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You Are a Box Walkthrough

You Are a Box

You Are a Box is another addicting and challenging platform style puzzle game. It's not easy being a box! Use your boxy powers to slide and jump and solve puzzles in this platform. Good luck and have fun!

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Well it doesn't work for me, it tells me to press down to speed things up or up to jump, but then the whole page moves up or down so I can't see the game???!!!

so...today we are a box?

atleast you went to the game! lol..I tried to click the red "play"button..but it doesn't work :/

ok..now I am in..let's see...

pfff..it works..but I am not in that mood to play a game like this right now :)) Will come back another time =)

       Anonymous  10/12/11, 11:34 AM  

Trying but it's a tough game. Too bad you can't see which lvl you're playing.
Stuck on the 'how's being a box so far' lv.

       Anonymous  10/12/11, 11:38 AM  

@ Jo.C: be sure you click the play field with your mouse. If you click around it (in the background) the whole screen will scroll, like you said.
Good luck!

       Anonymous  10/12/11, 11:46 AM  

Solution to 'how's being a box so far':
You have to be very quick!
Get arrow and move right. Put left grey box in right hole. Jump over right grey box and put this in the left hole.

Giving up cause te next lvl seems impossible. Maybe ST, JBG or Leroy can solve it.


These are all to do with speed, I just finished the game ,I will go back through and see if I can help describe how to do them for you.

Duality: You have to go left, let the guy walk onto the crate, then let the crate fall in the hole as the guy walks across and he will end up on the other platform with the second guy, race across under the platforms, get the arrow, and catch them both as they fall, once the first one gets off the box and the second one is on it jump over to the other spikes and you got it

Level Umm..: Go left, grab arrow, jump guy to the upper platform, push grey box under platform, catch guy, jump him to the next platform, push grey box to the far right side, jump on grey box, then jump up as guy is walking off of platform and he will continue on to the exit

Confined: This one is tricky to explain.. quickly go to the right and push the grey box off, as you are falling hold down the left arrow so that you squeeze into the hole on the left and push the other grey box into that hole. Catch the guy and walk him to the right, then quickly go get the arrow and jump into the hole where the guy is walking. Beat him across, and let him hop onto your box and take him across.

Unlucky 13: This one is all about timing. You have to catch the guys in the air and transfer them to the next platform before your box falls back down. Pretty much do this all the way across and you are good.

I'm sorry, not transfer them before you fall back down on the same jump, let them fall to you, and then jump and transfer them, if that makes sense.

Cliffhanger: Pretty straight forward. go left, catch the guy, carry him until he is safe and then move out from under him to the right as fast as possible and fall down so that you can catch the other guy, and then catch the first guy again and walk them across. Make sure you stop before the grey box gets to the door and just let them walk off of the edge of the grey box so that you aren't blocking the door.

Ever After: Last Level: Jump from the first platform over to the second platform to your right, push off the grey box, that should save that guy. Now, go back quickly to the left and jump down to where the second guy is, grab the arrow, and then fall down to the bottom so that you can catch the second guy. Make sure he stays on your box as you jump when needed until you reach the other side and he walks across the two grey boxes. Congrats! The end!

Let me know if any of those don't make sense or you need additional explanation. Also, if you need help with any of the earlier levels.

Thanks for the comment @ Catqueen, I know I am a bit late replying lol. I did make sure I was clicking in the game and not the background, must have just been my computer, I just tried it again but it is still scrolling up and down.... oh well :)

Jo.C, If you use Internet Explorer, it sometimes cause such problems. IE is a stoneage browser and i suggest you to use Firefox or Google Chrome :)

Thankyou Yalcin, I will remember that for the future :)

       Anonymous  10/13/11, 6:52 AM  

@Anyoneup4beer: thank you so much. It helped a lot.
Unlucky 13 is killing me (and the little guys).

You're welcome catqueen, did you make it through the Unlucky 13? make sure you read the second post as well, I made a mistake on the first one, you don't have to jump to catch them, just catch them when they fall, and then jump to let them walk to the next platform :)

You have o actually click on the game first... until you hit the box the graphics are in, your computer won't register that you're playing, just that you're on the site. That's what happens with embedded videos.

working link: https://www.kongregate.com/games/shootermg/you-are-a-box

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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