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Kaede - Kid's Room Escape Walkthrough

Kaede - Kid's Room Escape

Kaede - Kid's Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape games by Kaede. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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stuck with the hints on the tv
I know it means "up,up" but no use for the four-directions buttons box

two items, what looks like the head of a hammer and a stick but they won;t go together

have key and hook now

key doesn't open drawers on desk

attached hook to stick, now to find somewhere to use it

I am exactly where you are Jo-Ann. Getting dizzy.

Key opens big drawer of desk for flashlight.

huge hotspot under the bed, does nothing with what I have

Aha. Use flashlight under bed.

@Dmojo I tried that but don't have my sound on and didn't try again!

flashlight now

sd under bed. see it with flashlight, use hook to get it

well, I'm off to have a glass of wine and visit

good luck everyone!

Anyone get the code on the TV?

@ Dmojo
you mean the words on the screen?
I get it but don't know how to use it

I havent got anything on the screen. Used s/d on side of desk to open top left drawer for remote, but i need batteries for it.

How did you get the tv to work?

look in flashlight

clio rose
use the battery in the flashlight

derr...thanks Dmojo and Lottie.

       Anonymous  11/4/11, 9:22 PM  

writing order of a Chinese character

GJ cici !!!

Thank you CICI. Made it out.

out without know hat I've press on the final box LOL

Thank you cici.
Finally out.

simple pattern for the code

LOL who is Cici? Im now hungry for corn chips...

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where is flashlight plz

wish you all would say where you found things, instead of just saying you found them...

The flashlight is in the big drawer in the desk.

where's the screw driver pls..

The screwdriver is under the bed. You need the flashlight to see it.

I never used the hammer head thingie.

A Quick (i hope) Walkthrough:

-Zoom in on pillow, lift and get thumb-tack remover.
-Zoom under bed and get stick.
-Zoom to painting above bed, use remover, and note triangle, square & circle.
-Turn right. Zoom on top (green) box and enter code (the sides of each shape = 340. Take key and hook.
-Turn right. Zoom in on large centre drawer and use key. Get your flashlight. View it and turn it on. View your stick and add the hook.
-Go back under bed with flashlight and see screwdriver. Use your stick/hook combo to retrieve it.
-Back to desk. Zoom on the left side top, where you will see a screw is preventing you from opening that drawer. After removing screw, you can open drawer to get a remote. View your flashlight, remove batteries and add them to the remote.
-Turn right and use the remote on the TV. It will give you a clue to open the 'arrows book' on the desk. Thanks to Cici, we know this means to hit the arrows: D R R D R R.
-Book opens to reveal a mathematical progression. It is a simple add 2, muliply by 2. So the number is 124.
-Enter this number in the lower (yellow) box, take your exit key.
-Off you go, to sit in a precarious place on what could be slippery grass.

Don't understand yellow box solution.
My unused clues were:
Have star-flowers on the painting, and clue in diary

Green tool is used to see shapes clue on sheep picture that is clue for the green box.

btw, LOVED the loading pattern (and can't remember ever even THINKING that before!)

Thanks, @clio_rose -- didn't see your walkthrough!
Plus, I wrote down the numbers wrong (13 instead of 14)! LOL

also not used were the blue and pink books ...

Nice game, if there wasn't the language barrier with the arrows. Thanks for the translation, cici!

And great (and quick) walkthrough, clio_rose! Well done!

Great little game...and even greater Walkthrough, @clio_rose!!!!!
My problem was at the beginning, the comments seemed to suggest that you could combine the green thing from under the pillow with the stick to make a hammer!!!! LMAO, I was trying to do just that for at least a few minutes...then I just reread the comments....lol

THX FOR THE REAL WALKTHRU, had a prob. with the first code..not sure how he numbers were gotten, but after that, fairly eze thx to the hint for the arrows. sometimes the language really impedes us!

       Anonymous  11/5/11, 8:43 AM  
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       Anonymous  11/5/11, 1:14 PM  

Missed view, where to use SD & didn't understand TV hint...
Therefore: Thx @cici for the translation & @clio for the WT!

       Anonymous  11/5/11, 4:16 PM  

out 126

@nokra -- the first code was the number of CORNERS/ANGLES of each shape. Triangle=3, Square=4, circle=0

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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