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God Like Cherry Tree Escape Walkthrough

God Like Cherry Tree Escape

God Like Cherry Tree Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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tips 1 so far
find the Japanese name of each fingers

see the hint paper (meaningless...all are Japanese~~)

Gonna give this one a try.

Got 2 boards, 1 memo and 1 yellow ball

another language barrier? i sure hope not!

red ball in the finger code box

how are you guys doing the finger code?

(おやゆび)(o ya yu bi)

(こゆび)(ko yu bi)

(なかゆび)(na ka yu bi)

(ひとさしゆび)(hi to sa si yu bi)

(くすりゆび)(ku su ri yu bi)

but how to get that Lottie, I looked up the names of the vingers in Japanese, but that does not help me much.

yeah i dont get it

stuck with the animal and food code box...

Please help with the fingers, i don´t ubderstand a word.

I get these name from a mainland website
and they're all correct

the sequence from top to bottom
index finger
middle finger
ring finger
little finger

something like that...

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 3:50 AM  

Me neither. I get other characters.
Just point me the right way: th, mf, pi

For the fingers use this link..

うさぎガ好きな 桜色
さるガ嫌いな色は 白
カキ 好き虎の右隣
さるガ団子で 一体み

anyone get the meaning for the code box??
Stuck with this
BTW anyone help me to find any typo mistakes in my typing?

I thought maybe the first letter: so press thumb, then twice middle finger and then once ring finger, but that does not work.

LOL that translates as

Cherry color like rabbits
Hate the color white monkey
The right of the tiger love oysters
Heck look at the monkey balls
Life does not have to sushi
I like the color of their bodies

Cool you are on the right track

thumb x1
middle finger x 2
index finger x1

wt I remember my step for pressing the buttons

Ah that was right, only the fingers were in the wrong order.
It's once thumb, twice middle, once index finger

This comment has been removed by the author.

exactly what I reading now in google translate...
just that can't figure out the correct pattern

and the meaning of the wordings on the animal code box

Press : thumb once, middle finger twice and index once.

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 3:57 AM  

Lost at fingers too. I quit this one. Too much of a language barrier.
Have fun :)

Okay, the animal food thing. I think the text is hints.

I get this:
rabbit = red (cherry color)
tiger=oysters (right box?)

words on the code box...

Cool so the snake is ignored~~

I am not completely right there

Cherry color like rabbits -> rabbit = red
Hate the color white monkey -> monkey = not white (hate)
The right of the tiger love oysters -> animal right to tiger=oysters
Heck look at the monkey balls -> monkey = balls
Life does not have to sushi -> do not understand :)
I like the color of their bodies -> not sure, maybe animal/food color?


Different animals and that it
Things can be in things to eat eat

back after dinner for 20 mins
ganbade everyone!!

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 4:15 AM  

Did eat something and came back to the game. Better on a full stomage :)

I don't understand what I'm doing but opened the animal safe and got a thrid ball.
The rabbit with white thing was on the right.
If I remember well, the snake was first, then tiger and then monkey.

Banner has given strange glowing signs now.

i think i'll have to check back later to see if anyone cracked this.. thanks for all the help and tips so far though.

Thx Catqueen, i have blue ball now.
You were right and the third thing under monkey were the 3 balls.

Balls on dragon - blue and pink like the book - yellow top left. Glowing can't read things - we need another wooden block from somewhere - and a hammer/sd

Ball order :
Upper left yellow
right blue
down left pink.

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 4:22 AM  

So it's:
Snake, tiger, monkey, rabbit and
Sushi, orange, balls, white thing.

Third plank is in a bottom panel below the balls.(left of cb)

Ah right, got the 3rd plate now

Ty Zazie - did n't see that view

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 4:24 AM  

Thx Zazie, got third plank. I want that sd!

Opened drawer and got pincers.

got nippers and removed shelves, now have a safe

And more japanese under wooden planks :(

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 4:26 AM  

Awwwww look at that safe! (needs asperine)

OK - got tool, found zodiac and 3 digit safe and no clue!!! matbe the glowing symbols relate to the animals?

back and try keep up with everyone~

The sign above the safe corresponds with the animals. I think

horse, rat, rooster, rabbit
swine, sheep
dog, lion, horse

Those are years .....

Now we have to find out how to transfor that into numbers

I think so too Cool, have tried creating numbers by adding the 'clock' positions together - got 399, but no go

That makes me a monkey

"They are clever and skillful in grand-scale operations and are smart when making financial deals. They are inventive, original and are able to solve the most difficult problems with ease."

Yeah right, especially that last one :(

would looking out window show which sign to use for safe? constellation??

smart thinking (runs to window)

Constellation is Orion (in English)

I opened by bruteforce.

It was 417

Play join the dots on the plate of symbols/animals. It draws the three numbers.

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 4:40 AM  

And out, giving Zazie a big hug!

And out !!

LOL @ Catqueen, thank you :)

Amazing Zazie - and out, but not that satisfying when there's so much trial and error

Nooms ... it's so easy once you see it.

TY Nooms & everyone
finally out!

2 stupid questions need help

1.why is the the code for animal box is
Catqueen 11/10/11 4:22 AM So it's:
Snake, tiger, monkey, rabbit and
Sushi, orange, balls, white thing

2.why the 3 wooden pieces are placed with those position? Any clue for that?

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 4:52 AM  

Lottie: I couldn't understand a word in this game. With help form Leroy's post I figured it out. Kinda brute forcing, sorry.

For the wooden planks: I just tried some combinations. Maybe others can explain why.

thanks CQ
just want to find out the solution after escape from the room ...

At least it looked great :)

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 5:52 AM  

Wont load for me - I am just getting a row of Japanese characters.

       Anonymous  11/10/11, 5:53 AM  

I think it's probably saying server not found LOL. Will try again later.

try this link

Love that Asian design so much (almost Tesshi-e quality graphics) but everything in gibberish! Argh!

I think we could legitimately have given a rating greater than 4.5 (average) if the author had thought of an English version.
Really, a huge waste! Too bad.

The link above just gives me a blank page. I've loaded it from this one:

To arbeitslooser:
How can you rate a game at all when it's in a foreign language? How can you say whether it's a good game or not? If you think it deserves 4.5, then give it 4.5! I'll never rate a game lower because of my own ignorance of the language. The rating system here is very loose and it's not wise to trust it. We can rate when we haven't even completed a game, or when we don't even enjoy its particular genre.

I'd better try to play now and see what all the fuss is about ;)

Lovely logical game with great japanese music at the end. =)
I'm glad I played, but without translation help in the coments I would have been painstakingly drawing every character and trying to translate by myself, so thanks, you lot.
The animals puzzle is solved by working out the logic problem given to you on the note.
You've got four colour positions, four animals and four preferred-food items.
Now, if you're still playing, and haven't shrieked and run away, check the comments for the translated clue paper. =)

This game has just made me even more determined to one day learn japanese =)

       Anonymous  11/11/11, 8:41 PM  

Wow, really beautiful game. I'm glad I got to see all the graphics, even if I barely figured out anything on my own. :P

       Anonymous  5/17/18, 6:52 AM  

caught this one from the random section

but couldn't play, as link is broken...
(found game on F512 site, but there's the same)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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