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Deretaraano Escape Walkthrough

Deretaraano Escape

Detarou - Deretaraano Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Detarou. Gather items, solve some puzzles to escape this room. There are 3 possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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Put toupee on man in closet, he smiled. Saw dead power rangers, and pushed the button and blew up. End 1.

Got key in toilet.

went upstairs, opened door with key, opened left wall panel and drowned.

opened right all panel and got a teapot.

I blew up too

turn off light and look under bed for another wig.

Now two green guys are happy, need third wig.

Got ramen noodled with power ranger colors, poured in hot water.

went back and closed lid on noodles in inventory

navigation is killing me. where did you get the noodles?

NOW, the asian couple eat the noodles. Got code hint.

Hi everybody!!
Opening the left cb upstairs gives you another bad ending... Drawning this time..

Got scissors from 4-digit code.
Code hints all around the house
1 banana is 3
So square is 9, triangle is 6 etc.

Solved code from multiple clues, got scissors.

got towel.

Fed towel to man sittin on CB.

Used scissor to open glas door in cupboard next to cold man.

Got third wig, all green men happy.

Now that was fun. Seems like nobody needs help.

Got key from man with X and O.

And out with End with two dolls shaking.

Yep, got the dolls shaking end too.
Funny game.

Why did the hamper view let you move a towel? Don't remember doing anything.

Lol mrtelcom, more views with nothing. Like the boy jumping on the bed while zooming in further and further. And the guy in the shower :)
But next to the hamper was a code hint.

Got out!!
I have two japanese limbless guys bowing...
Guess that's a good end, right?

That was one funny game....

Could someone please explain the 4-digit code and how the bananas relate to the squares/triangles/etc.?

Col, on the toilet lid it says that 3 bananas equal 9. So one banana is 3. The tringle looking down symbol is equal 2 bananas (don't remember where the hint is) and the star hint is in the closet with colour code

- There was a hint with an upside down triangle is 2 bananas.
- A hint with 3 bananas is 9 (so 1 banana is 3)
- A hint square is 3 bananas
- And the 5 point star.

On the paper square-triangle-star-banana.

So the code is 9653

Thanks al sal & small tool! Guess I need to find the closet with the hint and the paper as well...

You can solve the colour code first from power rangers clue and get the noodles. Then take the kettle from upstairs (right cb)(key in toilet). Then you make the noodles give them to the couple and that's where you get the paper from

aha! Thank you!

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       Anonymous  12/27/11, 10:24 AM  

ROFLMAO almost all the time while playing...!
Warning: Do absolutely NOT involve a trick cyclist for a game analysis...!
Out with peeking, how to make the banana code - otherwise I would have gone bananas (& join the other dudes), LOL!

Thanks @small-tool! Since it was the first clue I saw, I thought it was triangle = pi and was wondering how to get a single digit out of that!

Where is the third wig, please?

       Anonymous  12/27/11, 4:41 PM  

1) in DRAWER (for left dude in bedroom cb)
2) under BED (turn off light, for middle dude in bedroom cb)
3) in CB under dude with glasses, sitting on cb (for right dude in bedroom cb; use scissors from 4-digit-code drawer on elastic at cb glass door where dude with signals is sitting & put elastic in mouth of dude with glasses & pull (ouch!) - he will lift his feet.

Just because I love these so much, and not because it's needed, here's an amble-through:

I wish I knew what the text by the scribbly face on the start screen said, but I don't hold out much hope.

Scene one.
Some furniture on the right, a doorway on the left, and a semi-naked guy gesticulating between them.
If you zoom in on him you see he isn't in fact rubbing himself to keep warm, but performing some retro kind of "Dad-Jive" [anyone who has witnessed the spectacle of their parents at a party may recognoise this].
Leave him alone. He's one of the [quite harmless] inmates [and can't help you to escape anyway].

Zoom in on the lower part of the dresser to see double doors needing a four-colour code.
Now check out the top, glass doors.
Another inmate, holding a circle and a cross sign; one in each hand. The doors are fastened by a piece of elastic or rubber, which means you can't open them fully. Mind your fingers there.

Try the small chest of drawers.
In the lowest drawer is a scalp, or toupee; either way, it's a piece of hair for you to pick up.
Under it is a clue sketch: inverted triangle = two bananas.
Middle drawer is empty and the top drawer is locked with a four-digit code.

The doorway at the left side leads to stairs - and a locked door.
If you go up here, when you come back down you will be facing a couple, sharing a scarf and holding hands, sitting on a settee together, with a brown door to the left and grey door down a short passage to the right.
Enter the brown door.
The laundry basket is a hotspot, so click it and be distracted by the cloth which you can move, then cannily notice the clue sketch on the floor beside it: Triangle [not inverted] = square.
I'm sure that lads playing this game will have already been distracted by the silhouette of a woman in the shower ;)
If you click the door several times it gradually opens, and you can see the source of the shadow.
If you click the cupboard under the sink you can slam the door shut in disgust, haha.

Return to the first room and turn left.
Here is a bespectacled man bearing an emotionless expression, and when you click on his legs you see he is stubbornly guarding the small glass doors with his evil little fat feet.

Turn left or right twice to view the last scene in this first room - not that it will help you in any way whatsoever, but it's just more detarou fun/insanity.
Two guys dressed in stag beetle costumes, their horns locked in bitter combat.

Turn left, click the passage on the right and enter the brown door on the left of this new scene. The grey door is locked.
A toilet. Guess what you're doing next....[any players with OCD might want to get the hand sanitiser ready] Yes. Click the lid, see the three bananas = 9 clue sketch and then dive down. Pick out the key.
At least you have something that looks remotely useful now.

Back out to the main room, turn left, and enter the door to the left of Mister FattyFeet.
Straight ahead of you is a walk-in wardrobe. Open it and zoom in.
Three blokeys in green leotards and at various stages of baldness, looking somewhat disgruntled.
Offer them all the scalp/toupee. One of them has the right hair-loss pattern for this scalp and he will smile when you give it to him to wear. Not that he looks particularly dashing now, but the smile seems to encourage you to find more hairpieces. And those two sad little faces.... you just HAVE to. =)

Amble-through part two:

Go left and see a lad standing on a bed. You can zoom right in on him gradually and if you wait at each zoom you will spot him taking a sneaky bounce on that bed.
[Ah, inmate then, haha.]
He has a fine blond head of hair, but you can't have it.
Back out and notice that you can peep under the bed, but it's dark under there and the room light is too bright.

Turn left. There is a box with warning stripes on and a red button on the floor.
You can if you really have itchy fingers, but I suggest you save your progress first:
Click "SAVE", then select one of the two windows in the save screen. You will see a man's mouth with a fu-man-chu moustache and his tongue out if you saved successfully. It says "data 1" and "data 2" in either box also.
Thank you for that, Detarou. So thoughtful =D
Click the red button to exit this view.
Now if you press that button and discover Ending One, you can select "load game" after "replay" and get back to exactly where you were before you exploded.

On the desk is a figure in white which you can't interact with.
On the wall, high up, is a long arrow, then an "X" and a "O".
This is a clue for the guy with the two signs behind the large glass doors.
Right by the door is a lightswitch, so kill the room light and turn back to the bed.
Go underneath and see a black hairpiece in the not-so-dark-now darkness.
Turn the light back on in the door view then turn left.
The thing on the desk looks like a sort of human Aibo, or somehing, but you still can't interact with it anyway.
Look at the power rangers piled up outside the sliding doors.
This is the only set of colours you've seen since finding the door that needs four colours to unlock it.
Blue is out of the pile [and out of a lot of things, by the look of him], and the colours in the pile are green, yellow, red and green, top-down, so remember this for the door lock.
Turn to face the door in this room and go back to the main area.
Turn right to see the large glass doors, zoom in on the lower doors and enter the sequence you just found.
The doors burst open and you get a pot of dried noodles [but this is debatable, haha]. At the back of the cupboard you see a new sketch clue. A five-pointed star with the points circled.
Go through the doorway on the left
and use your toilet key to unlock the door at the top of the stairs.
A suspiciously-veiled character sits before you with a crystal ball.
If you've played other games by Detarou you may recognise him.
Zoom in on the ball and see the red arrow pointing left. It looks a little frantic, so you should save again now. [Saving over a used slot will give you a tiny beep if successful, so you'll need sound on to be certain.]
The warning is about the wall cupboards either side of this bogus gypsy.
Ignore the warning and discover the second ending if you wish - the evil panda will reveal itself after you drown when you open the left wall cupboard.

The right wall cupboard contains a boiling kettle and a clue sketch:
Square = three bananas.
Remembering or reading your notes may help you realise that you have a numerical value for a square now. It equals nine, because three bananas = nine from another clue.

Back away slowly from the evil gypsy/panda and forward/down to the main area.

Amble-through part three:

That couple. Do you think they look peckish? Open the pot noodles in your inventory [double-click to view], pour some boiling water in and use them on the pair.
They magically produce their chopsticks and tuck right in. In their dire hunger they latch onto the same noodle at once, so while they are struggling and distracted, have a look into the pot.
There! See what I meant? What the heck kind of noodles are THOSE!!! Little boiled faces? That'd put me right off! You simply cannot eat boiled faces without a finger and toe garnish!
There's also a paper floating, so take it and click it to view it.

Square: inverted triangle: five-pointed star: one banana.
You have seen all the clues to help you ranslate these to numbers.
The square is 9, because the three bananas equal nine and the square equals three bananas.
The inverted triangle equals two bananas, from your first clue, so two thirds of nine is 6; your second digit.
A five-pointed star has five points, so this digit is a 5.
One banana must equal a third of three bananas, so your last digit is a 3.

Get right away from the horrific pot noodle and find that four-digit-locked drawer [left or right twice from the couple].
Enter 9653 and get your scissors.
Haha, now for some REAL fun.
Zoom in on the dresser glass doors and open the doors as far as you can. Now use the scissors to cut the rubber strip holding it closed.
You can click the guy's signs raandomly now and get a key, or do what I did, and look for where you can use that rubber strip. You also still have one hairpiece to find and return.
Mister FattyFeet deserves a spanking, so home in on him.
*evil Rookwings' grin*
Lift the rubber strip to his face then click twice more to open his mouth and force it between his teeth.
Click it to grab the end.
Then click to release it - HAHA!!!! This made my whole year! =D XD 8D
When you've slapped him enough, click the doors below to see if those feet have moved yet. They have, so get the last hairpiece and go to find the baldies. [Zoom back in once more for a last slap, go on! haha.]
The green leotard crew are behind the door beside him, so enter [and did anyone else think the one with the first toupee already on looks like Stephen Fry, before you zoom in?], place the correct hairstyles onto them and they will strike a pose in appreciation of your achievement. [How nice of them.]
Now turn to face the door and see that the thing on the desk has at last stood up. He has opened his wings to show you a clue. OXXOXO.
Go back to the main area.

Find the guy with the "O" and "X" signs behind the large glass doors and click the signs in the birdman's order. He puts away the signs and gives you the gold exit key. When you take it he begins dancing in a different-syled "DiscoDadDance", hand jiving, but you aren't impressed.
Go left twice [slap Mister FattyFeet one last time on the way] and click the grey door along the short passage. Use the key, then click the down direction bar.
You will get the ending with two nasty maggoty peg dolls and the red seal. =D

Detarou, I love you!

Happy new year to everyone 8D

People on crack should not write escape games!

Nigel Reed! Shame on you! please keep your dodgy experiments to yourself! ;P

=) Nigel, learn to respect art.
The one half will say, of course, "he's on crack" but the other might have played other Detarou ones and found out he's a person with a sense of SURREALISM (yes, just like Dalí)

So if you love Dalí's work, you will love this stuff too. Since it's artsy as hell.

(Funnily enough, there was a song back in '79 called "Making Plans For Nigel". And the group was XTC. Ecstasy, get it? ;-))

Love these games, the animation is brill.

HA HA HA these never get old! Would not be the same without the twisted humour!

@ Rookwings, my funny fellow Brit... what a wonderful walkthrough! LOL :)

Thank you, Jo.C =) these games just hit right on my funny bone =D

To arbeitslooser:
I had a friend who refused to listen to that band's music because of the connotations attached to their name. I showed him that they named their band many years before the term was abused and used for the the drug, so they'd named themselves for the original definition - pure happiness??
I await correction on this matter ;)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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