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Escape from Friend Room - Chapter Christmas Walkthrough

Escape from Friend Room - Chapter Christmas

Escape from Friend Room - Chapter Christmas is another new point and click room escape game by Wisteria. In this game, you have to find your way out by looking for items and some clues to solve puzzles. There are two possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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can't seem to start the game found a link that takes me to something called wisteria-x'mas but I get a black screen?

reloaded a few times and now in

first time around, key on star from tree, used on cb to get some square with a word/face/characters

have candle, diamond and club numbers

second square under cb

third square on top of fireplace

anyone else here? not sure how to use reindeer horns to open box ontop of cb

found circle with + on bottom left of santa poster. Need a heart symbol to do the math

aha! got the reindeer code and got the SD!@

Hint, look at their noses

into closet found another tile and a safe with a heart on it but need 3 digit code

also need another key

also need spade number

can't figure out how to take the picture off the wall, can't find a clue

officially stuck with 4 tiles (Kana, Saki,Rika, Miho) a candle and SD

one key used

will have to come back later, hope someone starts to play this one!

hi jo-ann, i'm stuck in the same spot. but will keep trying.

Hi Jo-Ann, I just dropped in and found you all alone,
not any more, I'll try to catch up but it's been a
really long day :)

Spade number is in one of the drawers in the closet.. otherwise also stuck at the same spot.

Ok, I have Kana, Saki and Rika a candle and need a SD.
Three reindeers that are giving me a serious
math block and an + under santas pic

I need coffee...

Opened the safe now! Another tile and a key inside..

I have,
Heart 45
Diamond 88
Club 62
Need Spade, for what I don't know yet!

This could change for every new game ?

merry christmas poster can be moved............

where is the clue for the safe easygoing?

Could be facing a major language barrier..

do not get the nose thing on reindeer

add first 2 antlers, multiply 2nd, add thisrd for 3 numbers.

Reindeer formula: left horn count (nose operator) right horn count

Safe: you need all four suit numbers; look at the fireplace grill; the "+" clue behind the poster is the operation to do.

The nose tells you what to do with the number of horns on each side of the antlers. For example the first one for me has 3 horns on the left and 3 horns on the right so 3+3=6.

gegee, on the first reindeer you add (+} the points on its two antlers. That's the safe's first number.

does anyone know where the heart clue is?

Got the safe in the closet open!

got it, in cb, left side.

finally got matches, paper and tile from safe.

I think we need some translation of the text on the back of the tiles..

clue in fireplace for xmas picture i think.

Reindeer box = add horns, multiply horns, add horns


I can't figure out the order to place the tiles.

Wow, must refresh faster, lol

then place cards in correct order.

EasyGoing, I happened on it accidentally.. Kana went in the middle and the two that had little text before the name Kana (on the back of the tiles) were adjacent to her. The other two were on the ends. Then alternate the ends or middles till you get the right combination.

You can turn the tiles with the names by inspecting the item. They all refer to another and it ends with Rika and Saki pointing at each other but i cant read japanese so stuck on that... Got 4 name tiles, a Candle and a SD. Used the SD on the closet but cant crack the safe code...

can't place the tiles right :( what do they mean lol

still stuck on placing the tiles.

Are you sure that Kana goes in the middle?

I didn't use an arrow memo.
What is another end?


Miho saki kana rika yui


pink key and out. Tricky one!!

finally got the tiles by chance.


Miho, Saki, Kana, Rika, Yui

Thanks Heckler the rest of the game was good , but don't know what all of it meant? why could you zoom on the star?

no probs. had me stumped for a while.

For anyone who is stuck on the safe,
Just add the card suit numbers


Ok, thanks to all, I'm still trying to figure out the second ending (though not sure if I'd even realize it's different)..

After you light the candle, look in the fireplace
and then remove the Merry Christmas picture

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Im out :)

Thanks for the tile placement, how you did it is a mystery!
but it worked! :)

Well Jo-Ann, you started it...LOL

for the other ending
- click the bottom of indoor 1/3 position after you open the door [ be careful not to click outside or ending1 again]
- got the 2ending note hint
- replace the titles
Rika, Yui,Kana,Saki,Miho
- get a xmas gift --2nd ending

Thank you for second ending Shuchun!

Nice game!

Tried for 2 days now to play this, and it still says I'm missing a plug-in... Oh well... I completely give up... Merry Christmas, one and all!!

@lynmilly check if you have Flash Player installed. It's mandatory to play these games.
(Go to youtube and see if you can watch videos. If you can't, the reason is clear at hand:))

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