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Captain Zaron Walkthrough

Captain Zaron

Captain Zaron and the Trials of Doom is another new point and click type adventure game by Peter Lemiszki. You are Zaron, a fearsome pirate who returns to his homeland after his sister is kidnapped by an evil tyrant named Mulduralm, who plans to sacrifice her in an ancient ritual that will torch the entire kingdom in apocalyptic hellfire. Good luck and have fun!

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How did you use the spell on the cog? I can only turn myself into a scorpion.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 5:07 PM  

Don't know, how to get rid of smashing arm (Tizzle) in dwarven city to get 2nd cog...

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 5:11 PM  

Ok, 2AM passed here - I'm off to bed, will continue after my beauty sleep...!
Good night, L&G!

(& sorry, friwi, but don't know what I did before, that pirate is now able to become a heavy statue...)

Well, good night. I will quit soon as well. Thank you for all your help.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 5:19 PM  

Whatever statue is on the Fool's altar is what you become when you cast the spell.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 5:23 PM  

Nooooo! I closed out the browser and now it says no saved file found! *sob*

Oh no, Szarra, not after all this time!!

I have been playing along with you. Thanks for all the help :D

Stuck with what to give the dwarf and the witch.

I'm in the same boat as you kitkatfox.

got rid of dwarf with shovel (talk to him for a hint of what to do)

Im guessing we need the freeze spell to get across the bridge over lava. havent got that yet. Anyone figure out where to get the combo for the red box?

opened the red code box and got diamonds -- I'm in the land on the dead now

Time for a break. I'll come back with a fresh mind later. Good luck!

how did you open the red box?

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 5:55 PM  

whats the combo for the red box? and if anyones figured it out yet, how do u get the second cog from the red dwarf (tizzle)?

got the freeze spell for freeing the slave girl

you open the red box using the code from the land of the dead -- talk to the first ghost you see

You get rid of Tizzle by making a see-saw under him using the shovel

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 6:01 PM  

(pardon long name, dunno y its like that) where do u get the freeze spell?

get rid of tizzle using the shovel and the crushing thing he wants to use against you. That gets you the second gear. replace both gears and go right using the magnet. Then you can talk to the dwarf you freed and find the mole man.

After he dies, talk to the dwarf again and he will give you the root for the witch. Go to her and she will send you to the underworld. Talk to the ghost for the code to the red box. That gets you diamonds. Use the diamonds to free the slave girl held by the dwarf. In gratitude, the ghost will give you the freeze spell.

Where is the blue flame for the potion, and how to topple down Sevaralius to get bit of hair? Thanks!

@gamer get the bloom spell from the dyrad and use it on the plant behind the healer's house for the blue flame

Get the frog drunk with town ale for the hair

I'm off the make the spell! :)

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 6:26 PM  

to get th mole u have to use ur shovel to knock him down. if u left it back where tizzle was then go back and pick it up again

lol I drank the spell and had to go back and get more. oops!

So, now where is the temple since I have the key?

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 6:39 PM  

how do u get to dryad? seems i got lost or something... cant find ale either

you need to go into the witch's house by using the freeze spell on the water in front of her house

got all the spells -- last was from the witch's house.


dyrad is across the lava in the dwarves' tunnel. You need the freeze spell.

The ale is in the drunken frog tavern (main room there is a large cask on the back wall)

I'm across the desert now

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 6:53 PM  

refference: user name is arri
@kitkatfox ok im assuming ud put the ale in an empty flask but it wont let me do anything with the cask in the back of the tavern

I am not good with a sword lol

@arri You should be able to use the flask in the large cask at the back wall of the main room of the tavern. There is a spigot there. Not sure why you are having trouble :(

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 7:11 PM  

i fixed it... though.. unless theres another frog this thing wont drink the ale.

a user commented on the newgrounds forum that they culdnt use the sword well either, could be the game coding?

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 7:27 PM  

wat frog??? this ales staying in my inv >.<

sorry if I am late responding -- I'm taking a break from and annoying sword minigame. the frog is the one that ate the mole man's dead body.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 7:35 PM  

he hasnt eaten it though.... idea
i get that, minigames are a pain

of, and the problem with the sword minigame is I am not that fast at reacting. You need to hit the bad guy 3 times, but if he hits you just once, you die. :/

ha!! I finally got him (with more blind luck than skill, but I'll take it!)

@kitkatfox, there are two sword minigames :( Did you finish both?

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 7:46 PM  

cannot find the mole... help please anyone? ^^;;;

Feel really stupid, i have not seen the red box, where is it?

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 7:49 PM  

ignore previous, i figured it out

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 7:54 PM  

the red bod is in the room closest to the door in the back of the drunken frog taven, u use open spell to get inside and ur sword to cut open the matress
how do u get inside the tomb?

ok, I'm stuck in Zat. I fought the bad guy and gave the little boy his action figure back. Then he opened up my telescope-thingy to find a little gray pyramid. I think we need to figure out how to get the little cabinet open in the healer's house...

@Lauren I did the sword training, and then I beat the guy for the toy. I don't know if those are the 2 you are referring to, or if I have more to come.

@arri I got into the temple by turning into an electric jellyfish -- you need the statue from the silver cabinet in the healer's house

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 8:05 PM  

@ lauren: it wont let me fight the bad guy. howd u get to fight him?

@Lauren did you fire the cannon in the sunken ship? You can then go to the lighthouse and get the key from the ship's model.

I am missing the telescope thingy. Where is that from? I don't have anything for the boy to take apart.

@kitkatfox, how do you open the cabinet?

@arri Turn into the scorpion in the scene to the left of the sword training shop (has a sword sign outside of it). you crawl the walls like the little scorpions

@kitkatfox, it was from pretty early in the game...maybe the roof of the lighthouse? I honestly don't remember...sorry!

@lauren did you see my comment above? It tells you how to find the silver cabinet's key. If I need to be clearer, just let me know :)

nope, I got it! I just wrote my post before I read yours. Got the jellyfish statue now :)

@lauren Got it. Thanks! I didn't see the ramp went all the way up.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 8:24 PM  

these minigames are the worst to play on a laptop that ive run into so far, anyone else is on a laptop i wish u the best of luck

@lauren good. You can help me figure out the spinning puzzle in the temple. ;)

just finished it :) You need to put your eye into the tower thing on the left (there's an eye missing), then go to the first room, push the lever, and check your mirror for the last three symbols. Hope it helps!

ah thanks. I was trying to repeat the first 3 symbols. I had the eye placed, but wasn't sure why.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 8:40 PM  

seems im furthest behind.... is there some sort of trick behind the training or am i honestly screwd? i cna only manage to hit him atleast twice but the nescesity to click each time makes it a bit harder especially when ur on a laptop and it doesnt let you move once hes started his attack

there's not really any trick. You just have to have super fast reflexes apparently, it took me FOREVER to pass those tests. I just tried to make sure I was ready to defend immediately after striking...

I'm now fighting TWO guys at the same time. ridiculously hard!

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 8:53 PM  

@ lauren: thanks for th advice. seems to me it doesnt always let u go ahead and defend after u attack but it could just be my computer

If there was a trick to the sword, I couldn't figure it out. I just got through after many many many many times trying :S

Good luck, but I do warn you, you have to train and then also beat a man.

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 8:57 PM  

@ kitkatfox: oh yea... forgot about him, thanks for the warning :/ i'll keep trying tomarrow. bout 11 here and i have school. see ya! if either of u finish put up a spoiler lol

midnight here, and I am getting tired. I can tell since I am still stuck in the temple :P

Not sure I want to get out and fight @Lauren's 2 guys at once o___0

       Anonymous  11/13/11, 9:08 PM  

if i ever pass the training and then wat a miracle itd be) the guy i dont think i want to fight the 2 guys either >.>;;

good luck with the rest of this crazy game and also good night ^^

seriously, I must be getting tired. I missed an entire room in the temple. sigh

I am about to drift off too, but in the final battle. Must....hold...on... :)

umm...yay? I'm caught up to @Lauren's 2 bad guys. This is really hard :(

the secret is to try to get a shot on one of them really quickly, and hopefully kill that first one off fast. You might have to switch 1-2 times back to the other guy, but eventually you'll be able to just focus on the one remaining guy. They're not as hard as the previous bad guys, in my opinion. It's just the switching directions that's tricky.

whew! I can't believe I actually finished this game, it was way longer than I expected. @kitkatfox, after the 2 bad guys, everything else is pretty straight forward. Good luck! I'll be awake for a little bit if you have any questions

I'm still working on the 2 bad guys. -__- getting sleepy. I may leave this until morning.

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gongtats, by the way!

how do you get the healer to move so you can use the key to get the jellyfish statue from the cabinet?

@gameplayer you need to find the soul for the baby to be born. It's in the underworld -- talk to the scribe upstairs

Thanks kitkatfox.

I'm off to bed. I'll try again in the morning. Night (or morning, depending on where you live) all!

If anyone's still around.... How do we get the open spell, please? Someone asked in the comments, then got it and didn't say how. =S

Rookwings, you have to drink a bottle of green water. You get this at the same plave where you will find the coconut.

Well it's a shame I won't be able to finish this otherwise excellent game I spent hours on because of a completely impossible swordfighting minigame. I have tried literally hundreds of times and have never managed to land more than one blow without being killed. Most times I am unable to land even one. Why do adventure game writers put these stupid minigames in making them impossible for non-twitch gamers to finish? Is there anyone who plays aventure games who actually likes these things? I am very annoyed.

i made the voice of spirits potion but what to do now? i'm standing at the sea of souls, thought i have to throw the potion in there... nope...

ahahaha... after some shopping i got the inspiration... there was a musicbox and then i used the potion... now he speaks with me =D

so i get lost in the desert with junar... he wants water, but when i give it to him, he doesn't want it...
is nobody playing this game?

God that slider puzzle is annoying, i'm not entirely sure what to i'm searching in it. There is a hint in the wall but i've tried many variations of it. Any care to share some help.

Kyreth, please can you help me? it seems you know the answer... (look at my comment above)

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 3:33 AM  

Sabine, you need the never-ending pot of water from the fountain in the field.

Kyreth, put the eye in the totem, then push the lever in the previous room to make it go down again and see the second half of the hint in the mirror.

phew... after 1'983'117 attempts with the despel spell i got progress at the fountain (why haven't i tried this before when i'm searching for more water?)

oh bobbye, i haven't refreshed... maybe with your help i had found it earlier ;o) thanks anyhow

This game needs a map or something... Been playing for ages now, can't find the house where the firewood is or the chest in the desert! (yes I am that far back lol)

Jo.C... for the house with the firewood you have to go up until you face the mountains (the castle is behind) then left until the hut then once down and left, left, then down (i hope i'm right) ...
for the chest in the desert Premiere has written a very good comment at the first page (i think it was Premiere)

sorry, it was Nini:

Nini xD 11/13/11 10:05 AM
For the chest : Go up till u see a man, go left till bones, go down till cactus then go left till chest

OMG... lol... left and right... mixed it up again...
for the firewood:
at the mountains go RIGHT not left, after the hut down and RIGHT again.... not left.... OMG... i'm so sorry

where is the rope? hunting for ages for for it

LOL thanks Sabine... I found the man in the desert, went left about 100 times and gave up because I couldn't find any bones lol.

Will go back in now and see if I can find it, and the firewood :)

ok made progress... got the fire wood. Now just got to look for that chest!!

jo. enter desert go north to man then east (right) till bones, south (down) till cactus and then west (left) till chest, then backtrack the opposite way to get back out.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 5:16 AM  

Back from my beauty sleep, LOL!
Greeting L&G!
I see, there's some progress in dwarven city...!

ok SERIOUSLY how many times do I have to go left in the desert after seeing the man.... this is LONG lol

OMG @ apocolypse!!! So I need to go right, not left!!?? lol..... oh dear

Wow that was annoying!! Found the chest now with the correct directions lol, thank you @ apocolypse!!!!! :)

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 5:31 AM  

6x forward from desert start: Junar (man from temple)
3x right: animal skeleton
2x down: cacti
7x left: chest

im still stuck looking for the rope for the well! any hints?

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 5:37 AM  

if I remember well (this game is huge...!): have a look in the lighthouse on the beach...

Whee i finally beat the game *dances a bit*

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 5:55 AM  

Congrats, Kyreth!
Great job! (Will dance, too, when finished...!)

lol thanks premiere! I found the chest eventually, I was told to go left at first (which I did for about half an hour lol)

I have been in the castle, now have to look for that maze, i'm sure someone said to put the dirt in the tissue/ hankercheif, then chuck it at that dragon who turns you to stone? Can't pick the dirt up

I am sure the rope was in the woods somewhere, sorry I know that doesn't really help, it was one of the first things I had so don't remember

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 6:17 AM  

if I remember well:
place bottle with hankerchief on hut barricaded with planks, use flint & steel box on it...
Now you can take the shovel.
& mud next beehive must be wet (flask need to be filled with water, e.g. from the ocean)

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 6:21 AM  

For sure now: rope from lighthouse on the beach.

Thanks premiere... I will try that if I can get back into the game! It just has a white screen at the minute :(

Nope not working... When u say bottle, do you mean the flask thing, if not I have the wrong item lol. can't attach my hankercheif to it?

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 7:15 AM  

nope, it's a green rum bottle - but plz, don't ask me, where I found it (it was already at the beginning of the game)...!

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 7:18 AM  

Just love POP!
I have another game screen open (in another browser), where I've just started, so you'll find rum bottle at the same place where you found rope.

Okay, got the root and now have no clue where the witch is.
Read the clues here and have no clue where the cannon is either.


ok...so how is it that I get the honey comb?

lol oh ok then, off to look for that bottle then! It was nice to take a break and play another game wasn't it LOL

You have to get the gauntlet from behind the secret door in the library (light the candles)

ok got the bottle YAY!! Was in the lighthouse

How do you get to the dryad? or the freeze spell?

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 7:31 AM  

RSA Momma Cyndi,
witch is in the woods, you have to pass spider (use fool spell, scorpion statue has to be in slot in the remains).
Cannon is in ship, when you pass the lava in dwarven city (use freezing spell).

aah turn into a scorpion and frighten the spider !!!

How annoying, I tried to load the game but it sais there are no safed data. After hours of playing!

well got the shovel, put water on the soil, but still can't take it... think I might just give up on this game, I have wasted nearly the whole day and have a headache! lol

:) thanks Premier

I'm now walrus dung LOL

Oh no @ friwi! That is so frustrating. I keep having to remember to save because I think that happened to someone else

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 7:40 AM  

OMG, friwi!
You have my sympathy!
As I was warned by szarra's comment above, I didn't close the browser & only put my pc in sleep mode...

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 7:48 AM  

Kitkatfox explained it above.

If you go onto options menu, you can save the game and click off it. Giving up on this one.... And it still sounded like I had LOADS still to come lol

"Go to the witch" gets me eaten. What am I missing? I need to go to the witch,get the freeze spell to get the bloom spell to free the slave girl......I feel like I am missing a small but important step. I have most of the items. and the first 3 spells.....

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 8:04 AM  

you need to quickly give the root to the witch, you received from dwarf (talked to him again after mole's death).

Don't turn right.
Just go straight to the witch and be pdq giving her the root
The giant toad has to be frozen to get into the hut

I have tried to drink the 'voice of spirit potion' and tried to pour it onto the dead mole and tried to throw it into the pink circling globs .... why won't any of it work !

After the plant, standing in front of the hags house. When I cross the swamp, the big frog eats me. Everytime. How does one "quickly give the witch the mandrake"?
I am not an idiot. But I am beginning to feel that way.

Have to go, but will be back in a coupe of hours.
Thanks for all the help so far. ( Not sarcastic either. I would have given this up yesterday without the help here)


You're going in the wrong direction,
Don't go south by the meat eating plant. Go west.


Sorry, I'm getting my North and South gerfuffled. I meant to say

Don't go NORTH by the tongueless plant, go directly forward to the west

I saved all time yesterday. So if somebody decides to take a break, don't count on the saving mode but so it like Premiere said, just put your computer to sleep.

Got it.
In case anyone else is having trouble of where to use the spirit voice potion

You have to use the music box to call the dead mole (by the green gloop) and then use the potion on him.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 8:39 AM  

Great find, RSA Momma Cyndi, thx!
Now coconut is cracked & I've got the key.

Have to go, BBL...

can belive this game is still on!!! well i am having a problem: my mole man got eaten by a frog and i can't get him back...

pop. ehwww went back for more bear (i used it initialy to take off the fire) and gave it to the frog, now the mole man is out again

ha! what great things sleep does. I came back and beat the 2 guards in about 5 tries.

Found a bird in the castle. He will switch statues for me, but I am looking around to see what to do now.

got the fire out :)


I got the code for the door

SPOILER623145SPOILER --- I thinks it was


End of spoilers

Meh. Until this guy offers an "easy" mode or a "skip" option for the fights, I'm done. Awesome game, it's too bad, but my reflexes suck - which is why I play escape and adventure games!

Oh bugger!
My game has frozen!

THATS NOT FAIR!!! i made a break... i saved the game... i just managed it until the sword fight... ok... the training...
and now... NO GAME DATA FOUND... i'm done... :'(

I've gone back into the desert tavern and now I can't move out or do anything whilst I am there. I can change shape and look at inventory but am totally stuck.


and out -- the end fight is pretty easy






end of spoilers

by the way, there is a very vague map to the desert. I think it is on the wall in the lighthouse.

oh! it looks like I got out of the game just in time. I'm so sorry for everyone who's game is frozen or lost. :(

RSA can you restore?

I have to go to the store. I'll check later if there are any questions on the game. (But I warn that some of it is a blur on where to find things).

Good luck to anyone still playing!

It is a good game outside of the HORRIBLE sword fighting minigames. >.<

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 9:52 AM  

Back from family business - anyone still here?
I'm now in Zat City, after giving water jar on man in the desert (use dispel on woman of stone in fountain) - but I didn't open white cabinet in healer's house yet...
How to get rid of healer to be able to open white cabinet with key from ship model, after using cannon behind lava?

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 9:54 AM  

the sword trainer told me about you (or similar):
«You've got the technique of a Kit-Kat bar with ketchup on it...!»

Okay, exited the game. Closed Chrome. Poured a glass of wine. Came back played another game then decided to try this again. Went in and pressed 'continue game' which took me to where I had saved with no problems - crazy !

..... I remember having games deleted because my browser was set to delete all cookies upon closing - could that be the problem with some of the others? Geez, feel bad for them as it is such a LOOOOONG game.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 10:01 AM  

Btw, KKF,
are you up (or crazy enough, LOL!) for making a WT?

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 10:03 AM  

Wow,RSA Momma Cyndi,
you lucky beggar!

Once the baby is born (the hero) then they both go away.
Did you get the jar with the hero's spirit in it to give to the dude with the paperwork?

Ja, seriously. Wiping sweat off my brow here - have got to go out and buy a lotto ticket with the luck I've been having.

Would love to win this ^%&( sword fight though - keep getting two blows in then getting toasted.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 10:24 AM  

thx, RSA Momma Cyndi,
got jellyfish figure now - it was a real forceps delivery, LOL!
Back to the sword fight workout...

It wouldn't be so damn hindering awkward if the game maker didn't decide to have a dialogue half way through the darn sword fight. By the time your hand gets back from the mouse and onto the keyboard - you are dead!

I absolutely can not get the wheels on the door to the tower of Ithandor. REad the hints and someone said make the wheels so they don't touch the lines on the door? I don't understand that or the magic mirror hint

look in the magic mirror.
As you turn the wheels, the 'vision' in the mirror changes too.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:22 AM  

looking in the mirror, the SPIKES on the wheels must NOT touch the fine line in the middle of the door (you may switch between mirror view & door view, where you need to set the wheels).

Grrrr! finally in! I thought the doors would just open but you have to click the doors after setting the dials! Arrvgghh spent WAY too long on that!

thanks @RSA and Preimere, got that now stuck trying to get to the chest and green water. currently my flask has water in it, can I empty it somehow?

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:27 AM  

Aargh - got a half heart-attack by accidentally closing my browser in doing the sword fight workout...!
Phew! Saved game loaded again! (sweaty now, LOL)

& agree, RSA Momma Cyndi,
also the coach is a real chatterbox in giving fighting tips - I'm always falling out of focus, when I have to touch mouse again...

Yay! have coconut, now have to get that green water

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:30 AM  

use flask on pirate, he will drink the water.

If the pirate won't drink it then just under the pirate, in the inventory is a symbol like a world. That will dump the water on the ground

oh no! have have to go back to the tavern? and I just got to the green water! lol

this is one crazy game!

@Premiere, use the flask on me? didn't work the first 12 times I tried, will try again

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:38 AM  

for empty flask: it's our hero captain zaro, who is drinking, he's in inventory!

ok, finally got him to drink it....unfortunately I left the green water and went back to the tavern... will have to venture back again

Getting him to drink the water was odd in my mind. First open the inventory, choose the flask. then choose the chest symbol on the left to get the drinking prompt.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:40 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:41 AM  

using stuff from inventory is the annoying part of the game (or one of them)...

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 11:49 AM  

Well, I'm a really lousy pupil, LOL!
Just don't get the 3 hits to end the workout...

@premiere I did see my name used unflatteringly by the sword trainer. Made me laugh since I was a terrible at it.

I'm trying to see if I can make a items location list so I don't have to replay. That labyrinth was so boring to do once!

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hey guys im stuck at temple. the totem in lever room at right do not accept my eye. moreover the swordplay shop is closed so there's no training or fight. please help. thnx.

okay, here's everything I can remember. Sorry, it would take me hours to replay the game, and I don't want to do that. Hopefully, this covers it all. And I apologize for not being able to do this without spoiling some things later in the game, but the game isn't linear.

Sister’s house
Look at note
Get flint and steel (in pot inside sister’s house)
Get worm from outside

Norman’s house (west in forest)
Get Burn bag from him
Later: take him magic coconut for Fool Spell

Burn Bag Burning (Sister’s house)
Need firewood (from healer’s house) and flint and steel from Sister’s house
Get Spell Book

Lighthouse (southwest in game)
Get telescope and conch shell from upstairs, rope from downstairs
look at the map to desert on the wall (I think it was there)
Later: fetch spell from fish outside (need worm from near sister’s house -- turned to metal by dragon cave in upper west part of game, and magnet from magic shop)
Much later: silver key (need to fire cannon in large ship then you can reach in the model ship)

Desert (northwest in game)
Money in chest in middle-west of desert
later: way through desert (need water source)

Magic shop (in town)
Pay with gold from the desert for the Magnet

Waterfall in cave (southeast in game)
Need fetch spell – this clears the well in the north part of the game

South of desert
Honeycomb and mud (need gauntlet from library; need flask of water and bellows from the dungeon’s book burning room)

Healer’s house (northeast in game)
Behind it is firewood
Later: jellyfish statue and blue fire (need silver key from ship’s model; need bloom spell for plant behind house)

Well (secret entrance to the evil castle and entrance to dwarf city)
Need rope from lighthouse; need to open waterfall in cave by beach using fetch spell to empty the well
Sword from skeleton in the well
Later: need to staff to open the way to the dwarf city

Dwarf City (through well)
Need staff (save dwarf from ogre in forest)
Gear from Dwarfneed shovel from boarded hut north of healer’s house
Heavy jade statue in alcove – place this at the fool’s alter in the northeast to change shape with the fool spell
Gear from the balance -- use fool spell to become the heavy statue (you need to place the statue in the fool’s alter in the northeast
Tame lava (need freeze spell)
Get to the city – place the 2 gears and use magnet on the moving pieces of metal on the conveyor system

part 2

Mole Man
Go through log in the dwarf city
Use shovel to knock down body
Use either beer or water from flask to put out fire
Use beer from the drunken frog tavern to get frog drunk
Use sword from the well to get Deceased person’s hair
Get Music box

Make and use Spirit Voices spell
Spell in book at the library in town
You need open spell to unlock the right door in the back hallway of the drunken frog tavern
Make spell using -- hair of deceased from the mole, blue fire from using the bloom spell on the plant behind the healer’s house, and tongue from the carnivorous plant by the witch
Give mandrake root from dwarf to witch for portal to the underworld

Talk to ghost for code to red box from the tavern bed
Give dwarf in dwarf city the diamonds to free the slave girl, and then talk to ghost again for the Freeze spell
Talk to underworld worker and then scribe for the Sword master’s soul
Use music box from mole’s house to summon mole’s soul and then use the spirit voices spell on him – opens the coconut for the Warlock’s key

Drunken Frog Tavern
You can fill a flask with ale from the back wall of the main room
Emerald Rose you need the ruby rose from the dragon’s cave, the luck blessing from the altar near the ogre’s house – then give the rose to the player in the tavern and play his game
Meat in the kitchen in the back hall of the tavern (need open spell)
Use the sword on one of the beds in the bedroom (need sword from well and open spell to unlock the bedroom door) to find the Red Code Box

Need dispel spell from witch’s house for water source

Boarded up Hut
Shovel is inside (need bottle, rag, and flint and steel)

Need fetch spell for Keys
Talk to second room in the dungeon for letter from Rose
Get Spell Book back and get Bellows in the book burning room
Talk to evil king to get the rest of your stuff

Crying Man
Give him the letter from Rose in the dungeon for the Rag

Ship (across the lava field)
Use freeze spell on the lava to cross the field
Use flint and steel in the cannon to make a hole (go to the lighthouse and you can get the silver key from the model ship
climb the mast of the ship to find the Dyrad for the Bloom spell

aneel72: in order to enter into the fight training you have to transform yourself into the scorpion (fool spell) and then climb the wall left to the door

Ogre’s house
Need sword from well to pass the plants
Near the house is the alter for luck – place the honeycomb
To enter the house, you need the Magic Eye from the tower and the magic mirror from the guards in the labyrinth
Put the eye in the window outside the house and then look at the magic mirror
Free the dwarf for the Staff to the Dwarf City

Need fool spell and scorpion statue placed in the fool’s altar to scare spider
Give meat from the tavern’s kitchen to the plant – use sword from well to take the Tongue
Need mandrake root from dwarf for the witch
Dispel spell use freeze spell to pass the frog and enter house then use open spell on the book to read it

Healer’s house
Get them out of there by fetching the master swordfighter’s soul from the underworld
Use the silver key from the ship’s model at the lighthouse (after firing the cannon in the real ship)
Get the Jellyfish statue

Library (in town)
Get book -- inside is the Spell for the Spirit Voices
Use flint and steel to light candles to find the secret room
Get the Gauntlet and note colors associated with Roman numerals

Dragon’s cave
Use bellows on mud (add water to dirt at tree with beehive)
Use mud/bellows on dragon to blind it

To enter, you need 3 roses – one from the dragon’s cave, one from player at tavern (you need luck from the altar by the ogre’s house then give player the first rose and play for the second. Third you need shovel from the boarded up hut and dig at the arched entrance to the desert
Give the roses to the frogs
Note the Roman numeral math – you know that certain colors are for Roman numeral so do the math: e.g., yellow and blue make green, red and blue make purple, and red and yellow make orange
Set the 6 orbs to the correct colors
Use fetch to get the Magic Mirror from the guards that killed David Bowie in the game

Enter the tower by looking at the magic mirror – every time to rotate the 3 wheels on the door, you can see the backside’s in the mirror so you need to turn them so they don’t block the seam of the doors
Go through the maze to find the Coconut
Go to the place marked with the wind symbol and use the bellows to move the green water then go to the green water where it is pouring the drink it for the Open spell
Use open spell on statue at the opening of the tower and take the Magic eye

Fool’s Altar
Fool spell with turn you into whatever object is in the fool’s altar. You need to leave a statue in there. There are 3 statues – 1) the Jade scorpion from the altar itself, the heavy statue from the dwarf city near the lava entrance, and the jellyfish from the silver cabinet in the healer’s house

thnx. just forgot about the alley. :)

last part

Give the water source (after using dispel on the fountain lady) to the desert man (6 steps north from entrance)
Go to the city
Go left of the sword shop and turn to a scorpion and then take lessons for the Sword fighting diploma
Beat the player north of the boy for the Action figure
Give the boy the telescope for the Prism
Go to the temple and turn into a jellyfish to enter
Go and place the prism on top of the tower in the right room and click the switch to open the door
Go north and place the eye in the tower – note symbols on the left wall
Go back and click the switch to lower the tower and look in the mirror
See 3 more symbols
Go back north and enter the symbols into the puzzle on the wall (the three from the wall go first and the three from the mirror view go second)
Make your way through the deadly passage
Open the tomb for the Head
Go south and use the fetch to drop the statue
Leave through the hole you made
Use the conch shell to summon the sea monster

Evil Castle
Defeat the 2 swordsmen
Go right and upstairs to the right bedroom
Free the bird and he will take jade statues to the fool’s altar for you
Go into the other bedroom and take the Potted plant
Go downstairs and left to the gears room
Use bloom on the plant to stop the gears and end the fire
Search around the castle to find the hint for the door code (I can’t remember where, but I think it was next to a storage room across the fire)
Open the silver doors
Beat the wizard

i am in the boat underneath the temple and the demon girl keeps killing me... help please

@mayatrippin use the conch shell from the man at the lighthouse

and i've tried to use the shell... but still don't get it...

by the way, the game says that you can always finish by undoing, but I don't see how you can escape the temple without the shell, and there is no way to go back and get it.

is there a specific spot or something? i can't belive i past the fighting minigame and i can past this...

@mayatrippin As soon as the devil guy shows up: select the shell in your inventory, and then, in the inventory, use it on the icon for the pirate. He will blow it

kitkatfox thank you... i forget i can use item also like this... been trying for the last 10 min to find the right spot...

glad to help :D

and good luck for the next sword fighting!

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 1:48 PM  

Great job, KKF, many thx!

Still don't have my sword fighting diploma...

Geez Kitkatfox - that is the bravest thing I've seen in a long time!
What a mega walkthrough!

I've got to call it a night so I hope my save lasts until tomorrow as I don't think I could stand to go through the stupid sword training again - hopefully a night's sleep will FINALLY get me past the magician tomorrow.

well, I have finally made it to Zat and saved. Hoping I don't loose the game but I can not play any more

Wonderful game to this point! Thanks to all for the hints, wouldn't have made it this far without them!

i am doomed... i could hardly face one opponent now there are 2... i am not sure i will ever finish it and now i have to go... hope my savings last till tomorrow. thanks for helping! i wish u all a wonderfull day/night.

       Anonymous  11/14/11, 2:08 PM  

Until now, I wasn't able to get my diploma...
Now I'm tired of fighting, so bed is waiting...!
Therefore: Good night, L&G!
(hopefully will not have nightmares from that sword fighting workout, LOL)

good night all who are leaving. I wish I had great advice on the sword fighting, but I don't :(

The best I can say is when fighting 2, attack immediately. Most of the time you will either die or get blocked, but sometimes, you will score a quick hit.

God luck to everyone!

lol that was supposed to be "good" luck.


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Thank you, caricarolla, for helping me.

Does anyone else's game freeze just at the point where you use the bellows on the green stream? I guess Ugg just isn't up to this after all :'(
Mind you, I was going to stop before the fighty bit anyway.
Up to that point it is a wonderful game, and reminded me of "Arnid: Arrow of death". So the game designer did achieve something for me =)

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