10/4/11, 5:05 AM  

No white screen anymore, so I could play - nice easy out, as usual...

Btw - don't forget the math rules:
«Dot before Dash»
i.e. * and : before + and -
(multiplication & division before addition & substraction)

That last Hamster can't see me laughing.

       Anonymous  10/4/11, 5:08 AM  

... but only, when there are no brackets!
(if there are brackets, first solve math operation IN brackets).

Hi premiere,


A = -280
B = -15
C = 1
D = 40

Only Kidding. LOL

help on math please

a have 5 3 1 6

hallo are you stil playing

For those still confused,

ABCD = 5396.

And click Colour panel,
Blue x 3
Green x 1
Black x 2
Orange x 2

numbers are 5396


Take green block 1/4 on left.
Read the three notes.
Hit the red button 1/6.
Go right.

Take green block 2/4 under chair.
Read the two notes.
Move the camera and hit the red button 2/6.
Go right.

Take the green block 3/4 under couch.
Move painting and hit the red button 3/6.
Move camera and hit the red button 4/6.
Move basketball for the orange fuse.
Go right.

Take green block 4/4 on tv unit.
Read the note.
Move light bulb and hit red button 5/6.
Move books on the bottom shelf and hit red button 6/6.
Go right.

That thunk you just heard was the diamond that fell on top of the bookcase. Pick it up.
It's time for maths! Figure out the blocks (solution below) and put the answer for block 'A' next to the letter 'A' on the wall. Keep going right and entering the answers.

Return to the start screen and hit the 'ENTER' button on the wall. If you did your maths right you'll get a key.
Open the cupboard with the key for broccoli.
Go right.

Open the cupboards with the key for the blue fuse and brush.
Place the fuses in the box for a second key.
Go right.

Open the cupboard with the first key for a crowbar.
Use the brush on the mark on the wall for a clue.
Go right.

Use the brush on the wall for another clue.
Feed the hamsters broccoli and click on them for diamond 2/4.
Go right.

Use the brush on the wall for two clues.
Move the boxes with the crowbar for a hammer.
Go right.

Use the brush on the wall for the last clue.
Open the box with the coloured dots using the clues (solution below) for diamond 3/4.
Go right twice.

Use the hammer on the crack in the wall for diamond 4/4.
Go right twice.

Use the second key on the window lock. GONGTATS!


Maths: If you remember the order of operations stuff you'll end up with the following in alphabetical order: SP5O3I9L6ER.

Coloured buttons code: Hit the buttons the amount of times as per the numbers on the walls.
Yellow: SPO2ILER
Red: SPOresetILER

This guy should learn maths.... I had to guess D

19-8*2+3 is 8*2=16 16+3=19 19-19=0 or
8*2=16 19-16=3 3-3=0

Otherwise a nice and cute little game

Back to maths school for Deniz LOL No brackets in equation so you end up with 19 - 16 + 3= 6

@ Deniz...
I believe because the 8*+3 isn't between ( ), you have to do first: 19 -16 +3

If the solution was:0 , the math will be like -->


Well, forgive me if I am wrong =)

^5 @ Leroy..lol

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hello brainiacs, could swear the green # looked like a 7 and not a 1-- i was hitting the button 7 times until i took a peek at the comments. thank you! :) easy out

Math hrmph, take a perfectly good format and add math equals ruined game for me :o(

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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