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Trapped - Escape the Apt Walkthrough

Trapped - Escape the Apt

Trapped! Escape the Apartment is another point and click room escape game developed by Shivaan Kumar Girotra. In this escape game, you have to gather items and solve puzzles to escape the apartment. Good luck and have fun!

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going in ... but ill be out last GARANTEED lol

Hello, SD handle and SD bit (put them together), battera, note paper for piano, torch, a key, and something i used on the sink for getting SD bit.

*battery :)

have a few thingd battery torch music clue..still searching creepy music:(

second battery behind black cb in kitchen (use SD)

Use torch in black room and find a paper with a url in one of the clothes.

And stuck, no idea how to play the piano and what the letter at the url does mean.

click the period at the end for "count all Doors and exit"

getting no where fast ..think ill leave this one to the experts gl Zazie..

Where is "count all Doors and exit" ?

Clean the key in the sink to use it on the piano.

"Count All Doors And Exit" ist the clue for the piano... ;)

ahh i live one looks a bit tricky

@ s-t on the document from url, click the last period

ST, open url shown on note. Hint in clothes room says to click the dot after the words the end.

Hmm still don´t get it :(

have played code, but nothing happens

Thanks, never tried to open that URL.

I am on a FB page now ?

You have to click enter after you played it. Have a key now.

Zazie, look at the first letters of the words. Use them on piano.

@ s-t how to clean key?

Oh, and with that key you go out the door.
Funny game.

where is the bit for the s-d

In the same sink you cleaned the screwdriver bit.

Thx again s-t i am out now :)

Screwdriver bit is in the clothes room of the bedroom. Click the wheel to move the books rack.

opened piano, but still no key when I play code

nvm, got it, I'm out

For anybody else having problems (like I did) to find the note in the clothes. It's in the second from the right blue or cyan jacket (so the 5th or 6th piece of clothes from the right).

And to clean key and screwdriver bit is a bit trucky too. You have to try a few times and it's only clean after it's back in the inventory.

And for people who have no Facebook. The hint you get on Facebook is;

Count All Doors And Exit.

Thank god, tab works....

where are batterys

found 1 battery in loo

hmm...not a fan, I must say. Oh well, out anyway.

i cant et the key frompiano. i have the code but when i play it nothing happens. and i dont know what the post means that i after press enter after i play it because it tried it on my computer but nothing happns

give up. played the piano and no key...im done.....

back arrow towards exit. There is a paper for piano clue behind the left pot

first right arrow from hall. There is a torch on floor left of sofa

first left arrow from hall. There is a 'dirty' key by the base of the table

second right arrow from hall. There is a screw driver at base of left lamp ..... left door goes to bathroom. There is a battery by toilet base .... right door goes to dark room

second left arrow from hall. there is a battery at the corner of the black cupboard (at the bottom front)

Put the two batteries into the torch and go back to the second right arrow from the hall and into the right cupboard. The light blue coat second from the right gives a paper clue.

straight forward arrow from hall. .... Left door goes to bathroom. Put the 'dirty' key under the wash hand basin tap (its very fiddly and you have to click a number of times to get the 'clean' key back into the inventory) ..... right door goes to closet with rest of URL hint. Also gives a 'dirty' sd bit (click on wheels of the book case). Go to left door bathroom and clean that too

Straight forward arrow from hall. Click on keyboard. Use the 'clean' key to open the panel. Play the keys and press the enter button to get a key.

Back from the entrance hall, Use the sd and the key

not hard, but a bit clunky to use items (especially cleaning in the water) and playing the piano. I had to hit reset and enter the code about 3 times before it took.

Not a big fan of games that lead me to other pages. All the fart and armpit jokes in the paper make me wonder if this was made by a kid. :/

Thanks for the walkthrough, @RSA Momma Cyndi.

Didn't think I had found the note in the coat, but suddenly saw it sitting in inventory.

Other notes on game play, after reading comments above:
- I think to clean the items in the sink, you don't have to click, you just have to wait awhile. Not much different from having to walk around the room when something is baking.
- I could see the clue even without having a facebook account.

To me, this looks like an early game by a new game maker. There are some interesting twists and I look forward to seeing more.

One of the worst games ever made.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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