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Sakura - Ant and Rat Walkthrough

Sakura - Ant and Rat

Sakura - Ant and Rat is another new Japanese point and click type adventure game from Sakura. In this game, you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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I had to play the Japanese version. The english one is temps unavailable. I got the normal end, when the mouse played the piano. However, I was left with a squirrel(?) a cat, a barrel, and a pile of black bees/ants/pebbles?

They're sunflower seeds, not bees or ants or pebbles.

was able to get english version.

Cooool timed this right eh Clio LOL

Whoops spoke too soon LOL 503 errors

hamster riding turtles lol.

hahha, leroy. Play the Japanese version. It makes just as much sense..lol. (the barrel i think is the hammer head, but cant get the shaft out of the tree trunk). Have now got the squirrel playing guitar.

Hey, ive suddenly got a key in the view with the stream and snow mountains in the b/ground. (those mountains are where you dig mr squirrel out of the snow)

there is a sneaky key hiding in the water in the balloon flower scene hard to see

Kanichiwa I am playing japanese LOL

hahhaha...the hamster played tambourine, then the cat chased em all off, so he could play piano. This time special end. LOL

LOL so where is the fishing rod so I can feed the damn cat again....

LOL groovin little rodents arent they...

the rod is in the cottage, near the mouse..beside the camping(?) gear.

So clio (Hic) you back home now?

no hics. Got home last night.

the hics are an occassional splurge...LOL

left to get dinnner am back now....how did you get hamster? rat? moved turtles but can't get it. still have hammer cat, candy, shovel.

and I have the cricket.

I have cat, cricket, hammer, shovel and 4 candy. How do you move turtles?

is anybody there? have cat locust ladder. need help.

hit turtles with hammer.

ok, a stupid question: how do you get the hammer? i have been trying to use the ladder, but couldn't get it

just discovered in balloon scene hit mountians takes you to new scene with snow.

it is not hammer, it is a pick, have already used it.

hmmm. got a squirrel. but where is the hammer?

Cat playing the piano and 5 candies was a special end lol

how do you get the hammer head?

got chipmonk who is now playing gutair and another candy (4) IS that the same as squirrel? hammer is on house scene and on arch, have to put it together. use saw on house scene and rock on arch scene. I am so stuck.

yeah got it adivawoman, couldn't believe it was a rock. now that the turtles are gone what shall i do? cannot get the hamster. Thanks a lot for your help.

I am where you are tinni. its been a long day, I am going to bed and try tomorrow when I can think.

and the turtles keep coming back

Bye adivawoman. left alone in the fictional world.

I can't reload it but you throw the rock at something and you need the hamster in the music

use the seeds to get hamster remember that much these games don't make a lot of sense hehe

in the last scene on the roof is the hammer head throw rock at that

LOL 5 candies put on plate where the ant is...

       Anonymous  11/28/11, 9:56 PM  

I saw half of the hammer in the house scene, but can't find a saw to get it...

       Anonymous  11/28/11, 9:57 PM  

Aahh found the saw after I got a key :p

Thanks Clee

I miss the old Sakura games. These new ones are very strange.

       Anonymous  11/29/11, 12:10 AM  

oooh the candies go on the plate! Thank you Leroy.

       Anonymous  11/29/11, 12:11 AM  

I like these better than the old Sakura, because I could never ever get the final numbers worked out from the clues in those.

       Anonymous  11/29/11, 1:14 AM  

Great, I can play the english version (no 503 error for me)!
Great, we can collect stuff again (no more tea, but now candies)!
«The great concert must have been held
at the castle of the rat at the time
for which winter presses.
However, the player of concert
is missing.
On the other hand,
the ant was collecting food diligently
in preparation for winter at the time.»

       Anonymous  11/29/11, 1:23 AM  

Sneaky mountain scene (had to peek in the comments), where I found the last candy. Easy out after that with Flea Waltz, LOL!



The players who were able to go into
the castle of the rat were surprised
at the cat which appeared suddenly,
and escaped.
Let's hope for them to be safe
in cold winter.


       Anonymous  11/29/11, 1:29 AM  

Let's play rat piano, LOL!


The player gathering in the castle
of the rat was able to play the favorite
musical instrument safely.
The music performed all together
is really pleasant.


       Anonymous  11/29/11, 2:07 AM  


HOUSE (start screen)
- take CANDY 1/5 bottom right
- note PICKAXE on roof
- note HAMMER SHAFT right in tree
- go in

- take CANDY 2/5 on bed
- take FISHING ROD on bed (bottom backpack)
- note RAT on bed
- note KEYHOLE in nightstand
- go out & right

- note CAT left on wall
- take GRASSHOPPER bottom right
- go right

- take KEY bottom right in water
- use grasshoppe on balloon & take SUNFLOWER SEEDS
- click mountains

- take CANDY 3/5 bottom left
- go back & right

- take CANDY 4/5 bottom right
- use fishing rod for FISH
- note BANANAS
- go right

- take CANDY 5/5 bottom left in grass
- note GORILLA holding SHOVEL
- go right

- take LADDER bottom right
- go to

- use fish for CAT
- go to

- use ladder for PICKAXE
- go

- use KEY on nightstand keyhole for SAW
- go back

- use saw for HAMMER SHAFT
- go to

- use pickaxe on stone knoll for STONE
- click appeared HOLE

- put candies on plate & click ant for CHEESE
- go back (up) & to

- combine hammer shaft & head for whole HAMMER
- go to house &

- use cheese for RAT
- go back & left

BEACH (most left scene)
- use HAMMER on lowest TURTLE
- use sunflower seeds for HAMSTER
- go to

CASTLE (most right scene)
- enter (thru the 2 doors)
- inside, take SCISSORS bottom right (you only see the handles like sticks)
- go back & to

- use scissors for BANANAS
- go to

- give bananas to gorilla to take SHOVEL
- go to mountains &

- use shovel on snow knoll for SQUIRREL
- go to

- NORMAL END without music: Let RAT play the piano
- NORMAL END with some classical cacophony (don't remember - evtl. Carmen?): Let SQUIRREL play GUITAR, HAMSTER the TAMBOURINE & RAT the PIANO
- SPECIAL END with CATerwauling ;-D (flea waltz): Let squirrel play guitar, hamster the tambourine & CAT the piano

Shave and a haircut, two bits!!!

This was a bit illogical!

Got special end without ever giving cheese to the rat. IIRC the rat came in from the sky, out of nowhere...

Game is gone

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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