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EGL - Tiny Living Room Escape Walkthrough

EGL - Tiny Living Room Escape

EscapeGamesLand - Tiny Living Room Escape is another point and click room escape game from Escape Games Land. In this game, your goal is to escape the room by collecting different items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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knife, some sort of animal, and four shapes

Rat and knife behind sofa and 3 red shapes ....

joining in!! all these games!

Use the knife on the radiator for dust?

Rat in flowerpot gives you SD, use on picture

got 3 red things - missing diamond

put the mole in plant for SD

use SD for battery

Triangle on the door mat, circle behind radiator.

Use the dust on green picture for the other set of letters

Dust on green picture...

3 shapes, SD and knife, hello @miles1

Use the cord for the color clue

Hi Dar-o-Heart!

I'm out if anyone needs help..

Now powercord from cb, used on lamp and got a colour code.

and out. easy one.

only tricky... on the round carpet!

I am out too !

Where's the cord?

got hp from picture and ab from green picture, where to put it yet to find out.

got all 4 shapes but how to arrange the 4 letters?

S-t - you have 2 sets. HP goes first

diamond shape in front of TV on the carpet.

Where's the diamond shape.

you put it in the cupboard.

Ah thanks for the diamond shape.

the letters are positioning acording the color of the frame

and out too - first time round letters woulnd't work

SM there are just two sets, let them as they are and enter them. HP is the first if i remember right.

And out too.

lot of new games...nice =)

aaand..everybody already out?? ... lol...

ty zazie - 2nd time around it worked

Hi Alkmar :) hugs

and out!!

Thanks guys out..

I'm moving like Jagger but my internet today - too slow.

I liked it!!! * did it all alone :)) *

Hey @ Swiss!! Hugsss ;-)


- Zoom in on the door mat and take the TRIANGLE SHAPE (bottom right corner).
- Zoom in on the bottom left part of the radiator and take the CIRCLE SHAPE.

- Zoom in on the picture and see LETTER HINT part 1 (HP and a black bold frame).
- Zoom in on the rug on the bottom of the screen and take the DIAMOND SHAPE.

- Zoom in on the curtains and take the SQUARE SHAPE.

- Zoom in on the right seat of the couch and take the KNIFE.
- Zoom in left behind the couch and take the MOLE.

- Zoom in on the top right part of the radiator and use the knife on it and the POWDER goes in your inventory.
- GO RIGHT 2x.

- Put the mole on the soil and take the SCREWDRIVER.
- Zoom in on the picture and open it with the screwdriver and take the BATTERY.

- Zoom in on the picture and use the powder on it and see LETTER HINT part 2 (AB and a light brown frame).
- GO RIGHT 2x.

- Zoom in on the cabinet and zoom further in on the top part to see the place to put the letter code. Put the shapes in their slots and put in the code (left is bold, so HP goes there and right goes AB) and take the CORD.
- GO RIGHT 2x.

- Zoom in above the couch and put in the cord and see the COLOUR HINT (GRYB).
- GO RIGHT 2x.

- Zoom in on the cabinet and zoom further in on the bottom part to see the place for the colour code. Put it in and take the REMOTE.
- Combine remote and battery, zoom in on the tv and use the remote and see the NUMBER HINT (27195).

- Zoom in on the safe, put in the number code, open it and take the KEY.
- GO RIGHT 2x.

- Zoom in on the door knob, use the key and you're out.

       Anonymous  10/3/11, 9:32 AM  
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       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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