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D*ing Room Walkthrough

D*ing Room

D*ing Room Escape is another new Japanese horror point and click type room escape game from Zerosiki-kai. In this escape game, again you are locked in a place and you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Didn't understand the codes...bruteforced them....didn't like the end...sorry but didn't like this one at all.

in and out. Good game but too short.

       Anonymous  10/27/11, 7:35 PM  

I liked that one. Look forward to a longer one next time :)

Lol guys, you all cracked this one just like that.
Still stuck, Just used the hammer on the mirror, but no idea what to do next?

First code, put the 2 numbers together. Count how many side the figure has. Multiply the number off sides with the 2 numbers together.

Same place as you ST. Can see parts of the mirror on the ground with BE, FG and AF. But no idea so far.

Put shapes around the letters together. So BE becomes an 8 (B is upside down U and E a square). But remember, you broke a mirror.

Thanks Yvon, got crowbar now.

I have different letters I can't make them numbers lol

Clee, look at the shapes around the letters you got. Put the 2 shapes together.

And cupboard code was easy, just read the letters (turned 90 degrees).

Got out! thanks guys that was gross at the end lol

       Anonymous  10/27/11, 8:07 PM  

The sounds are hilarious!

Eeewwww...I could have done without watching the end....lolol Zombie!!!!

where is the mirror!!!

So THAT'S what my feng shui is missing - a dasterisk room!!

I could tell what kind of deal we were in for when the sounds began. I couldn't work out whether it was a dog panting or a saw getting to grips with some wood.

This is a lot of fun to play, and the ending was a hoot!
You may have seen a different ending, nokra? ;P

When we finally go into the wardrobe, it looked as if we'd disturbed that girl dressing privately inside, or maybe texting someone she shouldn't. [It's the parent in me - please excuse that, haha]

When I realised that we, as the protagonist, were the monster, my first thought was "How nice for them to be portrayed with brains of their own for a change."
All those puzzles - bless!

The final expression on the zombie's face just finished me off....... =D

Well, you have been warned, as the word "horror" was clearly in the description,. So you should have guessed what will await you =P

Beware of the Pixel-zombie! :))

What horror was that, arbeitslooser? ;P
I saw only comedy =D

Well, the real horror feel will ONLY come up if you have a full-screen game. Yes know what I'm talking about.

It will simply add to scariness a lot if you have everything black around you on your screen, and not this typical windowed mode with your mail client left and maybe Adobe Reader or Messenger on the right! ;)

Unfortunately, you can't force people into using full-screen mode (as with a standalone exe), as they may always download the .swf and adjust it to their desired size, nuking all the scary fun ;)

Unless, come to think of it, you could create a loader SWF (with all the settings you want to force) and make the second SWF file an object module that bails out when trying to start it directly.

To arbeitslooser:
I asked the question tongue-in-cheek, because I am quite simply an un-scareable person, but I appreciate what you are saying.
Would it help you to know that my pc only allows one window open? [very primitive and small pc]
I cannot play without adblock, but to make the plugins run more smoothly I size the window around every game. Fullscreen is usually too bright and with distractingly clickable things.
My desktop is very dark. I took a beautiful image of Eyjafjallajökull from a volcano photography website. It is night and has black clouds faintly lit with glowing with red-hot lava on one side and lightning strikes in time-lapse on the other - so, nice and moody for the darker games =)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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