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Room 8 Walkthrough

Room 8

Room 8 Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape by Anko. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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hmmm, lets see...........

i have a matchbook so far

can turn lights off

lit candle

key from candle

cupboard open and a mallet (i think)

whoohoo a live one.. I think.. :)


colour clue on cotton rack, but what for?

aaahhh, mallet breaks rack for pink thing

pink tablet goes in glass for "answer"

The color clue (on the thread rack) must be for the cups to open the little cupboard...but I can't figure it out! Garr

think you do the ladder thing for colour code to use on the coloured cups. But i'm so bad at those.

Hi guys. Stuck at the same point you are :(

help anyone? dont understand answer clue.

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same place as you Heckler .......stuck

stuck.. with colour code that's not working on the bowls..

Has anyone tried a skeleton leg type look at the rack on the cupboards? I only ask as I'm terrible at them and someone might come up with something!

thought maybe bars on cotton rack 3 purp 1 gre 2 blu 2 red, but no....

and why is there a red and grey dot on the bottom corner of the cupboard.. ?

what about the counting lines on top of the cotton rack.. I'm not understanding any of this.. :(

I does not look like a proper ladder game - and the color order could be used in clicking the drawers below according the color order of the bowls

or clicking the bowls

im trying everything here swiss!

SMALL TOOL where art thou.........lol

looks like a keyhole ontop of the cabinet too

why can we turn off the light ...but shows nothing...????

I've tried every combination with the numbers and colours.. still nothing.. :(

totally stuck - and run out of ideas

why are there numbes 1 to 5 but only 4 colors, 4 bowls and 4x4 drawers

solution must be staring us in the face ...but where ????? im totally stumped :(

GOT IT!!! hehe

Hint: P5 GP3 RB4 R1 GB2

SO CLEVER::: hehe

I thought maybe the fact the grey spool fell off the rack that it might eliminate one of the numbers (namely the 5th as there is 4 of everything) I have been trying all sorts of combinations.. I'm also all out of ideas.. :(

I opened the cubboard for a key

hint - it IS the ladder game!

@GuruOne... still not understanding your hint


Loved this game, short + sweet

and out - easy after that

guru you just beat me to a second lol

help on the ladder game

start top at number 1 follow the lines as in any ladder game but note all the colors you come across

ie with 1 it is only red
with number 2 it is green and blue




well done guru, had us stumped.

thanks heaps SwissMiss.. :)

Thanks guys. I thought I'd done that but I came up with something really different to that - I have no idea with ladder puzzles!

yw kalidark - another aussy I see lol

yep, I'm Aussie... and very new to escape games.. which is probably why I'm still stuck in the room.. hehehhe... :)

GuruOne how clever are you ... x thanks SwissMiss out at last clever wee game :).


i don't know where to use key i got from candle.

Me too - Aussie and still stuck! :D

google it
you start (mostly on top) and follow the line down. At the first junction you come across you take it (left or right) and follow down again, next junction you do the same until you are at the bottom.

I am a freak of nature @ SwissMiss.... hehe

Just google 'GuruOne+mp3' for the proof ;)

@ninja - use it on the cupboard/closet door.

aaah nevermind, got it. ;)


here is one page that explains it

thanks em3 ;)

@Swissmiss - Thanks for the tip - I'll get onto training myself to get these! :D

another hint

once you got the key from the laddergame use it on the 4x4 cb and use ANSWER for help together with the paper clue you found

I'm thinking I'm going to need some training too.. :/

??... paper clue.. I don't have a paper clue.. ??

Kalidark - are you out yet?

the little cb under the bowls where you got the key has a left door too lol
there is a paper clue

doh... the cupboard has two doors.. *duh*

finally out.. thanks for your help everyone.. :)

wouldn't have got out with out your help SwissMiss, as with most of these games, I'm totally lost without the help of these comments, yet to complete one with out needing your's and others help.. so thanks again.. I'm loving these games

Kalidark - you will get better at it - just takes a bit of practice lol


nothing to do here yet - turn right
notice the candle and that you can move the bowls
the cb is locked

turn right
zoom on shelve and notice glass
to the right are matches - grab them and light one in “about view”

go back and light that candle - go around the room a view times until
candle is burned down - grab the key

open the big cb on right and take the hammer

go twice right and zoom on ladder game
give it a big clonk with the hammer and suddenly it makes sense.
Pick up that pink disk.
Play the ladder game and use the solution in clicking the bowls in order.
Solution below
pick up key and paper clue on left side

zoom on glass and add pink disk - go around the room and then
back you will find ANSWER

go to the 4x4 cb and open with key
then klick the drawers A,N,S,W,E,R acc. paper clue

grab the key and go out

Solution ladder game

So AROMA and the light switch were red herrings? Or did you have to turn off light for candle to burn down?

       Anonymous  10/15/11, 1:06 PM  

Thank you for the WT! I used to "bulldog" for answers when I was a little younger and had more patients. LOL Not one for patients any more! Thanks!! These keep me somewhat sane :D

       Anonymous  10/16/11, 8:05 AM  

Nice little easy one - out without help (some more & my account is in balance again...!)
Anyway: Merci, Swissmiss,
for your WT!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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